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Everything posted by Belle

  1. TRICK OR TREAT We buy candy for the children we adore In their costumes at the door Don't buy it weeks before and let it call your name Buy it Halloween Day it's still the same Give out everything-- no leftovers for you to eat That would give you-""-not a gain-""-that's the treat
  2. Sorry I haven't been checking in. Still on my cruise, few days left. Goes so fast. Izena Thanks for posting. Sorry your drain not doing well. Sorry missed Jo before she left. Ombud hope your Holiday went well. I don't how many days it goes. Jan how your treatments going> How many left? Susan and is it Peach- how are you doing. When I get home will check in. Everyone do your best as Izena said- -Holidays and cruises coming soon!
  3. Jo Thanks. I love to cruise and be on the sea. I've been to Mexico Riv. many times, might not even get off. Just love to cruise! They offer I take. (If I can) I'd be excited to Jo if going to London in a week and cruising! Have a great time, know you will. Jan Glad your treatments are going well. They will be over soon and then your cruise. I know hate it when we miss a port we really wanted to go to. As you say, at least you have a cruise to look forward to. I love it. Everyone take care, I will try to come in here once or twice from cruise.
  4. So quiet in here again. Leaving tomorrow will miss two weigh-ins. Hope your all here when I come back. I do have internet I can check in from time to time. Izena will you be able to start weigh-in the next two Thursdays. You do such a good job. I know this is a weigh-in board but we use to talk during the week. Miss that. Also know there's less people and we have other things going on and things to do. I know when on cruises hard to check in most times but when home wish we would talk more. I haven't gained this week and keep going between staying the same and losing a pound. Nice to start a cruise that way now not to gain. Sometimes can gain more on shorter cruises then longer ones. Big ship to walk on. So should get exercise. I'll check back tonight in case someone talks. Take care all.
  5. Ombud was just teasing, I know you think of me all the time.😊 Just a 12-day Mexico, balcony and PP. Couldn't pass it up. Slot Tournament. How did you like the Enchanted? Was suppose to go on her last year, they cancelled. Have Enchanted book for next June for Europe. So, like to know your thoughts. The tea and Garden look nice. Glad you enjoyed. Hope everyone has a good start to the week Monday.
  6. Good Afternoon Jan--Glad everything is going good so far and continues to. Hope the time goes by fast for you. Then your cruise will be just around the corner. I use to be a breakfast eater not anymore. Like it for dinner once in a while. I find now if I eat breakfast, I want more food during the day. Tea is enough. On a cruise I might eat breakfast once in a while but not at home. Jo--Sorry husband doesn't want to travel anymore. Good for you going solo and not staying home with him. Solo is nice--do what you want--no schedule. Your cruise ports sound interesting. I really like TAs haven't been on one since 'Covid. Don't know if will take another one. Do have a Europe b2b booked for next year. Hate the thought of the long plane ride. You're a breakfast eater too. Never was a big breakfast eater so easy to give up. Where's Susan and Ginger this week? Ombud hope you're doing alright. That tea looks so good. Can you believe that my last cruises never had the tea once, usually ate a late lunch and never hungry at that time, plus only doing on sea days, less days for a chance. Going to do it this time at least once. Wishing everyone a nice Sunday.
  7. All I see is a Green B------Me---Where is everyone? Was doing good today but think I ate to much dinner. To many carbs. Maybe take a day or two before I weigh again, I think. How was your eating today? (Friday) Are you starting Sat. off with No breakfast, small or a large one? Do you usually eat breakfast? Some people don't but on weekends they fix big ones. Enjoy your weekend, hope to "see" you. Jan how are you doing after your first week of treatments?
  8. I miss it when no one is talking. Like to see if everyone is doing alright. Warming up here again but not as hot as before. Cool at night. Trying to see what I want to pack for only 12-day cruise, need less but know I will take to much. Talked to my son on a cruise to Hawaii. Been having warm weather but raining today in Hilo. Foodwise doing alright so far. Had a big salad and tea. Hope to hear from you all.
  9. Rise and Shine--Good Morning on this Friday. Weekend next. Got plans? How's your eating? Sometimes hard on weekends. Water, water to fill-- "Our tummy's"! This weekend---- Smile and someone will smile back even if wearing a mask. You can tell in the eyes! Make it a happy day. for you and them.
  10. Hello everyone. Hope everyone had a good day. Almost fainted this morning, scale says lost 2 lbs. Hope not a mistake, I'll take it and enjoy it. Got my hair cut today, did errands. Leave on Tuesday. Jan thought you were starting on the 21st. Hope they all go smoothly. I forgot you were going away and staying in a castle. Glad you liked it. Izena glad Jazzper kept the squirrels away from you. Hope your healing fast and feeling good. Jo sounds like a good cruise. Husband doesn't want to go or working? Sure he will miss being gone 25 days. Ombud welcome back, Glad you like your cruise and ports. Aren't the teas great? One thing you said everyone's name except mind!🙁 Susan and Ginger hope to you in here soon.
  11. Sorry for your daughter, her BBF might not be her BBF now. This girl needs to know gratitude and how lucky to be on a cruise. Was she not taught manners You say no Phone means no phone. She's a guest of yours. How is the Covid on the ship? Know had the breakout and told to wear masks. Since most aren't, is there still a lot of covid on the ship? Rest of your cruise then the three day-- cruise then SF and our cruise. Since I think it still on the ship (hope less) and people not wearing masks--think I will to be safe. The crew still wearing theirs. Thank you for writing each day and telling us about the ship and food. The pros and cons of the different things on the ship. Glad you're enjoying yourself and had a good time with old friends. Thank you again for taking the time to write.
  12. Jan--Think you had your 1st treatment today. Hope everything went well Izena --I'm glad everything is going well for you. Enjoying family and friends. Ombud-- Your rested from your cruise and on track. That your skirt fits. Susan--Are your cruises over for now? Grandson feeling better now, I hope. Ginger--Are you doing? Have things gone back to normal after the funeral? Jo--How are you? Thinking do you have a cruise booked in next few months?
  13. Fall already--Holidays so soon Less sun and the harvest moon Will you weigh less by the holidays Not that many Thursdays Seems like fall and winter harder to lose We just need the right food to choose We can do it I know Just have to learn the word--NO
  14. Hello everyone on this Sunday. Izena glad you are feeling better and sleeping. Glad only taking small walks until seeing the surgeon. Yes, on free cruises each cruise you have to pay port taxes. Plus, insurance if you buy it. If solo only pay port tax for one person, Insurance a little higher if solo and depends on what the price of the cabin would have been. Hope everyone is having a good day. Mine isn't the greatest but will survive.
  15. Good Afternoon Everyone so quiet. Busy or just don't want to talk? I'm having a hard time not eating to much. Is it because I'm going away soon? Been good so far today. Night snacks my downfall even if a good snack. What's your downfall in dieting?
  16. Hi --can I call you ginger? I was gone when you joined, so Welcome. Yes, a loss is a loss be happy. Sorry for the loss of your Queen. Enjoy your tea and other drinks in Mourning/Celebrating her life. Wishing everyone a Peaceful/Happy Sunday doing what you want.
  17. Hello Ombud and everyone, Ombud you're on a cruise now (almost back) or home and almost back on track? Hope just water weight and skirt will fit in no time. How is everyone else doing this Friday eating wise? I'm doing good--so far!
  18. Hello Izena and Jan. Where is everyone else? Jan-- hope you had a good day and enjoy your weekend. Rest for the upcoming treatments. Izena-- listen to your doc. Jazzper will be alright without walks for a while. Please enjoy a restful weekend. Me-- I didn't gain on the 60-day cruise but gained a pound being home a week. Go Figure! Need to get it off before next cruise in 12 days. Yes, have another cruise. Free casino cruise, Slot Tournament. Didn't plan it just happen. Couldn't say no. (like I wanted to--yes, I have said no to cruises through my tears)😄
  19. Ceilidh1--- I hope your able to post about your cruise on the Royal that the internet works. But as you know in Alaska signal not as strong. Love to hear about the ship. Sailing on her Sept. 27th for the 1st time. Different layout then other ships. Think I'll really miss Skywalkers. Happy they have Alfredo's. Thanks for posting ahead of your cruise, hope to read more. Have a great cruise with the "kids"😊
  20. They have the BBC Channel think they would show it Have the MSNBC Channel think they will show it or at least some of it.
  21. Did we lose our weight as fast as the year is going? How did you do the 1st six months? Did you make it through summer alright, did you lose or stay the same? Three questions we need to ask ourselves. Do we like our answers to ourselves? Know I don't like my answers--Staying the same for too many years. Want/need to lose Have to try harder. N---Not E---Eating E---Everything In Sight D---Drink Water Instead W---Water Is Best To Drink Then Soda A---Always Be Free To Say N---Not Eating That Today Or T---Tonight T---Think There's O---Other Things To Do Then EAT To Much Or Snack L---Lose Can't If O---Overeat S---Small Portions Is Better E---Exercise A Little Each Week
  22. No cruise line or ship has ever said their ships are safe. Why do you think they have cabins put aside for covid passengers? Covid is here---on ships, in the supermarket, at the mall, everywhere. We/They just hope it gets less and less and everyone gets their shots. We all know what we need to do, most follow but we know we can still get it. That's life as of now.
  23. Jan Happy Birthday wishes early in case you don't come in before that. The weekend sounds so nice--Prince and Princess spending the weekend in a castle! Enjoy! Glad you can just have radiation, time consuming but less side effects then chemo Can't wait for you to ring the bell--you ring it here too. Loud and clear. Nice you don't have to drive very far each day. Nice you have stayed the same for a few months no matter how you figure it out. Izena hope you're feeling better today than yesterday and each day better. Jo, I hope you're doing good today. Susan on her cruise. Where's everyone else?
  24. Izena, hope you slept well again and feeling better each day. Yes, eating and resting is good for healing. Hope Jazzper got a walk in sometime. If not, he has to learn sometimes "mommies" can't do everything and you can't always rely on your "brother" at times!😄
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