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Everything posted by PATRLR

  1. @YVRteacher added more here: I'll accept her at her word. When I was on, I specifically asked a staffer and then I asked a manager (well, more like complained to a manager type). Both made it clear crepes were in Coco. Last week I walked all around the Encore buffet looking for the crepe grills and didn't see them so assumed they were banished to Cocos. Now I am wishing I'd asked.
  2. Really? In the buffet? They didn't have them in June 2018. And they didn't have them last week on Encore. Both Bliss and Encore they are paid for items in Cocos.
  3. It probably wasn't on Epic's buffet, probably down in Cocos where you get to pay for them now. Bliss and Encore also have no crepes in the buffet. Need to pay for them in Cocos. Part of NCLs plan to increase onboard spend, no doubt.
  4. I find the marketing of CN certs to be similar to the sleaziness of things like time shares. This idea that you get $X OBC is just one example. It's total BS meant to entice the uninformed to buy something. They should just market it the way it is: 1 CN with face value $250 costs you $150. 2 CNs, each with face value $250 for total of $500, costs $250, etc. On the Encore last week, I watched the future cruise presentation. I thought the presentation was awful and that Cruise Next Manager shouldn't be doing marketing presentations (he spent way to much time talking about crazy long back to back itineraries like the masses really care to combine 5 segments into a 45 day cruise). But one thing he was real good about was explaining exactly what you pay to get the CNs - He made it real simple - Buy 2 CNs, pay $250. No BS about OBC.
  5. On Encore now, with a Vibe pass. Because Vibe on Encore spans the full width of the ship, there is always a decent amount of shade, somewhere. Yesterday, a sea day, the area on the port side of the ship offered quite a bit of shade, room for maybe 30 or so loungers. Problem is, the wind was so bad on that side that only a few people could sit there. We ended up outside Vibe, down two flights of stairs (directly outside the door). We still went up to Vibe for the bathroom and once to hit the bar when local servers were missing in action. Later in the afternoon, we ended up back in Vibe. On the prior two days (Miami and GSC) we had no problem with shade or wind. Shade is essential for us. But we love the quiet and service and 'community' we get in the Vibe. We've already agreed that despite needing to be outside of Vibe yesterday, we will definitely book it in the future. Note also that Vibe is much bigger on Encore than the other Breakaway and Breakaway Plus ships. So, depending on ships direction, the other Vibes may have less shade options. That still won't deter us.
  6. We generally like to do some shopping then hit the beach. I don't recall any specific attractions on St Thomas though we've probably done some sort of boat trip I'm sure. We will be there next week on Encore, we booked the Catamaran trip to St. John which we've never been to before. But I agree with others, you'll get much more information on the St. Thomas boards.
  7. It certainly isn't expected as you imply some other resorts it is. Generally speaking, we only regularly provide an additional tip to bar servers. It is our attempt to buy better service at high volume bars (e.g. pool, atrium). Beyond that, we'll tip extra if someone does what we consider to be extra services for us. Generally we are NOT giving extra tips to dining room servers or cabin stewards. On our last cruise on Bliss, I have no recollection of our cabin steward, I think we may have seen him but never asked anything of him (and that is typical for us).
  8. Actually, those were statements. They may or may not be true. They were not opinions. If your are trying to tell us those were false statements, then cite a source. Otherwise your words are no different than those that you quoted.
  9. From this page: https://www.ncl.com/cruise-ship/bliss/deck-plans
  10. I didn't say anything to imply that. We're discussing the MDR menus in this thread. YOU are the one who implied those other options to the fine dining in the MDR. They are options for obtaining sustenance, they are not options for fine dining. I never said they did and I am aware that they don't. Guess what, there are plenty of places that can and do cook 1500 fine dining meals for one sitting. There was a time when cruise ships did it (not 1500, but there is no difference in preparing 100 or 1500 meals, you just have scale your kitchen up accordingly). You betcha I do expect fine dining and I am NOT mistaken. NCL tells me that is what they serve. From https://www.ncl.com/why-cruise-norwegian/cruise-dining: Enjoy fine dining in up to three Main Dining Rooms, serving fresh and delicious cuisine. With a variety of choices and a daily rotating menu, there is something for everyone here. (Hope they remember to update that paragraph if they roll this out fleetwide)
  11. I suppose that's one way to look at it. I was hoping to learn the injuries were all minor and maybe even all were able to rejoin their cruise.
  12. Yes, that is exactly the problem. Very poor design - don't blame me for those phantom stops, I want to get the first available elevator so I'm pushing the button for both options.
  13. Interesting. I'm right around that weight and I don't recall being weighed in 2018. Maybe people like me were breaking the cars so they decided weigh-in was necessary? 😉
  14. Makes sense, I'll add that to the V2 list.
  15. As I recall in 2018 on the Bliss (note, the Bliss and the track were brand new), there was a place where people could literally "stand by" for a chance to ride, intermixed with those who had reservations. I don't recall much more than that because we had reservations. That was 2018. A lot could have changed since then.
  16. This post is an attempt to identify what can and can't be purchased with refundable vs non-refundable On-Board Credit (OBC). I am sure I got some of this wrong, please let me know. Maybe I can make the last post an updated more accurate list. (this is where the wiki feature that other forums like FlyerTalk have would work well) Non-Refundable OBC can be used for: Dining (ala carte meals, dining up charges) Beverages (beverages not included in a package and beverage up charges) Other food - Starbucks, Cocos, etc Attractions - GoKarts, Galaxy Pavilion, Arcades Internet, Internet upgrades Ship's Stores Excursions bought on board Spa services Refundable OBC can be used for: Everything in the Non-Refundable OBC list Daily service Charge (DSC) Bingo and other paid for games of chance Casino Cruise Next (CN) Certificates Additional gratuities for staff What did I miss or get wrong?
  17. Even if you can't get reservations early in the cruise, I recommend trying to go stand by early so you can be sure you get a ride. It doesn't seem to take much negativity in the weather to shut down the track.
  18. Interesting. Carnival, HAL, RCCL, Dolphin, in the 70s and early 80s didn't have any specialty dining options that I was aware of. What line are you referring to? (you frequently refer to wooden deck chairs, so, I assume you are speaking of that same time frame or earlier)
  19. So you are equating the MDR, which is supposed to be high quality sit down fine dining, with the buffet and Local? Really? I agree, one can find variety in their sustenance on board without spending extra money. But I don't go on a cruise just to survive. I suspect I am not alone in that thinking.
  20. Your original statement was "NCL was claiming to share something with their employees that they actually weren't". I don't think anyone doubts NCL is sharing some amount of the DSC with the crew. What I doubt (and I suspect I am not alone) is whether all of the collected DSC truly goes to the crew as part of a variable compensation component tied to the amount of collected DSC. But, let's assume for a minute that the cabin steward does have access to all the information and calculations needed to determine what his/her cut of the collected DSC should be each week. Do you think s/he also has access to what all the other staff are supposed to be getting too? If so, then they would need not only the calculations for those other staff but also headcount of that staff each week. An individual staffer might be able to determine that they are getting their specific agreed to share but do you really think they know if 100% of the DSC is going to the staff, in the form of variable compensation, as NCL would have the guests believe?
  21. Post number 205 in that thread shows one room's obstructed view.
  22. Please provide a source for these statements. Otherwise, they are just more unfounded claims. NCL claims to give a percentage of the DSC to the crew and I believe that they do. I suspect the crew has both fixed and variable components to their salary with the calculus for the variable portion being unverifiable. So, the crew may very well know exactly what's going on but they have no way to prove it.
  23. Read the base note again - this is about snail-mail, not e-mail.
  24. To the best of my knowledge, that information has not been published. I'm in the camp that there is no direct link between amount of DSC collected and what gets to the employees. In other words, I believe it's just another revenue source to NCL.
  25. Was she really a kajillionaire? She owned some jewelry stores that carried the Tiffany name. In Turkey. I'm sure she was wealthy but I doubt she was buy a mega yacht wealthy and definitely not private island wealthy. I tried to find her net wealth and couldn't find any mention of it. My guess is she was just your run of the mill millionaire.
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