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Everything posted by rafinmd

  1. On board and finally on the internet but unpacking is next. Roy
  2. At terminal 30.with a Crystal coffee with an hour until embarkation. Not an easy transfer but much better than expected. Roy
  3. Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie for the Thursday report. 3 great days to celebrate and I'll salute teachers in particular. I don't think I've been to Tromso. I like the quote but am not sure about the meal. My alternative is Chilled Mango Banana Soup, Ribeye, and Strawberry Ice Cream, my final dinner in QM2's Princess Grill. We are getting very close to Quebec. I will likely pack up my laptop soon and posting very little from my IPAD until I settle into my new room. I'm hoping the transfer from Pier 22 to Pier 30 won't be too difficult. Roy
  4. Day QM2-5, Wednesday October 4, Saguenay, Quebec Crystal Serenity arrives in Quebec (Pier 30) this evening. I was up a little before 5. With the door ajar to allow the signal in the internet was fairly decent and I got my daily post done about 6:15, then went up to the Grills Deck to check things out. We were probably 10 miles from the port and the sun would not rise until 6:45. I went back out then and the sky was quite bright although the sun was hiding behind the hills. We docked about 7:30 and had our first gangway out about 8. Breakfast this morning was french toast and English Bacon. There was a strong, chilly breeze throughout the morning. I left the ship about 10. I thought I knew the most likely place to find a cane and the tourist information desk I looked briefly and it should work but is back in the carrying case. Tim Hortons was right next to the Pharmacy, and it was a good time for lunch. It was crowded inside but the outdoor tables were well sheltered from the wind. Kind of ironically, a couple asked to share the table with me and we checked back and forth and they were on QM2, and they actually live within about 10 miles from me. Small world. There was still a chilly wind on the way back but it was mostly behind me, and the grade was down rather than up. On the approach to the port I stopped for a photo of the ship and also got a look at the position of my cabin. One thing I have found very poor on this voyage is the ship exit and entry. Both getting back on in Halifax and both directions in Saguenay have been very SLOW and they should not have been peak times. Cunard, you can surely do better. We share the port today with Explora1, tendering in the harbor. I did as much of my packing as I could after returning to the ship as well as stepping out for the Kings Court version of Afternoon Tea, buffet food and a waiter coming around with the tea. Sailaway was at 6 with the chilly wind back. I met 3 of my tablemates on the Grills Deck and caught a nice sunset before we dropped our lines. I watched with them as we started backing to our turnaround spot but the chill became a bit much for me and I bid them farewell about 6:15. I was the only early bird at table 118. My final dinner was Chilled Mango Banana Soup, Ribeye, and Strawberry Ice Cream. The evening was spent in a combination of organizing photos, a little bit of writing, and a lot of packing. I settled in bed just after 10, Today’s parting shot will be about the word Grill. It conveys so many different meanings, from Cunard’s premier restaurants to Crystal’s Trident Grill (equivalent to QM2's Boardwalk Café or HAL’s Dive-in) to the neighborhood Bar and Grill, kind of like I suppose a British Pub. It also is used as a verb, as to be grilled at a police station. I guess the common thread is heat whether physical or in some cases emotional. One word, so many and such different meanings. And the Daily Programme for those staying on the ship overnight. https://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/programme1005.pdf As I wrap up this post we are near the southern tip of Orleans Island, Roy
  5. Day QM2-5, Wednesday October 4, Saguenay, Quebec Crystal Serenity arrives in Quebec (Pier 30) this evening. I was up a little before 5. With the door ajar to allow the signal in the internet was fairly decent and I got my daily post done about 6:15, then went up to the Grills Deck to check things out. We were probably 10 miles from the port and the sun would not rise until 6:45. I went back out then and the sky was quite bright although the sun was hiding behind the hills. We docked about 7:30 and had our first gangway out about 8. Breakfast this morning was french toast and English Bacon. There was a strong, chilly breeze throughout the morning. I left the ship about 10. I thought I knew the most likely place to find a cane and the tourist information desk I looked briefly and it should work but is back in the carrying case. Tim Hortons was right next to the Pharmacy, and it was a good time for lunch. It was crowded inside but the outdoor tables were well sheltered from the wind. Kind of ironically, a couple asked to share the table with me and we checked back and forth and they were on QM2, and they actually live within about 10 miles from me. Small world. There was still a chilly wind on the way back but it was mostly behind me, and the grade was down rather than up. On the approach to the port I stopped for a photo of the ship and also got a look at the position of my cabin. One thing I have found very poor on this voyage is the ship exit and entry. Both getting back on in Halifax and both directions in Saguenay have been very SLOW and they should not have been peak times. Cunard, you can surely do better. We share the port today with Explora1, tendering in the harbor. I did as much of my packing as I could after returning to the ship as well as stepping out for the Kings Court version of Afternoon Tea, buffet food and a waiter coming around with the tea. Sailaway was at 6 with the chilly wind back. I met 3 of my tablemates on the Grills Deck and caught a nice sunset before we dropped our lines. I watched with them as we started backing to our turnaround spot but the chill became a bit much for me and I bid them farewell about 6:15. I was the only early bird at table 118. My final dinner was Chilled Mango Banana Soup, Ribeye, and Strawberry Ice Cream. The evening was spent in a combination of organizing photos, a little bit of writing, and a lot of packing. I settled in bed just after 10, Today’s parting shot will be about the word Grill. It conveys so many different meanings, from Cunard’s premier restaurants to Crystal’s Trident Grill (equivalent to QM2's Boardwalk Café or HAL’s Dive-in) to the neighborhood Bar and Grill, kind of like I suppose a British Pub. It also is used as a verb, as to be grilled at a police station. I guess the common thread is heat whether physical or in some cases emotional. One word, so many and such different meanings. And the Daily Programme for those staying on the ship overnight. https://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/programme1005.pdf As I wrap up this post we are near the southern tip of Orleans Island, Roy
  6. I'm actually not sure about that. I got a complimentary drinks package and some of my tablemates thought it was included with every Grills booking but I'm not sure about that. Roy
  7. You would have needed to anyway since the Cunard part of the voyage is almost finished and then it will be just the Crystal thread. @JazzyV soon (perhaps as early as tomorrow my entry should be something like "Crystal Serenity to 10/13 (Quebec to New York)" Roy
  8. Bit of a sad story. Just one Timbit (glazed) and I had to gobble it right up because it was attracting a swarm of bees.When the bit was gone, the bees left for greener pastures. Roy
  9. I think Captain said he would turn near the cargo pier. Back in my room. Too cold and windy on deck. Roy
  10. I think so but think they were gone by the time I got off. Roy
  11. I can't figure out how to do double posts from my IPAD so this is 2 hours late. Roy
  12. From near Saguenay this morning. I didn't actually see the sun but it was officially up and showing it's glory from behind the hill: Roy
  13. From near Saguenay this morning. I didn't actually see the sun but it was officially up and showing it's glory from behind the hill: Roy
  14. Posting from Tim Hortons Saguenay with a new cane Roy
  15. From near Saguenay this morning. I didn't actually see the sun but it was officially up and showing it's glory from behind the hill: Roy
  16. Actually, I visited Sept Iles on the Symphony in 2012 (Between our transatlantic and the Superstorm Sandy mess). The only thing I was planning to do was it looked like there was a place where I could get a new cane. Roy
  17. Happy Hump Day. Thank you Rich. Vanessa (and Happy Birthday), Debbie, Ann, and Dixie. Happy Anniversary @Cruzin Terri. Welcome aboard @Smmessineo. I assume World Animal Day includes both wild and beloved pets. I'll pass on the other 2 days. I have not been to Villlafranche. I like the quote from Baltimore's Native Son. I wish I could have ridden the Orient Express. Docked now in Saguenay, my only maiden call of the trip. Not sure about the meal. My alternative is Chilled Cantaloupe Soup, Chateaubriand, and Baked Alaska as served in QM2's Princess Grill last night. RR Roy
  18. Day QM2-4, Tuesday, October 3, 2023, Sept Isles, Quebec(NOT) Crystal Serenity is at sea from Sydney to Quebec with an ETA of 5PM. I rose about 5:15 and headed out to the Grills Deck about 6. There was already vivid color behind us although it would be almost half an hour until sunrise. When I returned at sunrise it looked like the start of a perfect day. Right! I had decided today would be the day to do a load of laundry and I was stationed at the deck 8 laundrette about 7:15 (They open at 7:30 but usually earlier than that). The steward unlocked the door at 7:20 and I started my wash. The timer said 40 minutes and I decided to take a walk around the ship. I went down to 7 and walked to the forward door. It was a lot windier than I expected but I headed out anyway and as I rounded the bow it got worse. I tried to come back in by the port side front entry and could barely get the door open. The wash was done about 8 and after moving the load to the dryer I retreated briefly to my room. That was about the time Captain Hashmi came on the PA and indicated our visit to Sept Iles would be scrubbed. The dryers worked quite quickly and were finished about 8. I discovered that a blog reader had been trying to contact me and wanted to get together for a bit of a chat. 9:30 at the Commodore Club came up but I got out of breakfast almost at 9:30 and called their room to suggest 10:30. With no answer I guessed they might have been waiting for me and that turned out to be true. We had a nice long chat and when we finished I picked up the day’s supplemental programs, although nothing came up of great interest to me. Lunch was primarily a spaghetti dish. It seems like portions of most items are sensibly smallish with the apparent exception of pastas, where I always now ask for a half serving. It was the first time I was able to finish a pasta dish. After lunch I walked around the aft of the promenade deck. While I have not completely circled the ship on the deck I have walked the distance today between inside and outside options. There are lots of options for afternoon tea on QM2. After enjoying it in the Grills Lounge yesterday today I opted to go to the Queens Room for a scone. It was significantly more crowded than the Grills Lounge but there was a live pianist. Afternoon tea is also available in Kings Court and apparently as room service. I went down to the dining room about 7:15, and 2 of my tablemates were getting to desert and another had recently arrived. The other 2 arrived a while after I did so at various times I saw everybody. My choices for the evening were Chilled Cantaloupe Soup, Chateaubriand, and Baked Alaska. It was later than usual when I got back to my room but I divided the rest of my evening between organizing photos and packing. My parting shot relates to events at table 108. Somehow, one of my tablemates mentioned the old movie “Somewhere in Time” and how it had been filmed at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, wondering what the place was like. It turned out that in my travels with Blount Small Ship Adventures I had cruised to Mackinac Island several times and even gone ashore for the night on a 2005 cruise, getting lunch at the Grand Hotel. I went to dinner armed with photos of the Grand and also of the Hotel where I had spent the night. Funny how a simple remark can lead a surprise. The Supplementary program for October 3: https://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/supplement03.pdf And the Daily Programme for October 4: https://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/programme1004.pdf Roy
  19. Day QM2-4, Tuesday, October 3, 2023, Sept Isles, Quebec(NOT) Crystal Serenity is at sea from Sydney to Quebec with an ETA of 5PM. I rose about 5:15 and headed out to the Grills Deck about 6. There was already vivid color behind us although it would be almost half an hour until sunrise. When I returned at sunrise it looked like the start of a perfect day. Right! I had decided today would be the day to do a load of laundry and I was stationed at the deck 8 laundrette about 7:15 (They open at 7:30 but usually earlier than that). The steward unlocked the door at 7:20 and I started my wash. The timer said 40 minutes and I decided to take a walk around the ship. I went down to 7 and walked to the forward door. It was a lot windier than I expected but I headed out anyway and as I rounded the bow it got worse. I tried to come back in by the port side front entry and could barely get the door open. The wash was done about 8 and after moving the load to the dryer I retreated briefly to my room. That was about the time Captain Hashmi came on the PA and indicated our visit to Sept Iles would be scrubbed. The dryers worked quite quickly and were finished about 8. I discovered that a blog reader had been trying to contact me and wanted to get together for a bit of a chat. 9:30 at the Commodore Club came up but I got out of breakfast almost at 9:30 and called their room to suggest 10:30. With no answer I guessed they might have been waiting for me and that turned out to be true. We had a nice long chat and when we finished I picked up the day’s supplemental programs, although nothing came up of great interest to me. Lunch was primarily a spaghetti dish. It seems like portions of most items are sensibly smallish with the apparent exception of pastas, where I always now ask for a half serving. It was the first time I was able to finish a pasta dish. After lunch I walked around the aft of the promenade deck. While I have not completely circled the ship on the deck I have walked the distance today between inside and outside options. There are lots of options for afternoon tea on QM2. After enjoying it in the Grills Lounge yesterday today I opted to go to the Queens Room for a scone. It was significantly more crowded than the Grills Lounge but there was a live pianist. Afternoon tea is also available in Kings Court and apparently as room service. I went down to the dining room about 7:15, and 2 of my tablemates were getting to desert and another had recently arrived. The other 2 arrived a while after I did so at various times I saw everybody. My choices for the evening were Chilled Cantaloupe Soup, Chateaubriand, and Baked Alaska. It was later than usual when I got back to my room but I divided the rest of my evening between organizing photos and packing. My parting shot relates to events at table 108. Somehow, one of my tablemates mentioned the old movie “Somewhere in Time” and how it had been filmed at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, wondering what the place was like. It turned out that in my travels with Blount Small Ship Adventures I had cruised to Mackinac Island several times and even gone ashore for the night on a 2005 cruise, getting lunch at the Grand Hotel. I went to dinner armed with photos of the Grand and also of the Hotel where I had spent the night. Funny how a simple remark can lead a surprise. The Supplementary program for October 3: https://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/supplement03.pdf And the Daily Programme for October 4: https://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/programme1004.pdf Roy
  20. I was just thinking, I hope things are ok with @misguy. The thread started out so well and then nothing since early Saturday. I hope it's just too busy with too much to do. Roy
  21. Breaking news. 47kt wind, we just aborted Sept Iles. Roy
  22. Breaking news. 47kt wind, we just aborted Sept Iles. Roy
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