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Everything posted by rafinmd

  1. Greetings from Halifax Canada on Thanksgiving (plus several other US days). Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie. I like the days, especially Fire Prevention Day. I have not been to Jeju and will celebrate in ignorant bliss their alphabet. Love the Adams quote. I'll pass on the meal suggestion. My alternative is Bouquet of Garden Greens, New York Sirloin, and Apple Pie A la Mode as served last night on Crystal Serenity. Sadly, not really a Thanksgiving menu today. Roy
  2. Day CS3, Sunday, October 8, 2023, At Sea, Crystal Serenity Queen Mary 2 is at sea from Quebec to Sydney. I took few photos but will start with a couple from the ship. When Serenity was almost completely rebuilt the Casino was taken out and the space is now “The Lounge” A highlight of The Lounge is a large model of Crystal’s first ship, the Crystal Harmony, near the passage to the Galaxy Lounge. I woke about 5 but was not inspired to get up until about 5:30. I put a load of wash in the laundromat about 6, then surveyed things from the pool deck a and went down to the Bistro for Coffee. For the better part of the morning the ship was moving despite winds upwards of 40kt. Father Edward Arnister conducted an Interdenominational worship service in the Hollywood Theater at 9. The theme of his message was good stewardship of our opportunities. The Crystal Visions Enrichment program began at 10 with Tom deFrank providing a number of interesting stories of his encounters with Presidents over the years. He was followed at 11 by Allan Rich with “Talk a Little, Sing A Little”, opening with Crystal Ensemble Vocalist Tom Lowe singing “I Don’t Have the Heart”. I followed both deFrank and Rich on the live TV until my home church livestream began at 11:20 Atlantic time. It was a special service in honor of Indigenous People’s Day and I caught it all except for a short time when Captain Taillard gave his noon update. By this time the winds and swells had changed and really set the ship in motion. He reduced our speed to 12kt for a slightly safer ride. I opted for an easier version of lunch, just going directly to the Trident Grill and taking a seat next to the counter. Deck crew brought me my skim milk and some pineapple for desert but I did not venture to Marketplace for greens like I would normally do. The afternoon talk was Jean-Pierre Andrieux on Halifax. I tried to watch on TV but the sound was breaking up so I went down at the last minute to the Hollywood Theater. After that lecture I watched a couple of previously recorded lectures by Astronaut Dr. Jeff Hoffman, one on what it is like to go into space, and the other on the repair of the Hubble Telescope. The Crystal Society Party was due to be held at 5:45 in Palm Court but due to the storm was postponed to Monday. Just before dinner time I visited the Concierge and firmed up the plans for my transfer from Bayonne to Manhattan. I must meet the staff at the Cove at 8:45 and my car is due at 9:15. I opted to dine solo and was given a window table. While I had not seen the sun all day there was a little bit of color as I sat down to dinner. My choices for the evening were Bouquet of Garden Greens, New York Sirloin, and Apple Pie A la Mode. My church has an evening fellowship time via Zoom, normally at 7 but at 8 Atlantic time. It usually runs about 45 minutes but we talked for almost an hour. The featured entertainment was “A Salute to Sinatra” with vocalist Bruce Hammond but I ended the evening quietly, and was in bed about 10:30. Roy
  3. I think it was offered when I was at tea Friday but opted for jam instead. It was far too rocky to be on Palm Court this afternoon but I'll try to check later in the cruise. Crystal Society Party is supposed to be this evening which could be a challenge. Roy
  4. That's strange because the photos on Cruise Critic are just links to the photos on the blog. Roy
  5. Today's sunrise is from yesterday morning from the deck of Crystal Serenity sailing the lower St. Lawrence River. Roy
  6. Today's sunrise is from yesterday morning from the deck of Crystal Serenity sailing the lower St. Lawrence River. Roy
  7. Today's sunrise is from yesterday morning from the deck of Crystal Serenity sailing the lower St. Lawrence River. Roy
  8. Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie. I'll salute both the quote and Universal Music day but pass on the other 2 days. I have not been to Split. A very windy day North of Nova Scotia, and we expect significant motion in the afternoon. 2 great days in history and I especially depend on my microwave oven. I'll pass on the meal. My alternative is Chicken Consume, Grilled Lamb Chops, and a mix of Vanilla and Banana Ice Cream as served last night on Crystal Serenity. Roy
  9. I'm not sure if this will help but I tried to add as much contrast as I could so I hope you can get something out of i: Roy
  10. Sunrise yesterday in Quebec: Roy
  11. My last view of QM2 (unless I get a glimpse on October 13 in New York. I have loaded all the Daily Programmes onto a separate page in Wordpress where they are available any time: https://morethangetaways.wordpress.com/programs-canada-2023/ Roy
  12. Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie. I'll celebrate smiles, am not bald but I can see my hair thinning a bit, and while I never walked to school I sometimes rode my bicycle. Interesting quote. I have not been to Isle of Skye. 2 great days in our history. Lasagna sounds nice. My alternative is Vegetable Soup, Braised Beef Short Rib, and Strawberry ice cream as served last night on Crystal Serenity. Roy
  13. Day CS1, Friday, October 6, 2023, Leave Quebec, Crystal Serenity This was the official turnaround day for Queen Mary 2. I slept until about 5:30 and went up to Deck 13 to catch the sunrise about 6:45. My first morning was a bit strange as there was an issue getting Cruise Director Raphel’s morning update on my TV and after my Butler (Tristan) worked for a while he put in a call to the tech crew. At times there were up to 4 of them working for about an hour until the issue was finally solved. Lunch was my normal Grilled Ham and Cheese with additions from the Marketplace. (Waterside was closed for the port day). Pier 102 is about 1 ½ miles upstream from the center of town and we were docked next to Sky Princess. I was undecided about going in to town but did decide to leave about 1:30. The shuttle was provided by the port and as far as I could see the pickup point was midway between the ships which was a fairly long walk. As I got off I noticed a very long line to board the return shuttle and was dreading the idea. I walked up to the ferry terminal and as I got there discovered that I had actually been on the Princess Shuttle. There was a very nice shuttle back to Serenity, comfortable as opposed to a school bus, and I was easily able to get on the first shuttle which dropped me right at the gangway. I went up to Afternoon Tea in Palm Court for tea and a scone. Unlike Old Crystal where waiters came around with trays of items from various categories (sandwiches, pastry, scones) they now delivered everything at once on a tiered caddy. Violinist Nadia Matiunina provided the music. At 5 we had my first old school Muster Drill since 2020, actually going down to our stations following the Emergency Alert signal. My station was in the Galaxy lounge. All aboard was 5:30 and we were due to leave at 6. I went down about 5:40 and the gangway was still out. One couple arrived about 5:45 but we still waited (not sure why). It was just about 6 when an officer stepped out and gave the signal to leave. A crane removed the gangway and we let the lines go about 6:05, and we rotated around to face the ocean. Louis sang at 6:10 (For those new to me and Crystal, the Crystal tradition is that at sailaway “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong is played over the PA system, and “Louis sang” is kind of my shorthand for a departure. I stayed on the Promenade deck until about 6:30 when we passed Pier 22 and I got one last look at QM2. There were 7 of us at the shared table. My choices were Vegetable Soup, Braised Beef Short Rib, and Strawberry ice cream. The featured entertainment was James Fox presenting the music of Billy Joel accompanied by the show band and the Crystal Ensemble of Singers. As it has always been it was a fabulous show although it was way too close to my bed time when it ended. As my parting shot it is wonderful to be at sea on a Crystal ship once again. I am discontinuing adding the direct links to Reflections and Menus to these posts. They can be accessed through a listing in my blog in a more organized manner. Reflections: https://morethangetaways.wordpress.com/programs-canada-2023/ and menus: https://morethangetaways.wordpress.com/crystalmenus2023/ Roy
  14. Correct. I had to leave the day before official disembarkation. Once I got to Pier 30 on Serenity's official turnaround day, the porters were ready and waiting. @Pear Carr I'll say more later, but for me, I think Britannia is a better fit for my lifestyle. Roy
  15. Instead of a sunrise today I'll post sunset from yesterday, from the deck of Crystal Serenity: Roy
  16. Instead of a sunrise today I'll post sunset from yesterday, from the deck of Crystal Serenity: Roy
  17. Instead of a sunrise today I'll post sunset from yesterday, from the deck of Crystal Serenity: Roy
  18. @aliaschief asked about foliage. There is some but I suspect most of the trees are evergreens so only a few splotches of color: Roy
  19. Happy Friday. Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie, and Ann. 3 interesting days with a special salute to Physicians Assistants. I have not been to that Albany. I do like the Einstein quote. Those 2 dates in history are well worth celebrating. I'll pass on the Cod. My alternative is Veal Consume, Grilled Pork Medallions, Steak Fries, and Rhubarb Tart a la mode as served last night on Crystal Serenity, Roy
  20. It depends on where you are docked, and hopefully next year Crystal will be set in time to get a better choice in Dock space. Pier 22 where QM2 was is very close to town and would be no issue. Pier 30 where we boarded is relatively close but there's a waterway in between and the walking distance to town is likely well over a mile. We moved in the evening to Pier 102 which is probably over 1 1/2 miles but there is a shuttle. Roy
  21. Day QM2-6, Thursday, October 5, 2023, Arrive Quebec, Queen Mary 2 Queen Mary 2 is at Pier 22 and Crystal Serenity is at Pier 30. I was up early and spent the first hours writing and packing. I checked my GPS early and decided it would be close to 9 when we got to Quebec. I headed into Princess Grill for a quick breakfast (mainly an omelet) and said farewell to my waiters. I watched from the promenade deck as we approached the port, getting views of the waiting Crystal Serenity as we went past her berth. Captain Hashmi came on the PA just after 9 and indicated the gangway would use Stairway B&C from Deck 3. I did a little reconnaissance and noted that it would actually be much closer to the B elevators. I left my room about 10. Dragging heavy bags across a carpet is a challenge so I had a plan for the easiest way of getting it done. I started with one bag at a time for the C elevators, leaving the big bag in sight at the elevator landing while I went back for the rollaboard. I left the big bag halfway in the car while I grabbed the rollaboard and did the same leaving the car as I got off on deck 7. It was much easier to pull the bags across the hard floor of Kings Court than it would have been on the carpets of Deck 3, and I arrived relatively easily at the B elevators. There were people already on the B elevator car who took care of the door while I entered and exited. From the B landing to the actual gangway was just a short distance but I sat and rested for a while anyway. Despite my rant about the gangway operations at Halifax and Saguenay this one was a breeze. There was virtually no line and once physically off the ship Security rolled the big bag down the ramp to the terminal where the walk was level. There remained a fairly long walk to the terminal, about the distance from Stairway B to Stairway D and I could have managed but a helpful passenger took care of the big bag for that stretch. Once in the terminal another short rest, followed by the elevator to the street. A half mile away I could see my destination but it was across a channel and no easy pedestrian walkway. It turns out that I was very fortunate with QM2 as she is at the favored spot for her entire 3 day stay. Other ships seem to have Pier 30 for just a day at a time, and we had to leave for a distant pier at 7PM. I caught just a glimpse of the lit up Queen Mary 2 as we made our way to Pier 102, The taxi ride was not long but quite a roundabout route. A representative met me, asked some questions and then said “follow me”. Only problem was in all the confusion I had not paid for the taxi but the driver got our attention and the issue was finally cleared up. On through security and then up to the first stage of checkin with some preliminary questions. By 11 I was at a waiting area sipping a cup of Crystal coffee but boarding would not begin until noon. Once onboard, registration was in the area formerly used by the Casino and I was told my room was ready. Then on to lunch. Despite it being a turnaround day I think all the usual venues were open, Waterside, Marketplace, Trident Grill, and Tastes. I went first to Marketplace for a bowl of greens, then to Trident for my usual Grilled Ham and Cheese, much the favorite I remembered. I'm sure there will be followup comments and I am hoping to post one more photo of QM2 as we head past her this evening. Roy
  22. Day QM2-6, Thursday, October 5, 2023, Arrive Quebec, Queen Mary 2 Queen Mary 2 is at Pier 22 and Crystal Serenity is at Pier 30. I was up early and spent the first hours writing and packing. I checked my GPS early and decided it would be close to 9 when we got to Quebec. I headed into Princess Grill for a quick breakfast (mainly an omelet) and said farewell to my waiters. I watched from the promenade deck as we approached the port, getting views of the waiting Crystal Serenity as we went past her berth. Captain Hashmi came on the PA just after 9 and indicated the gangway would use Stairway B&C from Deck 3. I did a little reconnaissance and noted that it would actually be much closer to the B elevators. I left my room about 10. Dragging heavy bags across a carpet is a challenge so I had a plan for the easiest way of getting it done. I started with one bag at a time for the C elevators, leaving the big bag in sight at the elevator landing while I went back for the rollaboard. I left the big bag halfway in the car while I grabbed the rollaboard and did the same leaving the car as I got off on deck 7. It was much easier to pull the bags across the hard floor of Kings Court than it would have been on the carpets of Deck 3, and I arrived relatively easily at the B elevators. There were people already on the B elevator car who took care of the door while I entered and exited. From the B landing to the actual gangway was just a short distance but I sat and rested for a while anyway. Despite my rant about the gangway operations at Halifax and Saguenay this one was a breeze. There was virtually no line and once physically off the ship Security rolled the big bag down the ramp to the terminal where the walk was level. There remained a fairly long walk to the terminal, about the distance from Stairway B to Stairway D and I could have managed but a helpful passenger took care of the big bag for that stretch. Once in the terminal another short rest, followed by the elevator to the street. A half mile away I could see my destination but it was across a channel and no easy pedestrian walkway. It turns out that I was very fortunate with QM2 as she is at the favored spot for her entire 3 day stay. Other ships seem to have Pier 30 for just a day at a time, and we had to leave for a distant pier at 7PM. I caught just a glimpse of the lit up Queen Mary 2 as we made our way to Pier 102, The taxi ride was not long but quite a roundabout route. A representative met me, asked some questions and then said “follow me”. Only problem was in all the confusion I had not paid for the taxi but the driver got our attention and the issue was finally cleared up. On through security and then up to the first stage of checkin with some preliminary questions. By 11 I was at a waiting area sipping a cup of Crystal coffee but boarding would not begin until noon. Once onboard, registration was in the area formerly used by the Casino and I was told my room was ready. 7056 is on the Promenade deck midway between the forward and midship stairs. There were a lot more drawers and other storage than I was expecting. Then on to lunch. Despite it being a turnaround day I think all the usual venues were open, Waterside, Marketplace, Trident Grill, and Tastes. I went first to Marketplace for a bowl of greens, then to Trident for my usual Grilled Ham and Cheese, much the favorite I remembered. Most of the rest of the afternoon involved getting online (more challenging that I expected) and getting unpacked. I caught a glimpse of the setting sun about 6:15. And was down at Waterside at the shared table at 6:30 with a lady on her first Crystal Cruise, a Crystal Veteran, and 2 Ambassador Hosts. My choices for my first Waterside dinner were Veal Consume, Grilled Pork Medallions, Steak Fries, and Rhubarb Tart a la mode. I pretty well crashed for the evening. Parting shot: I do see some differences in the culture but this is very much the Crystal I have loved over the years, I have added the first 2 Reflections and the first 2 dinner menus: https://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/reflections1005.pdf https://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/reflections1006.pdf https://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/dinner1005.pdf https://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/dinner1006.pdf Roy
  23. On board and finally on the internet but unpacking is next. Roy
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