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Everything posted by rafinmd

  1. Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie. An interesting collection of days, and I love the quote. I suspect we passed MS Zuiderdam sometime overnight. Great days for Germany and New Zealand. Not sure about the meal. My alternative is Chilled Peach Soup, Chicken Consume, Lamb, and Apple Caramel Goldrush as served in QM2 Princess Grill last night. Roy
  2. Finally, a real sunrise on QM2: Roy
  3. Day QM2-3, Monday, October 2, 2023, At Sea, Queen Mary 2 Crystal Serenity is in Sydney, her last port before Quebec. I rose about 5:15 after gaining an hour overnight to return to Eastern time. I stepped out on the Grill’s deck just before 6 which was to be sunrise. It was quite cloudy but there was a bit of color in the sky. While it was not stormy there was still a 35kt wind across the deck. https://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/dawn1002.jpg Between the temperature (15C) and wind I stayed mostly in the ship. One of the unique features of QM2 is a book shop with quite a large selection along with a very elegant and well stocked library, among the best at sea. The book shop: https://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/store1.jpg https://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/store2.jpg And the Library: https://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/library1.jpg There was a Senior Officers Cocktail Party for World Club Diamond members in the Queens Room at 11:15. I’m not a Cocktail Party type but I stopped briefly for a Diet Coke. I headed up to the Pavilion Pool about 11:50 for the midday briefing. The wind across the deck had significantly diminished and I climbed the stairs up to deck 13 for the test of the horns. Captain Hashmi reported that we had sailed 360 miles since leaving Halifax and had 300 miles remaining to Sept Isles. We were essentially crossing the ferry route between Nova Scotia and Newfoundland with Nova Scotia 23 miles to our port and Newfoundland 35 miles to starboard. We also were passing Crystal Serenity docked in Sydney. We are due to be at our berth at Sept Isles about 8 in the morning and all aboard is 4:30PM. The nautical term of the day was “Above Board”. It relates to the time when legal cargo was carried on the top decks of ships where it could be seen for inspection while contraband was hidden below decks. Lunch was a bit of an experiment. One of my favorites on Crystal Serenity has been the Grilled Ham and Cheese Sandwich served at their burger bar, the Trident Grill. Yesterday I asked the Maitre’d for a Grilled Ham and Cheese for lunch today. Well we have a similar Reuben so the chef can tweak it a bit. That was the centerpiece of lunch today. For this, I must say the Trident Grill beats the Princess Grille hands down. James Brown presented a classical piano recital in the Queens Room at 2 with dance music through the years. I went down to afternoon tea in the Grills Lounge at 3:30 enjoying a scone, a small apple tart and of course tea. After the very cloudy morning I noticed bright sunlight at noon and it stayed clear throughout the day. I got my first really nice sun rise/set of the voyage from my balcony about 5:45. I was very early to dinner arriving right at 6:30. The menu didn’t really inspire me so I improvised a bit. There was a lamb dish and the lamb looked ok but the other components not so much so I got the lamb by itself supplemented by Chilled Peach Soup and Chicken Consume. Desert was Apple Caramel Goldrush. It worked out ok. I pretty much retired to my room after dinner. I guess today’s parting shot is that it’s great to be back in the Province of Quebec. My parents grew up just South of Montreal and Ihttps://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/programme1003.pdf still have a lot of family there. It’s a bit sad that I will be as close as Quebec City but not actually there but I still feel an affinity to the area. And the latest 2 Daily Programmes as posted to the blog: https://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/programme1002.pdf Roy
  4. Day QM2-3, Monday, October 2, 2023, At Sea, Queen Mary 2 Crystal Serenity is in Sydney, her last port before Quebec. I rose about 5:15 after gaining an hour overnight to return to Eastern time. I stepped out on the Grill’s deck just before 6 which was to be sunrise. It was quite cloudy but there was a bit of color in the sky. While it was not stormy there was still a 35kt wind across the deck. https://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/dawn1002.jpg Between the temperature (15C) and wind I stayed mostly in the ship. One of the unique features of QM2 is a book shop with quite a large selection along with a very elegant and well stocked library, among the best at sea. The book shop: https://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/store1.jpg https://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/store2.jpg And the Library: https://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/library1.jpg There was a Senior Officers Cocktail Party for World Club Diamond members in the Queens Room at 11:15. I’m not a Cocktail Party type but I stopped briefly for a Diet Coke. I headed up to the Pavilion Pool about 11:50 for the midday briefing. The wind across the deck had significantly diminished and I climbed the stairs up to deck 13 for the test of the horns. Captain Hashmi reported that we had sailed 360 miles since leaving Halifax and had 300 miles remaining to Sept Isles. We were essentially crossing the ferry route between Nova Scotia and Newfoundland with Nova Scotia 23 miles to our port and Newfoundland 35 miles to starboard. We also were passing Crystal Serenity docked in Sydney. We are due to be at our berth at Sept Isles about 8 in the morning and all aboard is 4:30PM. The nautical term of the day was “Above Board”. It relates to the time when legal cargo was carried on the top decks of ships where it could be seen for inspection while contraband was hidden below decks. Lunch was a bit of an experiment. One of my favorites on Crystal Serenity has been the Grilled Ham and Cheese Sandwich served at their burger bar, the Trident Grill. Yesterday I asked the Maitre’d for a Grilled Ham and Cheese for lunch today. Well we have a similar Reuben so the chef can tweak it a bit. That was the centerpiece of lunch today. For this, I must say the Trident Grill beats the Princess Grille hands down. James Brown presented a classical piano recital in the Queens Room at 2 with dance music through the years. I went down to afternoon tea in the Grills Lounge at 3:30 enjoying a scone, a small apple tart and of course tea. After the very cloudy morning I noticed bright sunlight at noon and it stayed clear throughout the day. I got my first really nice sun rise/set of the voyage from my balcony about 5:45. I was very early to dinner arriving right at 6:30. The menu didn’t really inspire me so I improvised a bit. There was a lamb dish and the lamb looked ok but the other components not so much so I got the lamb by itself supplemented by Chilled Peach Soup and Chicken Consume. Desert was Apple Caramel Goldrush. It worked out ok. I pretty much retired to my room after dinner. I guess today’s parting shot is that it’s great to be back in the Province of Quebec. My parents grew up just South of Montreal and Ihttps://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/programme1003.pdf still have a lot of family there. It’s a bit sad that I will be as close as Quebec City but not actually there but I still feel an affinity to the area. And the latest 2 Daily Programmes as posted to the blog: https://morethangetaways.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/programme1002.pdf Roy
  5. I'm surprised I can actually see the ships. Thanks Leanne, Lou & Dave, and fellow addicts. Roy
  6. I agree since most of the photos on Cruise Critic are just links to what is on the blog. Roy
  7. Chance is quite something. Back in 2022 I did a tour with a Canadian company. We flew to Inuvik way up in the Northwest Territories and drove down the Dempster Highway to Dawson City. We headed to Diamond Tooth Gerties for the evening show and after the show I spotted some familiar looking sweatshirts ahead of me. It turned out to be my County Executive and the Chief of a nearby fire station and their wives, both of whom were active in the fire service. They were finishing the land portion of a land and sea tour and we were all boarding the Zaandam in Skagway to finish out tours in Vancouver. I saw them several more times on the ship. Same tour for you is a big coincidence but same wagon. Wow! Roy
  8. Day QM2-2, Sunday, October 1, 2023, Halifax NS Crystal Serenity is also in Halifax. I seem to have slept a bit late but was on deck just in time (about 6:30) to catch the pilot boat approaching Queen Mary 2. I stepped on deck once again about 7:15 looking for a sunrise that never came but realized we had almost arrived and we passed Serenity draped in fog at Pier 27, the least favorable of the docking positions. We were free to leave the ship at 8, just as I headed down to breakfast, but I was in no rush to go ashore. It turned out that I did not see any of my table mates in the dining room on Sunday. I had 2 plans for the day. The primary one was to get to a church and I had picked out St. Matthews Church (United Church of Canada) on Barrington Street. The walk appeared to be about a kilometer which I thought on the edge of my ability. It was a little later than I had planned to leave but still before 10, and I asked a taxi driver how much it would be to get there. He said “Oh, no, it’s just a short walk and go this way. It wasn’t really a long walk but mostly uphill and I ended up stopping to rest at least twice per block. I ended up arriving 10 minutes late for the 10:30 but they were very gracious in welcoming me anyway. It is a very old church dating back to 1814 and the building is very traditional with gated pews and a lovely organ. The service was excellent. I had also hoped to get to the Atlantic Superstore in search of a cane but decided it would be too difficult an addition to the day’s activities and I could do without the cane for a while more. Despite being mostly down hill I was still very exhausted and the trip back was not a lot quicker than the trip to the church. On the way back I did find the statue of Samuel Cunard in front of the terminal where NCL Pearl was docked. It was about 12:30 when I got to lunch, mostly a chicken pasta dish. I asked for a small portion but it was still a little more than I could finish. My afternoon was pretty quiet, in my room except for occasional jaunts to Kings Court for coffee. It was chilly, but the first time I could use my balcony, and I had hoped for a better photo of Serenity. Not really, but I did get a shot of at least parts of the 5 ships in port with some superstructure of QM2, the top of Serenity in the distance, and The World sitting in between. Those who know me know I have been obsessed with “Come From Away”. There was a documentary put out by a Canadian agency on the same subject, called “You Are Here: A Come From Away Story” that has rarely been available in the US but I did find it in Canada so much of my time was spent watching the video. Awesome! I have a cousin in the Halifax suburbs who is no longer very mobile and we were not up to a meeting but I did call him from the verandah and had a nice chat. Sailaway was scheduled for 6, and I watched on the bow cam until NCL Pearl started moving and then went up to the Grills Deck, a nice deck on the aft, one of the few places on the ship not open to everybody. I watched as we followed Pearl around Georges Island and headed out to sea. I wanted to be early to dinner and did not quite catch the sunrise which was still a bit away but I did get the sun passing below QM2 superstructure. It was just me at Table 108 although I understand others arrived shortly after I left. My choices for the evening were Cherry Bisque, Fillet of Lamb, and Mango Sorbet. Dining was early because I have a regular fellowship time with my home church which is usually Sunday evening at 7 but was 8 Halifax time. Access to Zoom was difficult at the desk but a little bet better after I moved to the couch. My parting shot today will be a followup to Saturday’s. I am delighted with the 11th (or was it 12th) hour resolution to keep the US Government running. I just hope Ukraine can get by under these tough circumstances. Roy
  9. Day QM2-2, Sunday, October 1, 2023, Halifax NS Crystal Serenity is also in Halifax. I seem to have slept a bit late but was on deck just in time (about 6:30) to catch the pilot boat approaching Queen Mary 2. I stepped on deck once again about 7:15 looking for a sunrise that never came but realized we had almost arrived and we passed Serenity draped in fog at Pier 27, the least favorable of the docking positions. We were free to leave the ship at 8, just as I headed down to breakfast, but I was in no rush to go ashore. It turned out that I did not see any of my table mates in the dining room on Sunday. I had 2 plans for the day. The primary one was to get to a church and I had picked out St. Matthews Church (United Church of Canada) on Barrington Street. The walk appeared to be about a kilometer which I thought on the edge of my ability. It was a little later than I had planned to leave but still before 10, and I asked a taxi driver how much it would be to get there. He said “Oh, no, it’s just a short walk and go this way. It wasn’t really a long walk but mostly uphill and I ended up stopping to rest at least twice per block. I ended up arriving 10 minutes late for the 10:30 but they were very gracious in welcoming me anyway. It is a very old church dating back to 1814 and the building is very traditional with gated pews and a lovely organ. The service was excellent. I had also hoped to get to the Atlantic Superstore in search of a cane but decided it would be too difficult an addition to the day’s activities and I could do without the cane for a while more. Despite being mostly down hill I was still very exhausted and the trip back was not a lot quicker than the trip to the church. On the way back I did find the statue of Samuel Cunard in front of the terminal where NCL Pearl was docked. It was about 12:30 when I got to lunch, mostly a chicken pasta dish. I asked for a small portion but it was still a little more than I could finish. My afternoon was pretty quiet, in my room except for occasional jaunts to Kings Court for coffee. It was chilly, but the first time I could use my balcony, and I had hoped for a better photo of Serenity. Not really, but I did get a shot of at least parts of the 5 ships in port with some superstructure of QM2, the top of Serenity in the distance, and The World sitting in between. Those who know me know I have been obsessed with “Come From Away”. There was a documentary put out by a Canadian agency on the same subject, called “You Are Here: A Come From Away Story” that has rarely been available in the US but I did find it in Canada so much of my time was spent watching the video. Awesome! I have a cousin in the Halifax suburbs who is no longer very mobile and we were not up to a meeting but I did call him from the verandah and had a nice chat. Sailaway was scheduled for 6, and I watched on the bow cam until NCL Pearl started moving and then went up to the Grills Deck, a nice deck on the aft, one of the few places on the ship not open to everybody. I watched as we followed Pearl around Georges Island and headed out to sea. I wanted to be early to dinner and did not quite catch the sunrise which was still a bit away but I did get the sun passing below QM2 superstructure. It was just me at Table 108 although I understand others arrived shortly after I left. My choices for the evening were Cherry Bisque, Fillet of Lamb, and Mango Sorbet. Dining was early because I have a regular fellowship time with my home church which is usually Sunday evening at 7 but was 8 Halifax time. Access to Zoom was difficult at the desk but a little bet better after I moved to the couch. My parting shot today will be a followup to Saturday’s. I am delighted with the 11th (or was it 12th) hour resolution to keep the US Government running. I just hope Ukraine can get by under these tough circumstances. Roy programme1002.pdf
  10. Today's not so sunny sunrise on QM2. Roy
  11. Thank you Rich, Vamessa.ebbie, Dixie, and Ann. I certainly appreciate Custodial workers and Farm Animals but have never named a car. A great day in the history of our constitution. I wonder when or if I will get that emergency alert message, perhaps actually on time in Saguenay. Bon Voyage (Wow!) @lindaler, I don't think I've been to Brisbane. Not a fan of Elan Musk but interesting quote. I may end up passing Zuiderdam in the middle of the night. I love Mac and Cheese at home but am unlikely to see it the next 8 days. My alternative is Cherry Bisque, Fillet of Lamb, and Mango Sorbet as served in the Princess Grill last night. The photo will be delayed. Roy
  12. I have sort of a sunset as the sun drops below QM2's aft superstructure. Roy
  13. I have sort of a sunset as the sun drops below QM2's aft superstructure. Roy
  14. Unfortunately, I'm old school and I don't. I use a laptop and a very compact ScanSnap ix100 portable scanner on the paper copies. Roy
  15. Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie, and Ann. Three great days to celebrate and I love Renard quote. I have not been to Mahe Island. My memory of both of the days in history are a bit fuzzy in my mind. Arrived in Halifax on a very foggy and chilly morning. We are along side but not yet cleared, I think I'll pass on the meal. My alternative is Chilled Melon Bisque, Chateaubriande, and Cherries Jubilee as served in QM2's Princess Grill last night. Roy
  16. Serenity today in foggy Halifax. Roy
  17. Serenity today in foggy Halifax. Roy
  18. Looks chilly but a MUCH nicer day in Halifax. Roy
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