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Everything posted by rafinmd

  1. Saturday, December 2, 2023, Return Home I started to stir about 5 and was out of bed about 5:30. There’s mostly a continental breakfast served, raisin bran, milk, and a banana. It felt to me we were running late but we were still classified as on time for our 10AM arrival. Most of the northern part of the route follows the course of the Potomac, and it was quite foggy most of the morning and continuing until I was actually home. The last significant town before Lorton is Ashland, VA and Cruise Critic member Heartgrove “caught” my train on the webcam there about 8:15, first the locomotives, then coaches (not sure if mine is pictured or not) and finally the car carriers.. It was 9:48 when we entered the yards at Lorton, first stopping briefly as the auto cars were disconnected and then continuing forward to our final position. At 9:59 the auto carriers came past my window on the way to the loading ramps. Clearance to disembark came at 10:03, and I made my way down to the platform with an ample supply of luggage trolleys. Unlike Sanford car 5247 was stationed right next to a station entrance. Fortunately, also, the temperature was about 50 so there was no need for a heavy coat. Soon after I entered the first of the 30 priority cars was called. Unloading of regular cars started about 10:30 and my number 78 came about 11:15 and I was ready to head north. Traffic was heavy but nowhere near as bad as the drive from Hollywood to Viera, and I made some business stops along the way before heading home. I walked in my door just after 2. Unpacking everything and getting to normal will still take time, especially since there are doctors visits coming. My cardiologist actually called while I was checking in for the train and I have her first available appointment. Roy
  2. Today/s sunrise is from my 2013 Prinsendam Amazon cruise. On December 3 we visited Devil's Island. Roy
  3. Today/s sunrise is from my 2013 Prinsendam Amazon cruise. On December 3 we visited Devil's Island. Roy
  4. Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, Dixie, and Graham. I'll pass on the casserole and celebrate the other days, as well as the first heart transplant. I must admit to thinking about the Lone Ranger. I have been to Puerto Limon twice. I found nothing of interest locally but it is a gateway to central Costa Rica. The meal sounds interesting. My alternative is . Chilled Carrot and Orange Bisque, Ribbon Zucchini Risotto, and a Butterscotch Sundae as served on MS Prinsendam December 13, 2013. Off soon for groceries before online church. Roy
  5. AIS Destination is Freeport. Drydock. THanks Leanne, Lou & Dave, and fellow addicts. Roy
  6. Home about 2 1/2 hours ago. By the way, wifi on the train this morning was basically non-existant. Roy
  7. Just to confirm I am on the train have had dinner and will be in bed soon. Roy
  8. Just to confirm I am on the train have had dinner and will be in bed soon. Roy
  9. Getting lunch a few miles from the station. Train listed as on time. Roy
  10. Thursday, November 30, 2023, Viera, Florida I was on the road about 10:30. The drive to Viera (near Melbourne) was supposed to be about 2 3/4 hours but between traffic backups in the Fort Lauderdale area, lunch, and a few toilet stops it was about 2 when I arrived at the Avid hotel. This is the area where my brother lived his last few years and his widow picked me up about 6 for dinner at the restaurant at their gated community. We shared news (she had just taken a new job) and a nice dinner before I headed back to the hotel, It was not until 10 that I finally got to bed and I again slept well until a little after 6. Roy
  11. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit. Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie, I slept later than planned and am running a bit behind but hope to leave for the station about 10. It's pleasantly cool and cloudy and I checked the home weather forecast; It should be warm enough in Lorton to transfer from the train to the station to the car without a heavy coat. I visited Fortaleza in 2019 on the 2019 Prinsendam Grand South America. I did not think it a great destination for me. Rather than search for photos I'll link to the blog post for that day. https://morethangetaways.wordpress.com/2019/03/04/day-p58-sunday-march-3-2019-fortaleza-brazil/ Roy
  12. By google maps: Where I am now (Viera Fl) to Auto Train: 1hr 4 Min Auto train Virginia to home: 1 Hour Viera to home driving: 13 hr 7 min. Today's drive from Fort Lauderdale: 2 hr 26 min but longer with heavy traffic Roy
  13. Checked in at the hotel. I think I'm almost at the midpoint of my driving home, doing about as much as I have tomorrow and Saturday combined. Roy
  14. Checked in at the hotel. I think I'm almost at the midpoint of my driving home, doing about as much as I have tomorrow and Saturday combined. Roy
  15. I was discharged about 4:30 with Lift to the hospital but to the wrong entrance. A nurse actually walked with me to the right entrance and I was at the just before dark. My first order of business was booking the train back home and then dinner at the hotel and a reservation for Thursday. I was in bed about 9 and slept quite well until about 6:30. Roy
  16. I was discharged about 4:30 with Lift to the hospital but to the wrong entrance. A nurse actually walked with me to the right entrance and I was at the just before dark. My first order of business was booking the train back home and then dinner at the hotel and a reservation for Thursday. I was in bed about 9 and slept quite well until about 6:30. Roy
  17. Discharged around 4:30, Lyft to the main hospital, and now at a hotel nearby. Drive to Viera tomorrow and board auto train Firday. Should be home Saturday afternoon. I think I'm pretty sleep deprived and will be in bed fairly soon. Roy
  18. Discharged around 4:30, Lyft to the main hospital, and now at a hotel nearby. Drive to Viera tomorrow and board auto train Firday. Should be home Saturday afternoon. I think I'm pretty sleep deprived and will be in bed fairly soon. Roy
  19. Walked another 10 minutes after lunch and have been officially told I am being discharged. Roy
  20. @aliaschief I’m still trying to figure this out. I’ve been on fluid restriction combined with drugs to purge water so there’s a lot of trial and error. Roy
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