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Everything posted by rafinmd

  1. Currently at a Panera killing time before heading to the hotel. Checkin is at 3 and I’ll arrrice early afternoon but nowhere near this early. On an IPAD but at least one with a keyboard so it’s a bit easier than hunt and peck with a finger. Roy
  2. The one thing that could make parking a problem today is Liberty OTS. I had expected get ti be at the RCI Megaship terminal but she’s at I think 21. If she left from 19 that could leave a surplus at 19’s garage and a shortage for Rotterdam. When I left at 9 there were a number of spaces but even the top deck was quite crowded. Roy
  3. Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie. I've been to several South African ports but don't think East London is one of them. Making final preparations for disembarking and I doubt if I'll be back to the thread until sometime after the 3PM hotel checkin. Roy
  4. Thursday, November 23, At Sea, MS Rotterdam I was up about 5 but did not leave my cabin until almost the time the Lido opened at 7. I thought I could catch the sunrise from my balcony but got just a bit of color as we were following the Cuban coast and the angle for sunrise was not good. After breakfast we had On Deck for A Cause at 9, a 5K non-competitive walk to raise money for Ukraine. I did not actually walk this year but was there for the sendoff. After the first lap was done I did a token walk from midship to the forward elevators. Lunch was milk and fries from Dive-In. In his noon update Captain von Dreumel indicated we had sailed 429 miles since leaving Montego Bay and needed 19kt to arrive in Fort Lauderdale on time. The temperature in Fort Lauderdale will be 76 with a chance of rain. My final and Thanksgiving dinner in Club Orange was Chilled Apple and Carrot Soup, Baked Honey-Ham, and Apple-Cranberry Crisp. I put the bag out about 7:30 and continued work on my carryon stuff. Roy
  5. Today's sunrise is from yesterday, taken from the MS Rotterdam Lido as we arrived in Montego Bay: Roy
  6. Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it. Today's sunrise is from yesterday, taken from the MS Rotterdam Lido as we arrived in Montego Bay: Roy
  7. Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie for the Thanksgiving report. I think I will find some cranberries today but haven't seen a juke box in years, and will pass on the Espresso. I visited Tallin in 2015 on MS Prinsendam. I like the quote. Cutty Sark has surely endured. Ramen on Thanksgiving. I don't think so. It will be ham tonight but my alternative is Classic Caesar Salad, Chicken Parmigiana (was that the meal of the day a few days ago) and Strawberry Ice Cream as served in Rotterdam's Club Orange last night. Roy
  8. Wednesday, November 22, 2023, Montego Bay, Jamaica I was surprised that I slept until 5:45. I caught the sun coming up over the lido about 6:30. I prepared a final bag of laundry before setting out to Club Orange for breakfast, French Toast and Bacon this morning. For the first time of the cruise my room had not been made up when I returned from breakfast, and when the time came I waited out on the balcony. It was extremely hot on the sunny side of the ship and my stewards were quick to help me back into the room when they were done. The weekly drill for this week began about 10, and was quite extensive, continuing I think until almost 11:30. It was after 12 when I went up to the Lido for lunch. The carvery station had a very nice lamb that tasted great but the Lido was packed; apparently I went up just as many tours were returning. In the afternoon I got a start on my packing although only a little stuff was truly packed. Things I will still use on the ship are still in the closets and I have 2 large bags, one for things I will not use until I get home and another for things I will access on the road. In the other. Once things come back from the laundry packing will become more organized. All aboard was 1:30 and I went out on the balcony (now shaded) for a last look at Montego Bay. I don’t think there was anything of interest anywhere near the port. There were a number of tours and stragglers arriving well past 1:30 and I finally saw water between us and the ship just after 2. While it is less than 500 miles to Fort Lauderdale we must sail over 700 to make our way around Cuba. Dinner at Club Orange was Classic Caesar Salad (no dressing or anchovies as usual), Chicken Parmigiana, and Strawberry Ice Cream. The Orange Party was held in the BB King Blues Club but I did not stay up. Roy
  9. Today's sunrise is from yesterday, from my balcony on MS Rotterdam at sea from Puerto Limon to Montego Bay. Roy
  10. Today's sunrise is from yesterday, from my balcony on MS Rotterdam at sea from Puerto Limon to Montego Bay. Roy
  11. Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie. Happy Birthday @1ANGELCAT. Welcome home @Quartzsite Cruiser and @Heartgrove, but sorry about the Covid. I'll pass on the first 2 days but does riding on a ship count? I think I visited Tauranga just once, on Crystal Symphony in 2018. Three great dates in history and I love the Wiesel quote. I'll pass on the Chile. My alternative is Classic Caesar Salad, Beechers Macaroni and Cheese, and Apple Crumble Tart as served on MS Rotterdam Club Orange 2 days ago. A very hot day in Montego Bay. We're currently in the middle of the weekly crew drill. Roy
  12. I do but will not be at the party as I'll likely be headed to bed by then. There was that one time but it was special circumstances and without passengers. I don't expect to see either Koningsdam or Nieuw Statendam to go through the canal in service. Roy
  13. Tuesday, November 21, 2023, At Sea, MS Rotterdam I was up about 5 and the sun rose off my balcony a little after 6:30. It was a busy morning starting with the Captain’s Q&A on the world stage at 10. I think our Cruise and Travel Director Tjalling has been under the weather part of the cruise and this was the first time I’ve actually seen him. After a brief introduction Captain Bas van Dreumel joined him on the stage. He indicated that the passenger disembarked in the canal and another last minute evacuation in Pureto Limon were doing well. Captain van Dreumel was the final Master on Rotterdam 6 as she engaged in a mission to support the Covid-stricken Zaandam in getting as many passengers as possible safely through the Panama Canal and into Fort Lauderdale after Zaandam had been turned away in so many places. I did ask a question, it was about the merits of anchors or the newer ships dynamic positioning capabilities, and he said the anchors are still preferred for fuel savings. He also highlighted the vast increase in efficiency of the newer ships. In answer to another question he estimated we were about 10 years away from our first female Captain, after one promising woman had left to become a port pilot. Next at 11 was a reception in BB Kings for upper level mariners. Several medallions were presented for 300, 500, and 700 actual sailing days and the top mariners were recognized, including one lady with over 1700 days at sea. At noon Captain van Dreumel reported we had sailed 286 miles since Puerto Limon and needed to continue at 17.3 knots to arrive in Montego Bay on time. It was a quiet afternoon including the start of packing. Dinner in Club Orange was Apple, Pear, and Cucumber Salad, Rustic Home Made Lasagna, and Ice Cream. I had a quiet night and think I even dozed off a bit at my desk. Roy
  14. Rich, today is Montego Bay. We need a sea day to get to Fort Lauderdale on the 24th. Roy
  15. A couple of program updates: Orange Party is tomorrow after Montego Bay On Deck for A Cause is Thursday at 9AM. It's still for Ukraine. Roy
  16. It is to me. I prefer the Club Orange version with the baked crust but it is available in the Lido as well so you can test it for yourself before you make it a dinner. Roy
  17. Today's sunrise is from yesterday. taken from my balcony on approach to Puerto Limon, Costa Rica. Roy
  18. Today's sunrise is from yesterday. taken from my balcony on approach to Puerto Limon, Costa Rica. Roy
  19. Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie. That's a long history for Australian tennis. I tend to have the TV on most of the time, and really prefer Oatmeal Raisin Cookies. I like Tina's explanation of odd sock day although I seem to create my share of the real thing. I like the Confucius quote. I visit Ashdod way back in 2010 on a Crystal Serenity overnight call. I think I'll pass on the meal. My alternative is Classic Caesar Salad, BBQ pork ribs, and rum raisin ice cream as served November 19 in Rotterdam's Club Orange. . Captain Q&A coming up soon. Roy
  20. Monday, November 20, 2023, Puerto Limon, Costa Rica I did not have the best of sleep and was up a little before 5. With the hour we gained overnight sunrise was quite early and I was not yet moving much but think I caught most of what there was from my balcony. I don’t know if it was just the luck of the day or a trend but it was a good day for my foot. While the pain on standing on it often reaches about a 7 it was more typically about a 3 today. We arrived in Puerto Limon about 7 and were cleared just after 7:30. I was here a year ago and went into town and found nothing of interest. The tours are mostly all day affairs. I noticed on my GPS that we are only about 100 miles from Puerto Caldera on the Pacific side and I think I’ve actually done many of those same tours from there. This time I never crossed the gangway. It was a busy day with Viking Mars across the water from us at what appeared to be an overflow dock and MeinSchiff6 on the other side of our dock. It was largely a day of rest although I think I still did more walking than at home. I noticed from my balcony that one of our lifeboats had been pulled out to the position for loading and I went to investigate a bit. It was near the bow and I took the forward elevators down to the Promenade Deck. Those doors were closed off and while in the area checked out the library. It was not great but looked much better than what was on Koningsdam in 2017. I then checked out access from the midship exits and there was a clear path to the boat ready for deployment. Here’s also a boat in it’s normal position. All aboard was 4PM and I went out on the balcony (unfortunately, the side away from the dock) about 4:30. There were several muffled toots and then several strong toots from us. I saw ripples in the water fore and aft but we did not move for several more minutes. After several more toots we actually began to back away from the dock. I could just see Mein Schiff behind us headed out to sea.. We left just in time for me to be at Club Orange almost at 5. My choices for the evening were Classic Caesar Salad, Beechers Macaroni and Cheese, and Apple Crumble Tart. I did little after dinner with the change in time, heading to bed about 8 Costa Rica time. Roy
  21. Nice cabin should be easy to spot. One of the angled verandahs. Roy
  22. Thank you Rich and all. Won't say much for a while but one quick correction. Rotterdam is in Montego Bay tomorrow, 11/22 and at sea 11/23. Roy
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