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Everything posted by sparks1093

  1. Of course not (she wishes) but the fact is that any experienced baker can produce a product that is consistent in appearance. So can any cook, look at all of the dishes that come out of the kitchen and how similar the same items look. It's what they are trained to do.
  2. Passengers are screened by a private security firm and checked in by folks employed by the cruise line. At the end of the cruise CBP will be checking documents and may have dogs going up and down the disembarkation line and/or checking bags. TSA is not involved at any point in port security. I also doubt that I would have asked about this further at the point of encounter because most of the time they won't tell you what the issue was anyway and it would just cause further delay.
  3. I believe most cruise lines have a Frequently Asked Question section on their website and since the questions are asked frequently it's probably a good place to start. The answers provided are in conformance with the cruise line's policies and procedures.
  4. You beat me to it. My daughter in law runs a bakery, a one person operation, and her products are fairly consistent in size and shape.
  5. Ah, yes, there could be a contract there as well and likely is given the marketability of the Guy Freiri (sp) name.
  6. True enough, I did a faux booking and they just show the total of everything. Other cruise lines that I've been on break it down by passenger. (and the faux booking did show the total taxes and fees going from $235 for two people to $470 for four).
  7. Very true, I started noticing a sharp decline in the quality of a lot of things shortly after COVID started.
  8. The only thing that I can think of is you still need to pay the taxes and fees for the 3rd and 4th passengers, but that should show clearly in the accounting.
  9. To a large degree this is going to depend on the circumstances but I'm going to guess that evacuation from the ship will only be the patient due to space considerations. The patient may not be transported to the next port since they will be taken in most cases to the closest medical facility that can provide care.
  10. 305 days. We try to cruise once a year and our next cruise is in April 2023, 108 days from now.
  11. It very well could be both, but people act like the cruise lines are immune to supply chain shortages and they certainly aren't.
  12. The contract mentions food twice. That the fare covers "ordinary ship's food" during the voyage and a section that discusses what can't be brought back into the US. Things like ingredients and quality aren't mentioned at all. A lot of things affect this, including steps taken to control costs, but I see a lot of empty spots for common items in my local grocery store so until I stop seeing that I will continue to chalk most of these changes up to supply chain issues.
  13. This is my understanding and we'll find out in April since we're in a suite on Glory.
  14. So you haven't given up on Carnival completely. My last Guy's burger was in February and it was the same quality as the one I'd had the previous November (on the same ship). Of course I don't sail often enough to notice small changes.
  15. I sincerely do hope that you never find out first hand, but as I've said the risk is a low one either way.
  16. It was my impression from reading your posts that it has been some time since you've sailed with Carnival. When was the last time you had a Guy's burger?
  17. It is my understanding that is how it is supposed to work (and unused time remaining on the passport is lost, it isn't put onto the new passport. Not a big deal by any stretch of the imagination but I'm the guy that uses a vise grip to get the last bit of toothpaste out of the tube).
  18. Just as easy to get a replacement birth certificate as to renew a passport, if the need were there (which it isn't in this case).
  19. Yes, of course the laws of Italy pertain, the cruise lines make that clear in the contract- they are required by law(s) to ensure that all passengers have the proper travel documents available throughout the trip and it makes absolute sense they will cite the law over their contract. They would rely on the contract should the dunderhead in question attempt to sue them for leaving them behind. Let me ask you this. What happens if a passenger loses their passport while on a flight to another country? They are usually put on a plane returning to their home country immediately. A simple google search will show you that. The same thing pertains to losing one's passport while on a cruise. The cruise line, by a multitude of laws, cannot continue to carry you as a passenger without the proper travel documents. I don't know how other Consulates work but I'm fairly certain that if you show up at a US Embassy/Consulate to get a replacement passport they are going to want to see a police report if you say it was stolen. Having secondary ID won't cut it, except in the case of a closed loop cruise as I mentioned. If you need a passport to be on the ship then you can have 10 other IDs and it won't mean a thing. I've already discussed the likely outcome of hiding this fact from both the authorities and from the cruise line, it is definitely not something that I would recommend. Again, you can interpret all of this as you wish, the only reason I'm even responding is because others are also reading this and they deserve to see both sides of the debate. The risk of losing your passport while in port is low and that means the risk of this happening is also low. The risk is also low of missing the ship for most people. But if one misses the ship with their passport onboard they still know where their passport is, even if the crew doesn't retrieve it and give it to the port agent. The ship can overnight it from the next port in a worse case scenario. If a passport is lost you at the minimum are going to need to pay to replace it and at the worst you will be left behind in port. The port agent will assist you in getting home in any case.
  20. That's the glass, not the tervis tumbler (although they could be the same price). We also bought a couple of the glasses to take to our camp.
  21. Since it's a slow day due to the holidays I searched and found this. For what it's worth, of course and again, in the spirit of sharing information: Lost Passport While Traveling? It Doesn’t Have to Completely Ruin a Vacation (travelmarketreport.com)
  22. You are free to read the contract language as you like, but I'm pretty certain that there is a line in it somewhere that says "failure to observe these terms and conditions can result in disembarkation" or words to that affect. I also suspect that if someone were to not report the loss of travel documentation to the cruise line that there are two likely outcomes (the first being much more likely than the second)- 1) the passenger would need to be cleared in secondary inspection by CBP at disembarkation and 2) the passenger would be put on a no sail list by the cruise line for not complying with the contract and possibly subjecting them to fines and sanctions. And once more, I am simply sharing information. If you don't want to consider it then don't. The odds still remain in your favor anyway.
  23. I believe that we purchased one of each in February but it could have changed since then, probably due to supply chain issues. I would wait until I got onboard before buying any from an after market source.
  24. I'll take the other side and say that I would wait until after the trip to renew. Here's what Princess's FAQ says: Many countries require passports be valid for six months after the completion of your travel. Check your passport to verify it will be valid for this period of time. So what this is saying is if a country requires 6 months validity that's what you should have. The customer service agent was covering her behind with a general answer as she is trained to do. Since this is a closed loop cruise there will be many passengers onboard who are traveling with something other than a passport so it would be silly to require passport holders to have 6 months validity remaining.
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