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Posts posted by spinnychick

  1. Hi everyone, just back from a RC Caribbean cruise and am going through cruise withdrawal, next one isn't until February sigh. I gained quite a bit this cruise but am not too stressed about it, some of it I needed. The day we were supposed to leave I passed out and fell twice, broke a couple ribs, broke a bone in my sternum and split my head open. Went to the hospital and it was because my potassium was dangerously low. Everyone told me to stay home from the cruise but going was a great decision. I lazed around and ate and drank lots and took time to heal. Doing much better since home, still sore but improving. Can't believe Christmas is so close, where did time go?

  2. Hello fellow lose to cruisers. How was everyone's weekend? I cheated a little bit yesterday and had a few carbs and some delicious guacamole. I am happy to say I am down 11.5 pounds so far, so things are going well. Hoping to throw in some exercise this week, I've been terribly lazy these last months. How is everyone else doing with their weight loss? I have a cruise in 2 months so it's crack down time.

  3. Was July 2 really the last post? That's sad guys, what happened to our support group lol. I'm not one to talk, I haven't been on since the end of June. I was on medical leave for a few weeks and stuck at home and not feeling up to doing much at all. I am now on new meds so hopefully they will help. I'm sad to report I've gained 8 pounds, weighing in at 128 now and really want to be 115. I fully deserve the gain though, these past weeks I have been eating like a real piggy, like eating so many bad, terrible things. Going through the drive through and getting burgers and fries for no apparent reason. I've been a bit bored and down lately and have been using food as a crutch to cheer me up. I have become obsessed with thinking about what I can have for lunch and dinner each day and really need to snap out of it and get back to the grind. How is everyone else doing?

  4. I was wondering, which cruise do you base your "pre-cruise" weight on? For me, even though I've taken two cruises since then, I still base it on pre-Hawaii. Lot of ups and downs since then, but still haven't got back to pre-Solstice, when we started this thread! Still need to go down 8 lbs to accomplish that! :eek:


    I wish I was using my Hawaii pre weight, that is 12 pounds off from where I am right now. I'm using my last cruise in April of this year to lose 2 pounds to get to my "pre cruise weight", then I will embark on another mission to lose the last 10 to get to my true pre cruise weight of what I weighed going onto Hawaii. I feel so fat it's depressing.


    Mic, I did cut out all alcohol to save calories.

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