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Posts posted by spinnychick

  1. Well a productive weekend.

    I played soccer and not only did I get through the game without an injury or re -occurrence of one, I also scored 4 goals out of the 6 to win 6-4.

    we have also booked the Caribbean Princess cruise - 23 nights B2B London to Norway and then Iceland through to New York starting 29 August 2015. Looking forward to this itinerary as it is one we have been looking at for a while.

    The April/May 2016 Med cruise will still be in the mix as well, just waiting for the itineraries to be released.:D


    Hey, congrats on scoring 4 goals, that's great Mic. Your teammates must have been thrilled.


    And hooray for you booking yet another cruise. How many cruises have you been on and how many do you do a year? How do you get so much time off for such long cruises btw? I'm drooling with envy.

  2. Yes, breaking a large goal down can help, getting the walks in will really help. I take it the new cruise is Carribean, I thought you were possibly coming to the med with us in May or is that still a possibility as well.:D


    Yes, the new cruise is in the Caribbean, and yes we still want to do the med sometime in 2016. Either late spring or early fall. Is anyone else onboard?


    Who's up to what for the weekend? It's a long weekend for us Canucks and I am off for 3 days straight from both jobs and couldn't be happier.

  3. Stop looking at the scales daily and then these weight fluctuating issues won't arise, this is why I weigh weekly. Same time (first thing Monday morning) each week. Try that method.:)

    I managed a game of soccer yesterday with no ill effects, I took it very easy but the signs are good. The leg is behaving and I will test it again in a few days in a more rigorous game.:D


    I wish I could weigh in weekly but I can't. I am OBSESSED with the scales lol. I am down 2.5 pounds today thank goodness only 2.5 to go to reach my pre cruise weight goal. Then I want to lose those last stubborn 10. Doing it in chunks because it seemed easier to lose 20 then 10 to lose 30 all at once. The last 10 don't matter so much and they can come off as slowly or as quickly as they want lol. Managed to get in 2 walks yesterday which obviously did me well. Anyone have any exciting plans for the weekend? We just booked another cruise this one is in 2016 in March and goes to two new ports we've never been to, Tortola and Martinique. Can't wait.

  4. I am not monitoring at the moment, as I have not been dieting or indulging and exercise has been limited (due to my leg issues). Clothes do not feel tighter but I would imagine some weight gain. Will get into it again soon.:D


    I'm still battling the up/down/up/down. I have 4.5 pounds to go to get to pre cruise weight and hope to do so sooner than later. Weather is nicer lately and I have no excuse not to go walking except nobody will go with me. Tried 3 people yesterday and they all shot me down. Guess I'll have to start going solo if need be.


    Had lamb chops last night on the bbq for dinner, with a Caesar salad it was DEEEELISH. I love lamb chops. Wonder how many calories are in a chop.

  5. good work.

    MSC have a couple but mainly we are looking at 2015 itineraries as they quite often repeat the same cruise schedules each year.

    Some examples - 7 day med cruise for $969-$1049 AUD with a balcony cabin http://www.msccruises.com.au/au_en/Cruise-Departures/Find-Your-Cruise.aspx?Reg=MED&Port=&DateF=2015-04&Ship=&DateT=2015-04.

    Just seems really cheap, it has 5 ports apart from start and finish so only one sea day so the ship itself is really only for meals and sleep.

    Anyway we are looking at all options, we prefer X as we will have Elite status but a good itinerary and price will swing us away from X.:D


    Happy to report I'm down another pound but going out for dinner tonight and not dieting while out dining. The diet can wait a day lol.


    We prefer Celebrity to all other lines too, but travel on Royal occasionally. We are elite with Celebritiy as well, just got there actually and haven't had a cruise as elite yet so can't wait.


    Royal does have a good deal on right now for 2015 & 2016 cruises where the second person goes for half price. We are looking for one for 2016 but there is a great cruise on Celebrity that goes to Tortola and Martinique, two ports we've never been to so it's a toss up.


    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, I'm at work right now, one hour to go thank goodness.

  6. Enjoy the weekend and don't worry about the possible gain, just walk more as well.

    I am looking at some of these MSC deals in the Med, they seem pretty good (almost half of X) and as the itineraries in the med are very port intensive, the ship may not matter as much. What are your thoughts.:D


    Don't know if I'll make it out for a walk, supposed to have rain all weekend. We'll see. Happy to report I've lost the 3.5 pounds I gained and am down a pound this morning. 4 pounds to go to reach my first goal of my pre cruise weight. HOORAY. Now if I can only get through this weekend.


    I've never even heard of MSC, will check it out. Are med itineraries out for 2016 already?

  7. Don't stress, it will just make it worse.

    I feel a reunion cruise in the med in 2016 coming on. We need to be in Athens around mid to late April (dates TBC) for a convention we will attend, so are looking at doing a med cruise just after so late April early May.:D


    A reunion cruise is a definite must! Down another pound today so have lost 2 of the 3 pounds I lost and regained last week. So tired of this darn yo yo - ing. Up down up down it's been such a struggle. I just want to get the weight off and keep it off. Tough to do because this weekend we are out for dinner for DH's birthday on Saturday then have a Mother's Day bbq on Sunday sigh.

  8. You've been busy and congrats on your nuptials!!!!

    No, you need time and money Hahaha.. This will be our first cruise since the last Med and we are going back to the mediteranean. Monaco, Italian riviera (cinque terre), sicily, Greece, Croatia, Slovenia and Venice. Looking forward to it.....:cool:


    I'm dying to go back to the med, hopefully in 2016 if things go right. We mostly do Caribbean, just did panama canal too. Got married onboard the Summit, it was great. Your cruise sounds fantastic.

  9. Hey girl - You've come a long way from your first trip on the Equinox. I see you've been bitten by the cruise bug. How are you? I can remember how many hours we spent chatting on this board pre-cruise, planning, packing and wardrobes :). Remember our grand entrance in Venice? It was awesome.....

    No one to chat with on our upcoming cruise. A very quiet Roll call :confused:


    Doing well thanks. Long time no talk. Where is your next cruise to? Some of my roll calls are quiet too, but the cruises are pretty far off. And yes, it's been some time since our trip to the med. Have you cruised much since? I've been on ten lol and have 3 booked.

  10. Down two pounds today, so darn happy. I've lost 15 of the 20 I gained. My hard work is paying off. Having a nice steak dinner tonight with a Caesar salad. Yummy. Wish I could have a fully loaded baked potato to go with it lol. Going for a walk this afternoon if the rain holds off and hope to walk more this weekend.


    Anyone have any exciting plans for the weekend ahead?

  11. Med Cruise! Leaving on Monday! Two days in Barcelona, before boarding refurbished Equinox! Sooooo excited!


    What is controversial about your new diet? Sounds like a good list of foods from your dinner choices. Something I would be eating on my low carb (when I'm faithfully doing it...:rolleyes:).


    My first cruise was on the Equinox to the Med, my fave cruise hands down, ENJOY!! I'm drooling with envy.


    My diet is "controversial" because it's very low calorie and a very limited list of foods you can eat, but the results are worth it. Down another pound this morning woot woot. 7 to go to get to my pre cruise weight thank goodness.

  12. I managed to lose a measely half lb this week. Well, it's better than nothing, I guess. Didn't exercise much either...unless you can count packing...LOL.


    Half a pound is better than nothing, right? I went for 2 walks the past two days so proud of that but now we are supposed to have rain starting this afternoon lasting right through the weekend so there goes my walks.


    I started a very strict (and controversial) diet yesterday and am down 2 pounds this morning woot woot. Had sautéed shrimp for dinner last night with a lemon garlic sauce. Shrimp are so low in calories and so darn tasty. Made a huge Caesar salad to go with it and some sliced tomatoes. It was delish. I'm at 133 and hope to get to 125 in the next few weeks. (that was my pre cruise weight) Once I hit 125 I'll work to get the last 10 off. My goal is 115. Seems easier to break it into two chunks than to try to do it all at once for some reason.


    Hope everyone is having a happy Tuesday.


    Oh, where are you packing for??

  13. Stay motivated people, I am in static mode, not trying to lose or gain just trying to get fitter.


    My injury has flared slightly, it is now a swollen ankle and lower leg (a bit like on the last cruise) even though the injury was higher. I now think that it may be a circulation issue, something to do with the cancer I had years ago and my lymphatic system. I think I need to get to the doc and get it checked out.:D


    Yes please do go to the doc and get it checked out just to be safe.

  14. sounds like a great day for sure Mic. Glad you enjoyed.


    Well I'm happy to report I'm down another 2 pounds today, so have now lost 11/20 I gained, and 9 to go. Woot woot. Hope I keep losing 2 a day, that's been great lol. Have been living on salads though which is terribly boring, but it's worth it to be able to fit into my summer clothes again.


    Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend, I work tonight and tomorrow boo, but it's supposed to rain anyway. Going to start exercising next week too, that's the plan anyway.

  15. No, I've never actually heard of the trikes....most likely because I don't do anything really sporty/physical I guess. My favorite pastime there is a sunset sailing on the Black Pearl. Three hrs of bliss, and don't even do the snorkeling others do...just sit back w/ my rum drink.


    No loss or gain here this week...good, I guess, considering the brunch food I consumed on Sunday including two cannollis (sp). No reason to not get down and dirty this next two weeks...no excesses!


    Hey...was that a lb of chocolate bunnies!?! :eek:


    I don't do anything physical or sporty either lol. The trikes are three wheeled motorcycles. It's a 3 hour tour and you drive around to the top sites in Aruba, it really is a blast and I highly recommend it. No motorcycle experience needed. Hubby drove and I sat perched on the back. google it, trikes aruba, great time for sure!!!


    I look like I ate a lb of chocolate bunnies lol. I am so depressed about my weight and worried the warmer weather will come because my clothes don't fit.

  16. Cabo and Puerto Vallarta were the nicest of all the ports to be honest. We are real beach people and enjoy the white sands, crystal waters, snorkelling, catamarans and it was just a different expereince for us. Most of the tours in ports were over 6 hours and kind of historical and factual and we aren't into that. So most ports we just went into the port area, shopped around the vendors and went back to the ship. It was also VERY HOT, and don't get me wrong, I love the heat but it was almost too hot for me to bear. I guess I'm just a caribbean kind of girl lol. But I loved the mediterranean too.


    Have lost another 3 pounds, so 8/20 gone. Have been eating like a piggie the past few days though and stalled and not losing anymore but I deserve it. Will get back to it Monay after Easter dinner tomorrow.


    Happy Easter everyone, enjoy the day and indulge in at least a little bit of chocolate.

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