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Posts posted by spinnychick

  1. No...no more cake...for now anyway. On the ship will be a different story!

    Last night my daughter and I went to a Tapas restaurant...garlic shrimp, goat cheese croquettes, bacon wrapped dates, and fried plantains...yum, yum, yum with a glass of Sangria. I think I was a fairly good girl. Could have been a lot worse, and NO dessert. We're getting psyched up for that Med cruise coming up. Our first night in Barcelona we are taking a group Tapas tour...it will be so fun.


    Good news! I've been trying to step up the excercise to see how my knee is reacting. I figure I need to decide whether to consult with my doc before we travel or not. But with some Sweatin' with the Oldies and getting in a tad of walking with the better weather, I feel that the knee has loosened up a tad and not hurting nearly as much! Fingers crossed, this keeps up. And...just maybe the scale numbers will move as well? :rolleyes:


    Get packing, Deanna....only a few more days left for you! How do you feel your weight is doing? Best of luck to you!


    New one on me....today is supposedly National Happiness Day! So go...be happy!

    Pat :)

    Goat cheese croquettes? Sounds delish, so do all the tapas. Good for you for skipping dessert.


    Glad to hear the knee is feeling better, that's great news. I can't wait for the weather here to warm up so I can get back to walking daily. It's snowing outside as we speak sigh.


    Happy National Happiness Day to you as well lol.


    And yes, I plan to pack this weekend, well all the stuff that doesn't wrinkle anyway. My weight is okay. I'm still up 6 pounds from the last cruise though. I needed it, but it just all landed in my belly so there's a little pot going on which stinks. I hope my fitted gowns look okay.


    I've been pretty bummed about it but also haven't done anything to lose it so I have nobody to blame but myself. I plan on enjoying the cruise and eating and drinking whatever I want and I will deal with it when I get home. Lots of time before summer.


    I actually had to go buy a bigger size pair of pants lol

  2. Congrats on losing another half pound Pat. Mic, welcome back. What other places did your cruise go to? How long was this one?


    I'm down two pounds this morning, 6 to go in 2.5 weeks to hit my goal pre cruise sigh.


    I start back to work at the bank today and am dreading it, I've been off from that job on disability for 2 years and only working my office job. Doctors don't want me going back to the bank, but I got pay for these cruises somehow lol. Wish me luck.

  3. Lucky you that your seasonal part time job is over and you can take a break.


    I've tried Jillian Michael's dvds and don't much care for fitness dvd's myself. Sweatin' to the Oldies might be kinda fun though lol.


    Hooray for booking Aruba, it is one of our favourite ports so far in the Caribbean. We rented trikes there and had a blast, was the best excursion we've ever booked. Have them booked again for our November cruise when we visit Aruba. Worth checking out for sure.

  4. Oh, the Infinity news was just a brief scare. Of course, the TV played it up the day it happened, but all it was, was that the ship had bumped into a barge in port and that damaged one of the lifeboats. Trying to repair things effected them getting to the next port, and they had to leave the lifeboat behind. Mic will probably enlighten us, but I don't think anyone was injured or anything like that.


    Wow....that's some major eating, Lady. So glad you enjoyed the food! I'm sure you were happy to get some sun and relax. Did you like the Infinity better or same as the Solstice? How were the ports? Short countdown now for you again...and do I see a new cruise on there? ;)



    Yes, it was some major eating, I gained 19 pounds in 10 days ... crazy. But I am down 10 in 4 days so I think some of it was just water weight. also my ankles were swollen and are no longer swollen. I plan to go on a hard core diet and exercise regime starting Monday to lose the other 9 pounds.


    We sailed on the Century, not the Infinity. And no, I prefer the Solstice class ships by far. Century is their smallest and oldest ship, but hey a cruise is a cruise. Ports were good, we'd been to San Juan and St. Croix before but St. Barts & Turks Caicos were new to us. St. Barts I wouldn't bother going back to it was highly overpriced, beaches not that great, etc. Also I've heard quite a few times that St. Bart's hates having cruise ships in and coincidentally the water plant shut down the day we were there and they announced that there was no access to public washrooms at all the day we were in.


    Yes, the countdown is on for our Panama Canal March 30, can't wait to escape the cold again, it's been the coldest winter here in 20 years. Just bitter and miserable.


    And yes, we've added another cruise on Eclipse in Feb 2015, a 2 week Caribbean, super excited.


    Have a good weekend everyone.

  5. Keeping tabs on the news about the Infinity! :eek:

    Hope everyone is safe and sound!

    Pat :)


    What news about the Infinity? I sail on her March 30 to Panama Canal.


    Back home safe and sound from my 8 night Caribbean on Century and had a wonderful time. Sad, very sad news is that I gained 18 pounds on a ten day vacation. I deserved it though, I ate like a PIG. I had eggs benedict, bacon and hashbrowns every morning, a full lunch and 3 or 4 course dinners. I have never eaten like that. My clothes were getting snug. I am down 2 this morning, so have 16 to lose before my next cruise which is in 5 weeks. Wish me luck.

  6. Four more days....Awesome! I'm taking this cruise vicariously with you. I want warmth so badly. I was looking for a quick, inexpensive cruise to hop on (your deal is great!), but I had a bad dental visit and now I'm trying to figure out when I'll ever be booking another cruise...I need 3 implants done next month. :( Thankfully, my Med cruise is paid off!


    I'm laughing at you with the burgers....oh, well...as long as you are feeling good, I'm sure it'll pass shortly. You'll be eating lots of good stuff on the cruise!


    Oh...and no loss for me this week. It's being really stubborn, and I don't feel like I've been bad at all.

    If I don't talk to you again before you leave....Bon Voyage!

    Pat :)


    Yikes, 3 implants, you poor thing. I'm hoping you have good coverage. I hate the dentist, like loathe going but I've never had implants or root canals or anything major (knock on wood).


    So I couldn't get into work this morning, road was blocked off due to an accident and I found myself at McDonald's eating a very unhealthy breakfast. Why do I do this to myself? I was down 2/4 pounds this morning and feeling happy and now feel like I've blown it yet again. I don't know where my willpower is lately. :( :confused:

  7. I've been very bad as well. I borrowed some exercise DVDs from my niece, and looked at one, and said....nah, not for me. I am still at 6 lbs up from the start of the Hawaii cruise (albeit 16 down from the start of our L2C).

    And this cold, snowy, cold, snowy winter is making me very depressed! Lucky you that you are on your way to warmth! Enjoy!

    Pat :)


    Yes, I am very lucky to be going away and escaping this horrible weather lol. WE also have a cruise to the Panama Canal late March. I've never cruised so close before and wouldn't do it again, it was a fluke. We had panama booked, free drink pkg, $400 obc, etc, etc and then this feb cruise came up for 8 nights for $550 for an inside and it hit 2 new ports we've never been to and Celebrity doesn't usually sail to .... Turks & Caicos & St. Barts so we jumped on this one too lol.


    I'm down a half a pound this morning sigh, I wish it would come off more quickly.

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