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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! I'm thinking that during Plato's time, there wasnt heavy metal music. Ah romance.... @dfishRadisihes related to cabbage? I would have thought carrots. or Turnips. I envy you your hot temperatures, as ours will be going up to 97 or higher this weekend. They said with the humidity it will feel like more than 100. Thank goodness that the air conditioner man came yesterday. This morning the view out the window is cloudy (no rain in the forecast) with hummingbirds. I did open the windows, in the front of the house, and the 3 "boys" are in the window sills and cat basket checking out the flight patterns. Today is another day where someone has to stay home and wait. Home Depot told DH on Tuesday that they will send someone out today to pick up the old laundry stuff (which should have been taken away on Saturday) and to replace the hose that was too short. I have been able to do laundry, but I wish the machine was in the place for the washer, and not flush against a wall, sideways in the "mud" room. But they didnt give us an estimate on what time someone will be here, so I need to go out and run a few errands before I "go" to work. My vein and heart doc called yesterday to tell me that my appointment on Friday has been changed. She asked if I was having problems with my leg, and I said, it was tingly and twitchy and she said, ok, your appointment has been changed for a month out. This morning I got a call from Emory that my lung doc has scheduled my next CT scan without contrast. And that got scheduled for July.and just looking at next week and I have an appointment to get to or get DH to every day but thursday. The older we get the busier we are. When we lived overseas in the early 60' we often went to Brugge, and I would eat my weight in chocolate and get sick as a dog. You would think it would break me of the chocolate addiction, it didn't. I just switched to dark chocolate, doing much better...LOL. Speaking of flight patterns, I checked Miami Airport, delays are only 15 minutes, arriving and departing today, so as along as @Cruzin Terri has a break between flights, she should be OK. I hope everyone has a wonderful day, and thank you all for the well wishes for DH's birthday yesterday. He really did appreciate them.
  2. Today was an interesting day. I took DH out for breakfast, at First Watch, he loves their waffles. We stopped at the krogers and picked up his meds, and came home. I worked and DH went to work, and donna brought over his favorite food (deviled eggs) and a card from the cats and from THE DOG. It was after work that the day went wonky-oh Scottie is out of ICU and in a regular room, he seems to be improving, thank you for your prayers. And I went out to clean the kittens litter, which always seem to be the most exciting part of the day, they kept grabbing the plastic bag that the poop goes in, then they knocked over the plastic cup of extra litter, so when I was doen scraping, I went out, and couldnt get back on the porch without DH. They kept rushing the door, so he went in, he demands respect, no toe chewing! And when I opened the door for a litter delivery Jersey rushed to the door, I went to stop her, and fell. Then after that was all cleaned up, the litter done, and I sat to catch up with today, Furnando knocked over my iced coffee on the desk, and it went every where! All the paper work drenched. The air is now on! Yay, And now to find something to take my pills with and off to bed. @smitty34877I hope that you and the family start feeling better-
  3. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Its 67 and sunny today, and the air conditioning man is supposed to come today! But now I have to figure out when if we are going out for breakfast. Gifts to wrap, I will be back!
  4. Tomorrow is DH's birthday. Since we are both working I told him I would take him out for breakfast. He got to choose where, so off to First Watch after I walk the dog. Got to see my dietician today, I do think that she is done with me. She met me at the reception area, and she walked me to the scale. You have lost weight she said. I said "it must be the ice cream diet". " Very funny" she says, and i said, I'm not trying to be funny! I explained that sometimes we are out and about at drs and we are too late for lunch by the time we get out, and too early to call it dinner, so we have a late dunch or early linner, and around 8, we need Ice Cream. She took my scanner for my Libre Free Style and ran the most recent report, Seems I can eat ice cream. I just cant eat more than 12 chips with my guacamole. And I can't eat fried shrimp. And of course my blood sugar goes up with stress, so that happens a lot, and it goes down when I walk the dog. Unless the Collard Greens starts stalking us. Donna retired from her night time pool group. She now plays with the seniors on Tuesday afternoons. So I still have to walk the dog on Tuesdays, as she is scheduling her doctors appointments and other meetings on Tuesday mornings. But I no longer have to let the dog out at 9 on Tuesday nights. She also has mentioned getting goats to "do" her back yard, I have noticed several folks in the hood having the sheep over for "Munch" , and asked her why she didn't want the sheep, she said goats would eat the Ivy. And we have English Ivy everywhere. EVERYWHERE! Go goats! DH's baby brother had a stroke this past weekend. Nobody wanted to tell Momma Norma, but I guess they couldn't not tell her forever, so Middle brother did, and Momma called today very upset, and DH had to pretend it was the first he was hearing it. But since he didnt ask when where, or where was he now, she aint dumb, she will figure it out that they kept it from her. So even though DH isnt talking about it, please keep Scottie in your prayers. Well, that's all the news thats not fit to print- @ger_77A loving door, is an open door, your friends know where to go to see sunshine and hope. I have had two friends like that since I moved to Atlanta, however one had a stroke during childbirth, and became suicidal when her baby became an adult. During one of her major funks her husband asked what did she want to do, and she said come see Annie. Well he called and I said sure, but while they wanted to remember our past, due to it being in the past, I was not too sure how much I wanted to revisit my drinking days. And I never heard from them again, and she never answered the phone and I tried many times to reach back out to her. The other is my traveling friend. But as you know she is deep into dementia and it worries her when someone just shows up. I realize that my ability to have an open door changed when DH moved in with me, to keep hiding his secrets. I need to change that.
  5. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Its 68 degrees sunny and it is expecting to get very hot this week, up to the upper 90's. Our air is still not on, as we need to get the unit inspected, and the company we use will also change the filter under the house for us. Its a huge filter and it gets changed twice a year. They are supposed to come tomorrow. I was supposed to cover the air conditioner during the winter, but we were cruising, and then I got ill, so it was not done. We have fans, and I will put one out for the cats on the porch. I have a zillion things to do this morning, and even though Donna is off, she still wants me to walk the dog. DH is having nerve problems, it feels to him that his eye is running all the time, but it is not. So he rubs, and rubs, which he should not do, then wants me to put in drops, then freaks out with the drops. I keep explaining to him that his eye is not running, and he says I'm lying, so yesterday when we were at the docs he asked the doc to verify, and the Dr. told him it was not running, that it was from nerve damage, and told him the same thing I do, "be smarter than the nerve" and then he doubled up the nerve medicine, that DH was taking incorrectly because he hadnt read the directions, nor did he tell me that he was on another medicine. Doc gave him a different material to cover the hole, and told him that this is due to the radiation, and that surgery will not be an option. Dh doesn't listen and when a surgeons office called last night, he scheduled an appointment. ARGHHH! We did head to Kodiak, bucket list for both BFF and I, but a typhoon hit, and we couldnt get in to port. May of 2023. I love blueberry muffins, with extra extra blueberries. Well, I love you all, and i hope to be back today, but as of right now, I am off and running.
  6. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! We had rain at 2 am this morning, too bad it didn't last. Yesterday was way too hot to not have the air on! It got up to 91 yesterday. The washer and dryer arrived on Saturday as promised, but the hose was not long enough on the washing machine, nor on the the dryer-not the delivery and installers job to fix that, and then they took off without taking the old washer dryer away, so our carport is rather full of old equipment. It is supposed to be resolved tomorrow. Today is DH's immunotherapy day, and meet with the doctor day. So I scheduled the day off from work. Tomorrow I meet with my dietician, and Friday I meet up and have some test done on my leg veins. Next week we take the 4 monsters for their vaccinations, and then, they can meet the fur babies inside. We did close the doors yesterday shutting out the big cats and let them in for a couple of hours. This time they all came in and ran around until they couldn't run around any more, and I learned that food is a good bribe to get them back out on the porch. @smitty34877I'm glad that the teenagers had a good time at the parade, were home by dinner time, and shared their day with you. Sounds like you have another great kid in the family! The 8 week campaign ends this week, and I will be glad to be working during day time hours, and not every evening. And I guess I will be back to Lincoln Center soon. But for the time being, I am ok with working just one job.
  7. Good Sunday Morning Daiyites! I slept in this morning, I've been living off of roughly 4 hours of sleep per night the past two weeks, and figured, well, if the neighbor is still in that pool tournament today, I dont have to walk the dog until 11 or 12, so I said to myself at 6:45, just 15 more minutes and woke up at 8:30. I'm even considering a nap today...hmmmm. The cats were a bit miffed that I slept late, but the kittens were the worst. Entering the porch armed with plates and food, they were all over my legs like a deranged acupuncturist, and I came back into the house, with bleeding toes and ankles. All is well now, I know there is Bactine somewhere in the house..... Years ago my first husband and I went to Jamaica, to an all inclusive called Couples. We landed in Montego Bay, and a bus from the resort picked us up and took us to Ocho Rios were the resort was. So no one bothered us in Montego Bay. The resort was beautiful, everything included, every thing! Except marijuana. We all had to attend a meeting the first night, we were told to think of the place as camp for adults, that we could participate in as many things that we wanted, and that the employees were our camp counsellors and would solve any situation that came alone, BUT if we wanted pot, to go directly to them. And if we got caught with marijuana outside the compound -Jail would not be as cushy as in the US. The first night there the husband of another couple had discovered some pot in the mens' room. He asked the counselor if he thought it was safe, the counselor said, only one way to tell, rolled some up and the husband , and the counselor got high. Must have been good, because I dont remember seeing him for the rest of the week, so his wife and I hung out for the week. My ex spent his time, with a pair of binoculars checking out the naked people on the "private" island. One day I decided to go horseback riding up into the mountains, there were about 5 of us, and two guides. At one point the guide went ahead of us -he said to check out traffic on an upcoming road. Not so, when we got to said "road" (dirt path), there was a table set up and a pot sales man. None of us wanted to buy anything. It was an all inclusive, why would I have my purse with me? So the guide led us away, and we went back to the compound on a different trail. The idea of spending anytime in a jail in Jamaica just never sat right with me. But it is a beautiful island, and there are places I would still like to visit there. @Cruzin Terri I hope today is better for you, I've always wanted to go to Barbados. There is a young FIA race driver from Barbados, his helmet says Boy from Barbados. I wondered where he got to race on the island. @kazuI completely understand moving into a "senior" living community. Especially one that would allow my pet. But when I am the non furred mother to so many how would I narrow it down to just one. But I know that taking care of this house and yard is way too much for me. My parents lived in a community like that. One of mom's friends had a black cat. Thing was, if and when the pet moved on, you could not replace the pet. Well the cat crossed over the rainbow bridge, and she went to the pound and got another black cat. How could they tell it wasn't the original cat. My mom said her friend ended up having 3 cats in the time that she lived there. No one but her friends knew the cat was being replaced. If my tale of Jamaica is a repeat of information, just disregard.
  8. My BFF was called this week and told that the people he had been meeting with in his church group in RI had Covid, and I spoke with a few people in Cincinnati this week, who just got back from Boston, and they had Covid, so apparently take care in the NE!
  9. @LambKnuckles I keep a sweater in the car year round. Our Farmers Market is huge, and I think is just a giant refrigerator.
  10. @aliaschief Thank you for taking us all along on your cruise with you. You took the trip, but I am pretty sure that most of us felt like we were there with you because of your great pictures and story line.
  11. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! It's 64, sunny and low humidity, looks like it will be a lovely day. Today the new washing machine and dryer arrive, sometime between 1:30 and 5:30. I have to move some things around in the washroom before they get here. The gentleman who sold us the items said if we ask nicely, once the guys get the old things out, we could clean out the area, before the new stuff gets placed in. Yay! DH got a notice from his bank last night, that while we were dining at Popeye's (they have the best fried shrimp) his card had been used for two charges under 5 bucks. He called the bank, was told what the charges were, looked up the company that had processed them, called the bank back, and because it was fraud, they are closing the account, and sending him a new card. So no access to his funds for a while. And he needed to order checks which would have given him some financial help, but he didnt order any, so now it's on me to pay for everything for a few days. Gulp. At least I bought a bunch of cat food last week, so I only have to worry about feeding us. And pay the bills. @StLouisCruisersThanks for the article about the USS Liberty. We need a movie on that one. Maybe not right now however. Work today, walk the dog, hopefully be able to meet for dinner with Debbie. Our friend Debbie had a brain tumor, it was fought with drugs, which made her become huge, and now as she is getting older, it is getting harder and harder for her to get around. And after dinner, hopefully run to the grocery store and do the shopping. I really would love a Sunday without having to go somewhere. I want to let the baby cats back in for a few hours. One of the reasons that I have not posted pictures of them, is that only one of them actually looks like a kitten, the other 3 look like little balls of black fur. That's it. They don't show up well at all. That and I need DH to show me how to post them. Have a great day everyone!
  12. I went back and looked at the last posts from @cruzn single. She mentioned that she was suffering from fatigue, and that she was having a terrible time shaking her second bout of Covid. That it was "different" she said than the last time she had it. She booked a cabin in a sold out cruise, when someone cancelled , it leaves on the 9th of June a 28 day northern Alaska Cruise, but she never posted on a roll call, and that was pretty much it, She hit Like for two weeks on the daily, and then nothing. All in all, that is pretty scary. I was so glad that when I disappeared earlier this year, you all came looking for me. However, when I travel i dont pay any attention to modern devices. I like the actual interaction between myself and another person, or just being by myself. That is a treat for me these days.The only time I get to be alone, and doing what I want, is when I come to the Daily in the mornings. Once DH gets up, I am at his beck and call. Unless I have to walk the neighbors dog. 🙄😉 @dfish If I submit a prepaid box, can you send me a slice? That cake looks beautiful, and my favorite pie is Pecan. There used to be a restaurant in Stone Mountain, that was a small buffet. They always had a cobbler choice every night. Somebody decided that instead of cobbler, they would make the filling for a pecan pie, without crust. By far my most favorite dessert of all times. The restaurant closed years ago, but I still attempt to make that "cobbler" once in a while. Especially if I am with people, who dont ask where the crust is. When one visits the porch these days, they need to wear long pants, and gloves. 4 kittens can kill an elderly human in about 15 minutes. Thin skin and all. Took my life in my hands when I went out to clean their litter boxes, and moved one of Turnips toys.
  13. Apparently the fastest way to get a behavioral specialist to see you is cancel your 9 am appointment at 2 am. They called at 8:30 and he was being evaluated right there and then. I left the room because this is his time, but had to come through several times, and he was telling them that his first marriage lasted 7 years. No, I said, it was 20. So his memory is going, which I thought was happening. Then they asked him who recommended the appointment and why. He didnt know. Yup, we have problems. @Seasick SailorI looked at that rock, and said, ouch, I know why there is debris, it's like rocks stuck to concrete. @Haljo1935At first it sounded to me like you had a choice, appendix or kidney stones. Sorry, I would have chosen the appendix. Sorry about the pain, hope meds help with it, and you may have to give up ice cream. Hugs.
  14. Good Friday Morning Dailyties! When I got off work at 10 last night I found DH at the home computer, cursing and throwing paperwork on the floor. Turns out "he who forgets to tell me things" was supposed to have a mental behavioral online talk with someone from Northside hospital this morning, and he was trying to get all of his paperwork scanned and sent. A bit too late, and he couldnt figure out how to do it. I couldnt do it for him, ( I dont know how) nor did he want me to, but I would have been upfront and told the people at the hospital that I did not have the knowledge to complete said requirement. I went to bed at midnight, and he came to bed at 2. I asked if he had finished, and he said yes. I asked what time the meeting was, and he said he had cancelled it. Both his father and sister had Alzheimer's, and now I'm wondering. And now he is up, so I will move on before a situation gets weirder.
  15. The last film I saw at a drive in was Blazing Saddles with a friend back in 1979. She insisted that we leave when they got to the beans and the farting. It was part of a double feature, the first film was Heros. Listed as a Drama/Comedy. Too close to having lost friends in Vietnam to think of it as a comedy. When we spent our summer on Cape Cod we would always go to the drive ins. I was at the age of losing teeth, so I lost a tooth during Bonnie and Clyde. I thought drive in's would make a come back during Covid, but no...that would have made sense, guess all the speakers would have had to be replaced. (originals too old) And then wiped down after each night. Family bubbles in bubbles. BFF emailed me yesterday, he was going to go see our mutual friend before it was too late, and he got a call, that the person he had been attending church meetings with has Covid, and to not travel. So trip was cancelled. I saw on the news about the tornadoes in Maryland, glad to read so far, that all of you are safe.
  16. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! The sun is shining down into the "hollar" , the sky to the west is dark and while it says 72 and mostly sunny, it earlier said expect morning rains. We had a very good visit with the new dermatologist. Emory is a medical school, and hospital so DH had the doctor, the intern and a medical student. They all asked him questions, he had his notebook with him, with all the medical terms written down, but they spoke in "English" which was good, because DH went into a brain fart, and couldnt remember his notes, and big medical terms. And when he does that, he shuts his eyes, and that is when I notice that the doctor stops talking directly to him, and switches over to me. The hole in his face is either cancer or it is that the skin that he had so many surgeries on, just is old and can no longer stick together. Especially with him rubbing it all the time. So step one, an MRI of the head and neck. If it shows as cancer near the hole, then they will send him for surgery and try to repair, if it is not then he will be sent to the ENT and they will do surgery, and somehow close the hole. The doctor noticed a lump on DH's neck, could be a swollen lymph node which means that the immunotherapy is working, which is good, If the lump is cancer, not good. He had option A and option B. He also said, that the oncologist may have to change the type of immunotherapy. And after all the plans were laid out, DH started complaining that no one will help him. And I stop him during this rant, and tell him we're OK, DR Blalock just laid out a good plan. I also requested that all calls come to the home phone, not DH's cell phone, as he will get messages and not pass them on. NOW that is something that the doc understands, so a good start. We moved the older cats to the back rooms with their crunchies and litter and water, (they were not happy, the scratches on my arm indicate that) and let the kittens and their momma in to the house, oh they played and ran around and crawled under the furniture and climbed on the furniture, played in Tiggers tube toy,. and I went out on the porch, swept up the floor, threw out any thing that was paper, found their toys everywhere, picked them all up, and vacuumed. Hmmm. Ollie and Momma would not leave the porch (they were the last 2 in the house, decided they didnt like it and went back to the porch) and they suffered through the vacuuming. But the little ones inside hid under the furniture until I stopped, and then came back out. Well two did, where was #3 ? Sound asleep under the sofa. After they all passed out, I fixed their dinner, picked them up, put them back on the porch, and closed the porch back up. Opened the doors for the indoorians to come back to the den, and two did, but where was Bob? He had opened the sliding doors to the bedroom closet and moved in, wouldn't budge until I went to bed. He stayed with me for a while, and then took off, did he come to eat? no. He moved into Tazi's room, and was sleeping on the futon this morning. This cat can hold a grudge! @MISTER 67 I agree with you on the WWII museum in New Orleans, one of the best history museums in the US. We watched Band of Brothers a few weeks ago, I try to watch it before June every year, to remind me of the history and the sacrifice that the Greatest Generation made for us. I read that Alhambra in Granada is the second most visited site in Europe. What was the first? Had to look that up,...turns out it is the building in Austria that housed the Third Reich.
  17. If there were a dozen deviled eggs in front of me, I would eat them all! (unless they were made with Miracle whip...most disgusting thing in the world) (well almost). Came back from walking the dog, very disturbing, we were stalked by Collard Greens the whole time, and of course the dog who hates everything was a bit rattled. She would look behind her, and the cat was there, but we would go a few more steps, and the cat was behind a tree. Go a few more steps and the cat was there, and then a few more, and the cat was under a shrub. I giggled the whole time...... Bad dog beware!
  18. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! @Cruzin TerriI am so sorry that yesterday was so terrible. When we were flying home from Tampa last year and I was so ill, DH asked the people at Delta if we could get wheel chairs once we landed in Atlanta. The woman at the counter said, well she is sick, so I understand, but do you need 2? I leaned over with all my germs, and looked at her. I said "my husband has cancer and heart problems, do not judge a book by it's cover." We arrived in Atlanta and there were 2 young girls with wheelchairs ready to push us all the way to baggage claim. I asked the girl pushing me if she was a volunteer, turned out they were doing this because they were avoiding jail time for misdemeanors. They were very nice, and I gave both of them 20 bucks. I hope that you can see a doctor today for his injuries. I'm surprised that the airlines didnt take him yesterday. :Looks bad for them. Today we see a new doctor for DH's cancer. He has had so many MOHS surgeries, and skin graphs that the skin is very weak and the cancer is so very aggressive that a hole has opened up in the side of his cheek, that goes straight into his mouth and sinus. Not sure how much more surgery they can do now as the cancer is headed to his brain. When I read about all of you going to see someone regarding a small basal cell problem, this is all happening because DH didnt go see a doc when he should have. Cant stress enough, if something isnt right, get to a doc! And then on Monday we meet with the oncologist when he goes in for his immunotherapy. I am taking today off, and I will take Monday off because I am hoping that after the appointments we can get some "field and meadow " time to let him think. I know that the oncologist wants him off some of the pain meds he uses. But for some reason he doesnt understand to NOT double up using the liquid cream on his face. I get very frustrated at times, and as his old doc said, "gotta watch him 24/7" but that is very hard to do. BFF sent me an email, and called last night-our mutual friend who procrastinated so much about seeing doctors that were "different" from him, and put off appointments until he got opinions that he wanted to hear, is going into hospice. They believe that the cancer has now spread to his pancreas (it is in his kidneys, bladder, and lungs too) and there is nothing they can do. He was told by a neighbor who is a doc at the hospital the truth. I wish DH's docs would be so honest. So we ignore the elephant in the room, and keep on truckin'. I know way too much info, I apologize. But you are the people I talk to, and you are the ones who can give me joy right now. Have a great day, and hug the ones you love-ALL the cats including the strays got a hug or a scritch yesterday. They will today too.
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