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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @smitty34877I suspect that being cooler makes Tana less uncomfortable too, but I did see Al Roker say that by Sunday things will be more "normal" . @StLouisCruisers and I are in some weird, spring is holding off pattern. Yes the plants bloomed, but I think this year they did that by memeory, not because of the weather.
  2. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! @cruising sisterI am so sorry for this current heartbreak for you , and your best friend. @JazzyVI hope all goes well at your appointment today. @ger_77I hope you are feeling better, and the throat is not as painful today. And to all who are heading out on a cruise, with the wacky weather-I just saw the most recent update on Ft. Lauderdale's rain. The average rain amount for the month of April is 3 inches, not 20+ inches in 7 hours. The ground being porous sucked it up until it could not any more, so more rain on top of that has no where to go. Stay safe! I am going to Prince Rupert, will be there on the18th of May. My plan is to wander around the port area, where there is a garden, and then wander down to a coffee shop, and if I'm lucky, one of the food trucks will be open, and I can get a plate of fish and chips. I looked on line to research what restaurants were good, and McDonalds came in 8th. The food trucks came in 2nd. I'm sure though that the country side and harbor scenes will feed my soul. Arctic char is always at our farmers market, but while @dfishsays it is a flacky fish, in the display area it looks as hard as a rock. DH has been curious, but now that I know the flavor? I'm going to try it. I hope it bakes well. ex spouse # 2 supported my ability to fish, and trout is one of my favorite meals. But I agree with @StLouisCruisers they are ex's for a reason. I do check obituaries once in a while, ex #1 is now deceased. The thing that these two had in common, was that they talked their new honey into signing my name to paperwork to obtain things that they wanted, #1 it was a new house on a lake in North Georgia, #2 forged checks all over town. I celebrate leaving them every day. Yesterday I had the pleasure of being told what an idiot I was by a patron regarding my new campaign. He was right, and it was something that i had pointed out to my boss earlier in the day. If you want me to ask for money, tell me what I am asking for, why is this a non profit, when all the information makes it sound like the patron pays for private concierge services. The boss did send me something, and I did tell the man what we did, "why didn't i start out with that information" "you stink at this job" any way this man babbled on for so long, for all his hatred towards telemarketers, all begging at the same time.....I get it. It's true, when telemarketers cant sell subscriptions, we ask for money. Any way he wanted a name and number of who he could contact to be able to sell his advertising marketing items to, and I got a number, and called him back. 1-he was amazed that i actually called him back with information, 2- i gave him an idea on how to sell to the Lincoln Center, and 3-I can call him back before the cut off date and ask again for a donation. But after 2o minutes of this man berating me, i was wiped out. Even though we both ended up with a resolution. I was supposed to go to a noon concert today, but am opting out for lunch out, walk dog, and chill out until I work again this evening. I noticed that The Birds was on Netflix, and as I have been thinking about this movie for a while, I watched it again. It had been years, and I think I never really saw the ending, so when it was over, I looked at DH and said, well that was a waste of time.....glad I didn't buy it for my Hitchcock collection. I think that he made the film because he had something for Tippi Hedron, and she was beautiful, but I liked her better in Marnie. Have a great day all!
  3. Best of luck to you all trying to get into the Ft. Lauderdale area. Long day today. Too long. Hugs to all, safe travels, and great adventures.
  4. Serendipity this morning. Hunger and lack of breakfast choices at home, we went to Old Hickory House for breakfast. I asked DH if any of the youtube vidoes he watched yesterday talked about the lido deck and the woman across from us asked us if we were cruisers. They only cruise Holland, answered some of my questions, told me how great the food was, and their favorite ship was the Nieux Amsterdam. Small world. My mom bought paintings throughout places we stayed in Europe. I have a painting of Villefrance next to me when I am at the computer.
  5. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! The computer says it's 53 and mostly sunny, but it seems weird that the north is warmer than the south, and while you all are opening windows, I am still running the heater on the porch for the cat, heat still comes on during the night, and windows can be open when the sun is shining. I have been to Monaco, we drove through it to get to Italy to get our visa's stamped (this was early in the 60's). We had lunch in Italy, and came back to France. My mom ordered spaghetti for me, and it was a plate of naked spaghetti. One of many of my strange meals because we didn't know the culture, the language and English was not known or spoken as much in Europe as it is now. No pictures, heck I was 7 years old. I am enjoying the pictures as they are bringing back memories. I was the assistant manager of a garden center for 3 years, but I managed, and taught classes about pond building. Plants? um, not so much. Luckily Tom, my boss hired gardeners to work part time. I have a bird feeder with sunflowers in the front of the house. I kept the original plants in the front garden, and the seeds from the feeder that have fallen out and sprouted, so I am letting nature create a sunflower garden in the front. I also seem to be quite good at growing poison ivy. I just need time to get out and work in the yard.
  6. DH ended up better than I did, he got Atlanta Ballet and WD concert hall. He has basically a week off before he begins, I get no time off and took a mighty pay cut with the campaigns that I went with, but Boss 2 wants me back for Center Theatre Group in November, and Hollywood Bowl in January.. I just float until then. Boss 3 told me a couple of days ago that I can choose my own bosses because of the amount of hours I do. Seems I have done that over the last year, and I left one I couldn't stand, micro manager, and the three I have love me, and want me back on all their campaigns. Having a good boss makes up for the lack of good patrons.😸 Enough about work, lets talk food. I hate arugula. Hate it. Tastes like a sweaty basketball to me. ( I have not eaten a sweaty basketball, but that's what it reminds me of) If it's in a salad, I uck when I eat it. Basil pesto for me. @dfish, be glad something is just normal. @Crazy For Cats from all my furbabies and DH and me to River
  7. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Yesterday was proof that the only thing constant is change. I sent my letter to Boss 2, got no reply. I copied all the right people, and had my training for my new job at 5:30 til 8. In the middle of my zoom meeting, DH started mumbling about something, i could tell that he was angry about something. Near the end of my meeting, and I was on mute, he tells me he got laid off from Boss 2. He has another job that is only 6 hours a week for the next two weeks, not enough BUT Boss 2 told him to get in touch with another person to start training for the Disney Concert Hall. Its a great job, but i think he gave him the wrong address to get in touch with the new boss. So I start tonight at Friends of Lincoln Center, and on Monday with Arizona Opera, and keeping fingers crossed that DH gets Disney.. that would last him through the summer. BFF called last night and we (he) filled in the boarding information. He said he would go back and get his credit card information for him and fill it in later, BUT when he added my card to DH's name it auto- matically filled it in for all three of us. So he is calling Holland today to figure that one out. And once it is all completed, he will have the boarding passes emailed to us. And of course, I still dont have the results from the PETscan. And I may be crazy but regardless of diagnosis, I'm taking this cruise. The last time we went up Mount Washington, we got off the cog railway to walk into the building and the woman who got off before us, blew right over. Took three men to pick her up and get her into the building.
  8. Good Tuesday Morning Daiyites! It's 40 and sunny, expected to get up to 70. Of course I'll be inside working at that time.... Still havent figured out how to tell Boss 2, that I will be leaving him in a week. Off this morning to dollar tree to get office supplies, and then do a walk, then wally world and then chick fil A, and then walk the dog, and then go to work, and then attend a zoom training, and then work..... What a day! I'm pretty sure we will skip something. since DH and I will both be working at night starting tomorrow, we are off for microwave dinners and lettuce. No break long enough to cook for the rest of the week. Then next week, I will get hours off to at least prep a meal, and then we will live with that for a week and then we are gone, and someone else can cook for me. I am currently suffering from life anxiety. I love the quote, I love my pets, it is always their day.
  9. @Quartzsite Cruiser I think you have me confused with the step family. I have a brother who is adopted, like me, but we are not related. After our Dad passed on, my brother spoke less and less to me, and finally stopped talking to me all together. I have a niece and nephew, that I met once, and do email my niece, but that's just to keep tabs on each other. My brother and I always said we were only children, he would often deny the fact that I was his sister. We were so different that even our time together was not enough to justify trying to keep up with each other. In my DNA search I found out I had a half brother, who died, and a half sister, who would not respond to the brother's son, or me. Guess she wanted to be an only child too. DH did get up early, and we went for a walk in the bird sanctuary and for the first time in a year, saw birds! We were wearing long sleeves and had our vests on, but it was very windy and quite cold. I was thinking during our walk that I cant remember being this cold in April in Georgia since the early 80's when it actually snowed 11 inches on 4/11. It wasn't that warm last year, but this is getting ridiculous, when folks in PA are warmer today than we are in GA. I keep telling DH that we are in training for our Alaska cruise in May. Only 23 more days til we fly to Vancouver! Ship leaves on the 7th. Boss 3 is now trying to steal me away from Boss 2. I had emailed Boss 2 last night that I would be going back to Boss 1 this week, and that would not affect my hours with him,. but now boss 3 wants me to start next week with her, she actually wanted me to start in an other campaign this week. That couldn't happen as I cant work 3 campaigns. Well I could and I have when I worked in the office, but I guess they feel that someone cant actually do that very well with 3 bosses.....So tomorrow I have to figure out how to tell boss 2, who pays the best that I am leaving him several weeks early. Without telling him that I am going on vacation, as we feel that might jeopardize Chuck getting released too early. I was having very good luck with the new inhaler that my pulmonologist had given me a free sample of, however when I went to pick up the actual prescription I was told that it was over 500 dollars, for 60 days, and I walked away without it. Really? Maybe the doc can give me a years worth of samples.... The woman in front of us in line walked away after standing a long time without saying anything and with out her meds, as the cost was over 1200.00.
  10. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! I read last night that there was an explosion in Marseille Saturday imploding two buildings, and at least 8 people are missing. Don't normally see Marseille in Yahoo news, and then to see it as the port of the day was interesting. I agree that my electrolytes were upset. After drinking that barium stuff and getting an IV of radioactive material, my electrolytes probably took a vacation... but left me behind. My neighbor had left off two Easter buckets yesterday with chocolates, and mandarin oranges, and I hopped on over to her place (wearing my bunny ears) to give her the chocolate bunnies and a bag of Wicked Mix, and just standing was painful. Got home and I was in extreme cramp pain. DH rubbed my feet, and then went and got me some Theraworks, which I applied, and put on socks, drank a lot of water, and felt better. You know when you are in so much pain it makes you nauseous, well that's where I was by mid afternoon. So I just chilled out on the sofa. My friend Penny told me about the soap, but she swears it has to be Ivory. I would love the meal of the day. Loving both avocados and crab. Trying to wake DH up for a walk. So far, it is still quiet again in the back. I hope you all have a wonderful day!
  11. @ottahand7 You all know I have a weird imagination, but your picture looks like a psychedelic Easter Bunny, with dreads.
  12. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! Happy Easter. DH and I did our grocery shopping last night, and bought two dark chocolate bunnies, a small bag of 40 flavors Jelly Belly Beans, and DH bought some dark chocolate sea salt caramel bars. I also got some milk chocolate bunnies for my neighbor Donna. Since we have been having breakfast out a lot this week post dr's appointments, and cooking huge fancy meals for just two isn't my style, I bought a ham steak, will make potato salad and deviled eggs, and have some corn on the cob. Our feast. Before the time of covid, we would go out to a buffet at stone mountain park, and make pigs of ourselves. Truth is , now we just don't eat as much, so why waste the money. I get leg cramps. I have found that if I wear socks at night, that they are not as bad. But sometime after 4, my feet got way too warm, and i took off the socks, at 5:45 I had cramps in both legs. so I got up and lathered Theraworks on both legs, took a low dose aspirin, drank some water and went back to sleep. Had the craziest dreams! And woke up at 8:30 with leg cramps, at this point I figured I should just get up. My father had three uncles, all three served in the Civil War. Only 1 survived, he was a POW at Andersonville. My dad had a picture of the family with their old Stanley Steamer vehicle, and sure enough there was the uncle. My dad was about 5 years old in the picture. He said his uncle was very strange. After visiting Andersonville, and finding his name on the list of POW's, I can understand why he was a little "off".(Dad's mom was the youngest child, and there were 20 plus years between her and her brothers.) The sky is blue and clear, and my computer shows a picture of the sun with two clouds, it looks like an Easter egg. Temperature is 42. @JazzyVI hope your power comes back soon, you aren't having storms, very weird. Here we lose power a lot due to the squirrels. @grapau27Thank you so much for bringing us Father David. Tell him we say "hey". I hope you all have a wonderful happy and blessed day.
  13. Happy Saturday Morning Dailyites! Heavy rain this morning. Cold temperatures compared to earlier this week. Last night after work DH and I went into Tucker (a town 4 miles from us) and went to a meeting. It was 71 when we went in the building. An hour later the temperature had dropped 20 degrees, and the wind was incredibly strong. We walked a couple blocks to get a burger, and DH borrowed my orange sweatshirt. After dinner we drove back home, and there was no wind, and it was 10 degrees warmer. 4 miles. But this morning the news people are all talking about the rain in stone mountain, and the temps are 45 degrees. I love Amber Cove, the cruise in and out along the mountains, is beautiful. The port is a Carnival built port, with pool, and shops, and I cant find pictures of the last time we were there and just stayed in port, but I did find our previous stop there. It is a port that we would not say no to, no matter what we would do, because the coffee there is the best I have ever had. So just getting off the ship and getting coffee is enough for me. I cant seem to post pictures, and DH is still asleep, so maybe later today.... @dfishthe recipe with the peanut sauce looks really good. And Im hungry, so off to make breakfast!
  14. Why do nurses insist on using very sticky bandages after they take blood? I have furry arms (having lived with the cats so long, I am beginning to look like one) but ouch! when you rip them off. Years ago a vet created a bandage that would not stick to their fur, and our doctors offices used it until recently, maybe another hard item to get because of covid. Thank you for the Seder stories. During our confirmation year at church, we also attended a Seder. Very enjoyable time. I guess by introducing other religions to us before we were confirmed gave us time to think about what religion we might choose instead? A lot of my friends left and joined the Unitarian church. but not sure if that was them, or their parents.
  15. Good Friday and Good Friday morning Dailyites! Just about to head out in the dark for the next round of tests. I love swordfish, but with a bit of butter. Not a big fan of cooked tomatoes, however will check out recipes. @grapau27is absolutely correct about protecting the beaver. In England the beavers were all gone by the time Henry the 8th had completed his wardrobe. They have been reintroduced in England, and are really helping out by redirecting waterways, cutting down on land flooding, and actually cleaning waterways. Just think if we had more unpaid environmentalists, how much better our own waterways would look. And Graham, thanks for the (i think) Jackie Lawson) card.
  16. I never got the nap, and I have to be up again at 6 tomorrow as I am having tests done for the adrenal gland tumor. I did watch a Netflix show on Earth storms. Currently watching Ghosts, and I hope to talk DH into a back rub, to get those shoulders feeling better. @Cruising-alongI hope you are feeling better soon.
  17. Good early afternoon Dailyites! Got the PET scan done, but made a list of what they didn't tell me, or told me incorrectly. 1. Be at the hospital at 8 Nope, be at the Imaging center at the bottom of the hill at 8. Oops 2. You will be given an IV and told to lie flat for an hour. Nope, I had to drink a rather large and disgustingly flavored bottle of Barium something. Within 20 minutes. and Was given the IV later.....sat in a recliner instead of lying flat. (did nod off) 3.. Your hubby will be able to be with you until the actual scan. Nope, he was told that was a no, and had to wait in the car for 2 hours. During the scan, at which time you cannot move, I did cough several times, the arms have to be behind your head, and to stay in that position for 20-30 minutes. I tore both rotator cuffs 7 years ago, this is not a position my arms, shoulders and neck enjoy at all. DH took me out for my favorite breakfast, and I am completely knocked out tired, so a nap is in my future for the rest of the day. I have no idea what DH will do, he was a prince to go with me this morning, I knew sort of what to expect, he looked more nervous than me. Clint, my 300 pound moose of a man nurse said my doc would have the results tomorrow. Too bad, I don't get to see him until the 18th. Clint was amazed that my follow up was so far in the future. Many thanks again for the well wishes, lets keep our fingers crossed that SPOT # 2 has not grown since January .
  18. @StLouisCruisers You have a family that raised two terrific grand sons! Congratulations to both. @RMLincoln I am sorry to read that your friend passed away. But I am glad that your DH's surgery did what it was supposed to do. To those of you under the weather, I hope that you are feeling better soon.
  19. @Safety SquirrelThat was a beautiful thought, poem, about being an army child. I copied it and sent it to DH's email, so that he can forward it to his brothers. They are Air Force "brats" but each of the 4 sons served in one of the branches of the military. DH was Air Force. I'm glad that @dfish wont be spending time in the slammer. Our menu items would consist of PB & J and bologna sandwiches. We got the bills paid and mailed, the Taxes paid and mailed, the checks in the bank, and lunch taken care of. The yard men were hard at work when we drove back into the drive way and I cant walk the dog until they leave, and they just left, so tata for now. And @tupper10good luck with the surgery. Oh, before I forget (and that happens a lot) I read a googly news article about this new flu. Yes, it lasts a long time. But the worst part was, it is contagious to others for up to 10 days after you feel well. Longer than covid. So I'm masking up still. And not happy about going to the hospital to get these tests done. There are germs in hospitals.....
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