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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. I am so sorry that you are going through all of these health problems with Charlie. I wish you some peace, Marietta, I can only imagine how exhausted you are. (((Hugs)))😘
  2. Happy Birthday to your beautiful granddaughter on her 9th Birthday, That sounds like a pretty awesome birthday party that is planned for this weekend! Have a great time!!!
  3. Thank you, Jennifer. How pretty your Pear tree and Daffodils look! I'm anxious to see if the Iris' that I planted on the side of my house will bloom. Have a great time playing golf. I did not realize that you had surgery in January.πŸ€” I bet you'll do great! Thank you, Bonnie! I will certainly try to post a picture of JackπŸ˜‰
  4. Thank you, Deb. We are looking forward to seeing everyone, and most especially seeing Jack and meeting his new girlfriend! Thank you, April. We really are ready to head back to our "reality" that awaits us back home.
  5. Packing has begun. We head home this coming Saturday. We are both more than ready, although we will miss this beautiful and Hot weather. It will be in the 90's this week. However, it turns out that we will be home in time for our Grandson Jack's Junior Prom!! 😊
  6. I just can't imagine what Jack's family and Dani and her family are going through. Prayers and positive thoughts, Bonnie.❀️
  7. What great pictures of the ships going through the Locks! Thank you so much! I've been waiting to see pictures from your experience.
  8. @firefly333 Hey Jane..vent all you want..we're all here for you! No worries there!! Once you move, I sure hope you can enjoy yourself while you begin shopping for furnishing your new "digs" and enjoy your new location, which is a long ways from your "delightful" BIL
  9. Jim and I have been watching on Fox news. Dani and her family and Jack's family, as well as all of Israel, have been in my daily prayers. God help and keep all of our Israeli friends safe. Please, dear God!πŸ™
  10. @Ozark_Kid John, you are always so optimistic and thankful and never mention any obstacles. God Bless!!!πŸ™ Love you, kid!😘
  11. Love your pictures; most especially the one of the Sunset. Gorgeous! We toured with "Dora the Explorer" while in Cartagena last month while cruising on the Beyond for our Panama Canal cruise.
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