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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. @sgmn Bon Voyage, Sue and Gary!! Have the best time!!🛳️ Beautiful pictures of Singapore. How was your Singapore Sling? I haven't had one in over 50 years now! I'll have to remember to order one on my cruise in two weeks!😉
  2. My bad. I do know it's ALS; brain-freeze on my part🥺 And, there you go, John...always positive!! Love ya, kid!!🥰 Love me a milk shake! Yum!
  3. Wow, Sue! Thank goodness you are okay. How frightening for you, and for Gary, as well! Have a great time on your cruise! When do you sail?🛳️
  4. @FromSea2ShiningSea Great pictures, Helen. The pictures of Toby, and the pictures of the cheese carvings are quite impressive! Great idea of making your banana split with some help from the staff You and Marty must be so excited to be meeting your newest grandson soon!👣.
  5. @Ozark_Kid So good to hear from you, John, I'm sorry your ACL has been giving you a tough time. The pictures of your grandchildren are so welcome by all of us on our Dani thread. Looking forward to hear how your vegetable garden turns out this Spring/Summer. Prayers for you, our dear friend!🙏❤️
  6. Oh no, Marietta. I am so sorry that Charlie fell in the shower. Poor guy! Thank goodness your daughter is in AC and will be able to drive home with the two of you. I hope Charlie is okay. (((Hugs))) for you, Marietta.❤️
  7. Wow Deb! You and Andy really scored with your Oceanfront Suite! Nice way to celebrate your Anniversary vacation. We haven't seen 80 degrees yet here. We had our Jimmy Buffet party last night. It got pretty cool once the sun left the pool area.
  8. It is so good to hear that your daughter is doing so well, Mark! As much as the worrying will always be there, it's great that all of her bloodwork is in the normal range. Amazing to read that it's been a year already!
  9. I lived in Ft. Lauderdale in the late '60's. My apartment was one block over from E. Las Olas, and one block up from A1A. The Elbow Room was one of my daytime hangouts. I'm glad you had fun there!
  10. @aussielozzie18 Your poor daughter! She just wants to get home to her mom and dad. Perfect advice for her to ask her doctor when it would be safe to fly so soon after surgery, and for such a long flight.
  11. @jmh2006 Wow Jen! That's quite a busy whirlwind trip you'll be embarking on, starting with next week! How great that you'll be cruising once again with Deb and Andy, visiting your dear friend, and then cruising on the Beyond with us, before then heading to Siesta Key. Lucky, lucky, lady!! How many suitcases will you be needing? Looking forward to seeing you and Dave in 3 weeks!🥰
  12. DH and I are looking to take the Autotrain back to Florida either just before New Years, or shortly after. Did you rent a room onboard? This would be our first time traveling by Autotrain. We don't mind driving Northbound, since we just leave Florida whenever. Traffic heading Southbound has been horrific the past two or three years now.
  13. Oh boy, Greg. When it rains, it pours for you lately. I'm so sorry, my friend! Good luck with your PSA testing. When will you be going for that?
  14. @dani negreanu Oh Dani, I am so sorry to hear that your BFF Alex had a stroke. I do hope he has a full recovery while doing rehab. 🙏🙏
  15. Great start to what sounds like a great time, Mark! Following... in the meantime, safe travels tomorrow to you and your DW!🥰
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