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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. We only have one and two bedroom condos in my community. We pay more in our HOA for our two bedroom than those with a one bedroom. As far as our property taxes, Jim and I are not Homesteaded, so our taxes are more than our good friends who are Homesteaded with their two bedroom.
  2. @firefly333 Our HOA's went up quite a bit last year. It's now gone even higher now this year. This definitely all has to do with not only insurance rates since the Miami collapsing disaster two or three years ago, as well as the devastating hurricane a year or two ago, but the many mandates that are now required in older condo communities. Ours is 50 years old.
  3. Sorry to hear that about your child, aussie! Will they be operated while in Canada? My youngest grandson broke his wrist last weekend while snowboarding. Luckily it was a clean break. He did great snowboarding for the first time all morning, before falling on his wrist just before heading to lunch.
  4. Jane, Congratulations on your new Condo. Your Linaii is massive! Big enough to host your CC friends!!!! I wish you much happiness in your new home, come May. Not to worry about Doctors. I've been fortunate to have found a great doctor or two here in Naples, you'll find yours in PC
  5. I don't know about anyone else, but this page 4605 just kept repeating everyone's comments, over, and over, and over again🤔 CC acting weird again...
  6. Hoping all of our Dani friends and families stay safe during these snow storms. I do hope no one loses their electric.
  7. Oh no, Debbie! How are you, besides being all shook up from your accident this morning. Very frightening when these things happen. I do hope you are alright, my friend!🌹
  8. After Jim's open heart surgery years ago, they gave him heart-shaped pillow to hold whenever he had to sneeze. Perhaps you can keep a pillow handy for the same purpose. I don't know if they have a hernia-shaped pillow (jk) to give you, Greg! I'm sure any sofa pillow will work. By this time tomorrow, it will all be over for you, and you will hopefully be back home. Good luck, Greg. You've got this!!!!!🥰 Love to Linda!
  9. Congrats on your team's big win last night, Greg! Of course, we all thought of you last night! I'm sure you must be wishing that it was this coming Thursday(15) already, when your surgery will be all over for you!
  10. I head read about your stay at Coco Cay. That was some wind!!! I sure hope your time there this week will be uneventful with calm seas and lots of sunshine. Bon Voyage!!🛳️
  11. Debbie, the man in the truck that got hit was taken to the hospital. There was also a woman and her daughter in an SUV where the wing hit the back of their car. They seem to be okay. The news showed both women on the side of the road, they seemed to be talking on their phones. Somewhat stunned, I'd think.
  12. Yesterday afternoon while I was in the pool talking to someone, I looked up and saw a lot of black smoke. A jet airplane with 5 people onboard, crashed about a mile from us on I-75. Sadly, the two pilots onboard died in the crash. 3 people survived. The plane was heading to the Naples airport, but lost both engines. This tragedy could have been so much worse. I feel the pilots were real heroes, avoiding the many communities in our area. May they Rest in Peace.🙏
  13. @CSHS1979 Laura, @island lady Patricia, and everyone leaving the ship and cruise tomorrow. Safe travels home, you all! It's been great following you along!✈️
  14. Congratulations to Owen and his beautiful new wheels. You and Lisa have done an awesome job raising an extremely polite and polished young man. He is one lucky fellow..and you and Lisa are two lucky parents!
  15. I only remember that he was on a Nuclear Submarine, and he'd be gone for several months at a time.🤔 That was well over twenty years ago. I did get to go on one of the subs while he was at Sea; a friend of his and my daughter's brought me onto the base and onto the sub, which was guarded by Marines. Very interesting tour.
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