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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. I have never had the pleasure of a mudslide. I do hope I remember to order one on my cruise next month. 🤔 I had my first (of then several) chocolate martini on our Bella cruise last year. One of our daughters lived in St. Mary's, Ga., when her husband was on the Nuclear Subs there.
  2. Glad to hear your Mom's good. Weather has finally begun behaving. We had our first day at the beach today! I finally got some color. It was around 78. Enjoy your mild temperature this weekend!! Bon Voyage! The Anthem is a great ship. Enjoy!!!🛳️
  3. Smoke bothers me. Dave, I don't recall any issues with regard to cigarette smoke while staying in our JS Aft. You are going to have a blast on your cruise!
  4. Bon Voyage! Have a wonderful time on your cruise!🛳️ We were quite happy with our Deck 7 JS Aft on Liberty. Just sayin...
  5. @CSHS1979 Thank you for sharing your and John's many pictures. Safe travels on Sunday!
  6. Patricia, thank you for taking us along on your many adventures, both on the ship and off, as well as your starting this wonderful and informative thread. It's been great! Safe travels on Sunday!
  7. Same here yesterday. It would tell me "unavailable" try again later. I then lost the thread entirely. After this happened to two of the threads I was on, I gave up for an hour or two.
  8. What did you do while there today? I'll probably just go to the beach while there; we'll be there on St. Patrick's Day, and I think we're in Port until 10:00, if I remember right🤔
  9. @Tree_skier Congratulations on your Royal Up, Dave! Jim and I stayed in the Aft JS on the Liberty of the Seas last year, in order to reach Diamond. You're going to love it! 🛳️
  10. I just showed this to my husband who was also in Viet Nam. Oh yes, he said...gigantic red ants who would infest an entire tree,,God help you if you leaned up against the tree...
  11. @FromSea2ShiningSea Glad you and Marty are okay and didn't lose your electric. Your tennis court injury reminds me of how our tennis court fencing got all messed up several years ago from one of our Hurricanes.
  12. @cruisinghawg Ahh..I see that you answered my question. Thank you!
  13. @dani negreanu Perfectly said, Debbie. Dani, please know that you are always in our thoughts and prayers, Praying for peace for you and your Country.🙏 (((Hugs)))
  14. @Keksie Miss Kelly is adorable, Karen. She is one lucky kitty to have found the most perfect home with you!
  15. I hope Eric was able to get your clogged drain fixed today! Cape Coral has really been getting the worst of the weather so far this Season! Your boss's wife is right about it having been either too cold, windy, or raining. I haven't been to the beach yet, other than to quickly drive to the beach last week to catch a Sunset. I hope your Boss's brother can find some comfort and peace since being admitted to the hospital.🙏
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