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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. It's so hard to see them when they are dark colored, just like my daughter's Lola. They both do look quite content!!😉
  2. Happy 90th Birthday to Dick! Wishing him (and you also.Mimi), many wonderful healthy and happy years to come!🥰
  3. Happy Birthday to Jack!! What a lovely evening for you both. We have a great group of dear friends back on Staten Island. We don't see each other very often, but when we do.....😍
  4. I hope so too! We haven't been to the beach yet, I've been in the pool only once (and then it rained) if it's not raining, it's cool out, etc. I have never experienced this weather in the 24 years we've been coming here. I usually have a nice tan going by now... But again, at least I don't have the heat on, and we're not sloshing around in snow, so I do have to stop complaining. Mea culpa!
  5. Yeah the rains been crazy here..most especially in Ft. Myers and Cape Coral. Enjoy your adult hot chocolate!
  6. Our daughter's Rescue dog Lola, who is originally from Alabama, last night took one look at the snow and said"nope"! When my daughter got home from work today, Lola was enjoying playing in the snow with my grandsons..she just likes to run inside to dry her feet, and wants to go back outside again 😊
  7. Our daughter gifted me with one a few weeks before Christmas!😉. It kept me comfortable before heading South.
  8. Good afternoon Graham. Pouring rain here in Naples, but how can I complain when I don't have the heat on and I'm not freezing here. We almost don't know what the sun looks like here. Such is life!
  9. Oh, but Debbie, it's good that you changed your plans. Pouring rain today (again;) Cape Coral has had heavy flooding for two days already this week . I have never known us to have as much rain as we have been having this past month. I should've gone to the pool instead of clothes shopping yesterday. I sure blew it!
  10. @DaniDanielleCongratulations to both grandchildren on making the schools of their choice. Big congrats on your grandsons Scholarships!! His Dad would be so proud of him, as is his mom and grandparents, Marietta! What an exciting time in your grandchildren s lives 💖
  11. No sweat, Mark! You and Susan put in so many steps with your Fitbit, or whatever you use, you'll both be fine, after enjoying these sweets.
  12. @bobmaclibertyBob, you mentioned that Central Park must be beautiful in the Spring..I can tell you that it was beautiful when our daughter got married at Poet's Walk in Central Park in June years ago.
  13. You can't blink, John. The kids do grow up so quickly! Thank you for sharing your beautiful grandchildren with us 💖
  14. Smart move, Karen. I'm planning on being out of the house when we get our new roofs done in May. House roof, apartment roof, garage roof, and 3 Seasons roof
  15. Wonderful, perfect gesture, Patricia! I love it when crew members are appreciated, as well they should be!!!!! I would've loved to do the same!!
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