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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. @mo&franThank goodness your DW is okay, What a frightening experience to find her passed out with glass everywhere. I hope her head isn't hurting her too much. @A&L_Ont Have a wonderful time in LV. As everyone here has already mentioned, Owen surely has grown since we last saw you all!
  2. @HBE4 So glad the fireman got Lenny out of the tree and safely into your stepdaughter's arms. What an exhausting and stressful day for the two of you! I asked Jim if his firehouse ever got a call to get a cat out of a tree. He said only once, in his 30 years as a firefighter.😊
  3. @helen haywood I hope Minnie's bump turns out to be nothing. I'm glad you got the Vet's appointment tomorrow. Good luck!
  4. This makes me so sad, and so angry!! I'm so glad we visited San Francisco before this ugliness came about.😔 Congratulations once again on Lucas' Graduation!!!!!!!
  5. The floors look great, Jimbo! Are you all done with your home now? You've done so much work during the past year; all beautifully done!
  6. Thank you, HBE! We totally enjoyed the Play. Very talented actors and great singing voices; one of the girls voices was phenomenal with the notes she was reaching. We ate at the Chicken Or The Egg afterwards. While we still had the smoke here today (though not as bad as yesterday and last night), it was pretty good in LBI. Once we got on the Pkwy heading home, however, we were reminded of the smoke. Again, not as bad as yesterday, thank goodness. I love this picture of Sherlock! He looks not only very sweet, but I love the way he is looks like he is posing!
  7. Thank you, Judy. They amaze me. That's good to hear that he is doing so well. My Jim still has bad days since his knee replacement. Can't win them all, I guess.🫤 Thank you so much, Dani! They do make us so proud!🥰
  8. Jim and I will be heading to LBI later this morning to see the Play "Steel Pier" at the Surflight Theater, in @Sunshine3601 Debbie's neck of the woods. I'm hoping the smoke won't be too bad there; our grandson was in Atlantic City on a class trip yesterday, and he said the smoke wasn't as bad there as it was at home, due to being near the Ocean. We shall see!
  9. Thank you for your Congratulations and well wishes for our grandchildren, who always make us so proud! A big thank you! To; @Sea Dog @DaniDanielle @lenquixote66 @BonTexasNY @h20skibum
  10. Pretty sneaky of the airline. I would be so angry, and then I'd have to talk myself out of this sinking feeling. I sure hope you find a place for your late dinner. Safe travels.
  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your two cousins. That is so heartbreaking. My friend's sister also committed suicide, as did a young teenager in my old neighborhood on S.I.. It is frightening and worrisome any time someone we love heads toward depression.
  12. Finally caught up! We've been busy around here...Friday morning with Ryan's Awards Ceremony, Friday night with Ava's Class of 2023 Awards Ceremony..she was awarded the National Honor Society Stoll and the Visual Arts Award for Drawing and Painting Medal, both to be worn over her Graduation Robe, and the Silver Medal for being ranked top 12% of Class. We attended Ava's Graduation this past Monday evening. I had a great seat in the Balcony for pictures; just not a great phone for taking pictures🫤 While we were at Ava's Graduation, Ryan and his Mom were at his Band Banquet, where he got an award and once he's a Freshman, will be presented with a Varsity Letter from the Marching Band. Last night, our videographer grandson Jack, and his friend and classmate won "Best Film" for their production of "School Alone", beating out all of the Upper classmen (they are both Sophomores). They also won "Special Effects" for a 3 minute film (which took 3 days to film and edit)..(.I'm sure Greg @Sea Dog can appreciate this) Saturday we'll be celebrating our 2 Connecticut Granddaughters combined Graduation party..Erin from College and her sister Meghan from High School. Next week will be Meghan's Graduation, and Ryan's 8th Grade Graduation.
  13. School is still open here tomorrow; meanwhile, my grandson said all the State Offices here in NJ are closed tomorrow. Go figure🙅‍♀️
  14. I am so sorry about your dear friend Brad's passing. Such a tragedy, and such a great loss. May he Rest in Peace.
  15. Happy Birthday to Susan! What better present than to fly to California and bring your grandson Lucas home with you both after attending his Graduation! Looks like another fun'filled Summer with all of your grandchildren, Mark, and lots of pictures for us all to enjoy!
  16. It's been bad here since around noon. It's gotten much worse since around 4 o'clock..after 7:00 and it's very smoky here.
  17. Jim and I did a Promenade room on I think it was Independence of the Seas. I loved it! I loved that it has 2 love seats in it, so that we and our friends could each sit on a couch and have a drink or two before heading out to dinner. I don't remember what room we were in, but the bar on the deck below us had a window that we could see a little of the ocean through from our room. When we were booking our NE/Canada cruise on Adventure, I had wanted another Promenade room. but my TA told me we could have a balcony for the same price. The Promenade room is just slightly smaller...no biggie...as I said, I loved it.
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