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Posts posted by BosoxI

  1. Hmmm... I'm pretty sure I'd get tired of SS, Qsine, and Bistro on our upcoming 9 night. Not really worth $522 to eat the same stuff for 9 nights IMHO. I think I'll just book the SS for our 2nd wedding anniversary night. :)


    Thanks for the reply though!




    I'm sure you'll have a simply splendid time.

  2. Some years ago, we took up positions in a small bar/theater area in order to watch a very popular performer only to have our view completely blocked by two twenty somethings. When I spoke to them, asking them to move, the male knelt down to be out our sightline, but his wife/girlfriend refused to move an inch. I couldn't find any staff who would address the issue, and I had all I could do to restrain myself from tossing her out of the way. To this day the thought still rankles me that I was so stupid as not to call security. Never again will I tolerate any disturbance that interferes with my reasonable expectations for a pleasant cruise experience. It's amazing how absolutely inconsiderate some people can be.

  3. I would sail either line. It all depends on price and itinerary. I hope that with all of the changes that Celebrity is still going to be affordable for me. It's good to have choices.


    That's pretty much DW and I, too. Thirty years with Princess and we're Elite; twenty five with Celebrity and we're Elite +. Though we love the Pacific Princess, we find the X ships, M and S classes, in general suit our tastes more. Princess itineraries have always been more interesting for us. Their food has always been better, though X has closed the gap and neither line makes decent jerk chicken :D


    In September we'll give the Royal Princess a try, but I'm already geared up to be a bit disappointed. Maybe we're cruised out and nothing will suit us anymore.

  4. I did not see any verandah cabins when I looked a little while ago :(


    If the OP is thinking about the November 28, 2015 cruise, there's little chance a veranda will be available, as the group known as the Pied Pipers will be on board in force. There is a chance an excellent A1 might show up, as my wife and I are still undecided. St Croix and St Bart are very tempting stops, however.

  5. One night the chef came by and I noticed he wa Jamacian and he made jerk chicken for me. :)


    That's the only way you'll get jerk chicken on board. The stuff they serve off the menu is no more than fried chicken, no spice at all. And mention that fact to a waiter he'll do two things: tell you not all passengers like spicy food (then don't order jerk chicken, I reply), and hand you a bottle of hot sauce, as if that will make things right.


    As good as the lamb chops are on cruise ships, the jerk chicken is bad.

  6. Some powerful symbols of our liberty and friendship with other nations should not be trivialized...


    worse than the hot tub Liberty babe, was seeing the pedestal without her....too much like NYC when towers were down!




    Nothing is sacred anymore.

  7. Honestly, this was not the best decision by Princess. They could easily cut one bad juggler and give the room to a Clergy member on Easter and Christmas cruises.


    At one time, HAL provided a priest on every sailing.


    I have been on two Christmas cruises on the Pacific Princess and there could not have been a more secular "celebration" of the day. Songs sung were of the Jingle Bell variety and the list included "A Few of My Favorite Things". But last year on the Island Princess there really were carols being sung, much to my relief. Incidentally, I've been on cruises were the priests were of the new variety; I would have been better off staying in my cabin, so don't despair if you're at sea with no priest on board. It's a crap shoot nowadays.

  8. It was definitely quietly dropped a year or so ago as a standard you could count on. You'll only have Mass if a priest is onboard traveling at his own expense. Princess won't comp him a cabin. Of course, there will likely be some sort of non-denominational service on board on Easter. It might be sufficient for some Catholics; others, like my mom, would to swim to shore to get to Mass on Easter. :eek:


    Your Mom had it right.

  9. Thanks for the menus and I'm sorry you missed your beef. As for me, I like eating things I can't pronounce or find in a market at home. Beef I can do anytime myself. But I understand your disappointment. Some of the items seem mundane but I guess they have to please everyone. We're still looking forward to the experience.

  10. This site is named Cruise Critic. Look up



    In general I'd say that the service on X and other middle of the road lines is a lot better than the manners of some of the passengers. I often wonder how people who never say "please, may I, or thank you" who place an order with a gruff "gimme a beer", who don't even know how to hold a knife and fork properly can complain about service.


    Yes , there are legitimate complaints about service on occasion, but it's a wonder how more people don't wind up with a drink in their lap for the way they treat the staff.

  11. Thanks all for the advice! Can't wait to try it!


    I'm glad to see so many cheese lovers, as it bodes well for my getting a decent selection. I guess ripe gorgonzola would be asking too much, but any good blue would suffice. Plus others, of course.

  12. My parents are joining us on holiday in January and we usually cruise. They have never cruised (although they travel a lot) and are very reluctant - I think they think cruising is a bit beneath them to be honest! They don't believe us that it really is a luxury way to travel. They tend to stay in 5 star hotels. To me, cruising is better than a five star hotel!


    The Eclipse looks like a good start for a 'luxury' cruise, for them to join us.


    Of course, they have the option to stay at home :p but if they choose not to, I would like it to be a good experience for them.


    I wouldn't bandy about the term "luxury" when talking to them, but it should be a very enjoyable time for all.

  13. Or a nightmare if you keep calling every time the price drops and it eats into their commision. :)


    You know, I found the $1000 price drop for my neighbor, but I've never found one for me and my wife. Our initial booking always has been the lowest price.

    But I sure waste a lot of time searching for our first price drop:rolleyes:

  14. Some people either cannot handle their own reservations or do not want to be bothered. Witness my neighbor, a fan of Cunard. He books his cruises through the major automobile agency in the USA and gets no benefits. When I asked him why he did this, he responded that his agent was on a first name basis with the cruise line and that impressed him. So, several years ago, I checked his cabin class on line and found that the price was $1000 lower for him and his wife than what he was paying. He was most appreciative and had his agent make the adjustment. The point is, he had to initiate the action and only when I pursued it with him. Yet, on subsequent cruises, he still uses the same agent, proving you can lead a horse to water but...


    DW and I do not require help with plane or car reservations; we make our own hotel arrangements, too. All we want from an agent is the best possible price and credits. I know there are many like us and we must be an agent's dream.

  15. Two thumbs up to your comments. I've been reading other posts talking about "us in steerage" and the suite people walking in on a red carpet, or us second class people cleaning up for the suite class. Heck, I'm not rich, but if I chose to skimp here and save there, just so I can cruise in a suite, we'll good for me. If I choose to do one good cruise a year, instead of 3 or 4 in a lesser cabin, let me and don't cast dispersions. If I choose to sail in a suite, maybe I can because I choose not to drink heavily, or gamble, or spend $$$$ on souvenirs or shopping in port. So to those who think suites are not worth it, fine with me.


    I don't know how old you are, but you must be my age, which is pretty old, because your view of life is one that, sadly, is rapidly vanishing from the American scene. Now, everyone has to be equal, whether of not they work hard or not at all, whether they sacrifice or not at all. Of course, some are more equal than others, and they tend to occupy high government positions, vacationing grandly, and probably in suites at every stop. The people in steerage are still living larger than those who never have nor ever will be on a cruise ship

  16. Cruise lines are very good at keeping track of opened bottles of wine. In all our cruises, only once did the waiter fail to find our bottle. The maitre d' hotel provided us two glasses of a similar wine, but I sensed that he felt we might have been pulling a fast one.

  17. We once waited for about 50 minutes and still couldn't place our order in Blu. We left and ate in the buffet that night. Clearly, it was an anomaly, as we have enjoyed the service and ambiance there. The food is not markedly better than in the MDR, as far as I'm concerned, but Celebrity's MDRs are cavernous barns, making Blu much more pleasant. Princess' MDRs are more restaurant-like with head waiters in abundance to assist. Personally, I would be happy with X's MDR at a table for two, but DW likes to spend money, so Aqua it usually is. :( We can't wait to try Luminae but that won't happen until January. Hope it's worth it.

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