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Posts posted by BosoxI

  1. It is always easier moving from a regular size stateroom to a suite than the other way around, but we are always happy to have another cruise tacked on, however we can get it.


    Moving to a different deck makes no difference to us at all, as long as the elevators are working. ;)


    If it is necessary to change cabins, to me the ideal order for three in a row would be

    - Cruise 1 in a regular cabin, eating in the main dining room;

    - Cruise 2 in Aqua with Blu; and

    - Cruise 3 in a suite with Luminae




    If I had the choice of packing up to move to another cabin for another cruise, or packing up to leave the ship and go home, I know which one I would choose without the slightest hesitation. :D


    We're doing an A1 to A2 to S1. Sure is better than an A1 and then home. My wife is so organized but moving twice will be bit of a trauma for her, I'm afraid.



    We're doing a B 2 B on Princess in Feb. The Eclipse trip we wanted was already fully booked. From what I've been told on their page you may or may not get moved to a different cabin, but you will have to leave the ship & reboard(but not have to board with all the pax coming on board)


    Princess did it very well the one time we did a b2b. I hope X is as efficient. At some point I know I won't care, it being better to be on a ship in the Carib than shoveling snow.


    With the number of people who have beverage packages or are elite plus, there is a much bigger danger of having people order a beverage (with no additional revenue to Celebrity) when all they really want is a cookie. This decision could actually cost Celebrity money in the long run. In the meantime, people like me will feel just a little bit more cynical about a brand that I used to love whole-heartedly.


    What part of this decision supports the concept of modern luxury? Add this one to the ledger under "death by a thousand paper cuts".


    That was exactly my first thought, ordering a cappuccino in order to get a cookie and then leaving the drink on the counter or giving it away. Just sounds like bad policy, if true. More and more, I am glad I had cruised widely over the years, cause it certainly is beginning to lose its charm with news such as this.

  3. Hi everyone!


    I am booked to go on a 9 Night Xmas cruise on 18Dec, but it looks as though I may have just received my dream job as a flight attendant and will not be able to go through with my booking.


    If not, then I guess I will take the loss because you cannot give up on your dream! Thanks for the help :)



    Eventually, all the free standby flying you'll be able to do will make your loss seem paltry. Once you're senior, the world is your oyster

  4. I think the OP is talking about wait list, as in he wants an A1 but they're sold out, so he's been wait listed and will get a cabin if someone cancels. I have no experience with X Abut HA called me when a cabin opened up. Too late, as I had already booked with Princess

  5. My wife asked this same question hre several weeks ago, but some how her post and any possible answers have disappeared. Let me try again:


    Simply, does the insurance have to be purchased before final payment or can I wait closer to embarkation? If there is an increase in cost, that is not of great concern.


    My TA requires final payment weeks in advance of what the cruise line requires. For insurance purposes, what is FINAL PAYMENT DATE ?

  6. DW and I have two cruises scheduled over Christmas/New Year. Final payment will be required soon. We have not yet purchased insurance.


    I have just learned that two close family members are seriously ill. My choices seem to be either to cancel the cruises prior to final payment, something I am loath to do, purchase the insurance now, or wait longer to see how things turn out.


    If I choose the latter, can I purchase the insurance after final payment and still cancel with no or slight penalty? Or will that ability be lost because I waited closer to embarkation date?


    I realize the insurance might to more expensive the longer I delay purchase but that is a price I am willing to pay.

  7. The tables for two are usually not in the prime areas of the restaurant. They are by entrances or busy aisles. We did that on one cruise and part way through the cruise, we asked to join a larger table.


    Part of cruising is meeting new people and sharing stories of excursions, unique sights you saw, and possibly making longtime friends. I now know 2 Australian couples and we have a good time Facetiming at weird hours.


    We like the tables for 6 and rotate around to different places at the table each day to get chances to talk to all the table mates.


    I would hope the solo cruiser would take the opportunity to join a table and experience the same thing instead of dining in the cabin by their self.


    I must take issue, as gently as possible, with most everything you wrote.


    While many two tops are in rather busy areas, many are not. DW and I have turned down tables on aisles and quietly waited to be shown a less busy seating. No problem for us or for the staff.


    Part of cruising is to enjoy oneself, and for us that means spending time together at dinner and perhaps meeting people in other venues. If we don't, it is not the end of the world.


    I was once told that people are as careful about dinner companions, as they are about sexual companions. There's a lot of truth in that. Frankly, there have been times when I was aghast at the table manners of nearby diners. Having to spend even one night across from them would be painful.


    I married for the first time at 50, so I had the joy of dining alone on many a night. Why some people think a single diner is not enjoying himself is beyond me. They just might be having the best time of anyone in the restaurant.:D

  8. Tried em numerous times prepared different ways, just don't like them at all.


    But most people like them with garlic and I can't stand garlic either.


    But what's left to eat if no escargot and no garlic? ;)


    Actually, I like them best when they are in a light garlic sauce. In fact, garlic should enhance, not overwhelm, any dish. And personally, I like them served naked, as I have had the bad experience of having them slip out of the holder and fly across the table. Have you ever been hit in the eye by a flying escargot? :(

  9. We've got condiments in our cupboard from shops and manufacturers who no longer exist! Many of them are packed with so many sugars and preservatives that I'm sure I could leave them to my next of kin as part of my estate.



    That's funny. We, too, had a bottle of Oriental style hot sauce in the door of our refrigerator for more than a dozen years. I love the stuff, but it was a large bottle, and how much can one use? It's very potent. The color had gone from a rather bright red to a dull maroon but use it I did, and if anything, it had become even stronger tasting. I finally chucked it, but only because I purchased a smaller bottle for space saving. No one ever got sick or complained of an off taste with the old stuff which was marked for expiration back in 2005 or so.. The new bottle will likely outlast me. Some things have a remarkable shelf life, regardless of what the bottle indicates.

  10. This is just another in a long succession of articles written by people who cannot stand to see others enjoying themselves and who also want, ultimately, to control our lives. In the USA over the years various "Centers for the Control of Everything" have published articles denouncing Italian, French, Chinese, Thai cuisines ad infinitum. I've been eating all of them for more years than I care to remember and I'm still here writing about it. Stay out of my life, Control Freaks and Big Government. I can take care of myself and so can most other people. There, I feel much better :)

  11. Oh trust me, she was no lady and that's why I referred to her as a woman.


    Yes, indeed. When did it become common not to draw that very real distinction? Good for you.

  12. Lately, they seem to not be giving vouchers and using the Sky lounge a lot. This is probably due to the fact that so many people have the drink package. On our last cruise, we only went to the nightly event 1 evening out of 12 and that was due to having the package.


    Yes, we've been in the lounge and it's been virtually empty at times when in the past it would have been bustling. Drink packages have made a huge differen ce apparently, but we still favor the lounge even with the package.

  13. Bassett Mom,

    Thanks for taking the time to provide such a well written description of your trip on the Royal. Ours will be our first on that ship on September 21. I sure hope things are improved by then. If they aren't, this might well be our last hurrah on Princess after thirty years with them. Too many other possibilities nowadays.

  14. The lunch menu at the Lawn Club was an abbreviated menu which did not offer scallops, shrimp, filet mignon, and a couple of more. I asked for a recommendation and the answer was 'red snapper'. I never had tried that fish. It was dry and generally tasteless. Overcooked. We should have waited and eaten a little later in downtown San Juan.


    Or sent it back There's nothing wrong in doing that when an item is not properly cooked. Console yourself with the thought that the meal in San Juan just might have been worse. :D

  15. I have to say, I'm a little confused. Since I never saw any of the staff fishing for dinner off the boat, any fish you order has to be frozen. So why would you order that?


    A bit sarcastic, but true Maybe it was Friday or he's a vegetarian.

  16. DW and I have eaten out three times this week. Simple one course meals, such as salads with ahi tuna or chicken, a salad with lump crabmeat, a pizza, a salad with two salmon cakes, and one real meal-scallops. No appetizers, only one $5 dessert and a total of one iced tea, one marguerita, and three or four glasses of wine ranging between $5 and $8.


    Pretty basic stuff, I'd say and yet with tax and tip the cost ranged from$45 to $76.


    Seems to me that Murano is a good deal, especially with a discount.


    And all of these meals were either in eastern Virginia or SW Florida, not NYC. To each his own is never more true than when discussing food.

  17. We do the regular dinner....I wouldn't trade the experience of meeting some new, great people because of the occasional rude one!


    It's not just rudeness, it's also table manners that were learned in a barn. But that's a different subject. I'll meet people in the bar, and if they aren't great, I can get up and leave (taking my drink with me, of course)

  18. We just used our last four year credit towards a cruise on the Royal next month. Whether we purchase new credits will depend, I suspect, on how we like the Royal. We've been so loyal to Princess for many years, but I think we are being weaned away by other lines. I am prepared to be disappointed in September, based on what friends have told us about the new ships. Sure hope they're wrong; it would be like dumping an old girl friend. My first princess cruise was on the original Pacific Princess back in 1986. How time has flown.

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