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Posts posted by BosoxI

  1. LOL Seriously, though, huge difference in taste. I never get shrimp on a cruise because they are the nasty farmed variety. :(


    And the nasty farm is probably in Thailand, Indonesia, India or China. I can't say I won't eat them on a ship, but when I buy any seafood in a shop at home, it better say "Product of the USA or Canada" and be wild caught except, maybe, for mussels.

  2. Reading about these dinner table atrocities confirms what I've known for years: my wife and I will dine alone, thank you, and leave any possible social encounters to bars, buses, and the occasional catamaran.

  3. . I have held back on sharing some because I want to repeat the privacy of those who like me were treated in a inhuman manner.


    If it's one thing I really hate on a cruise ship, it's being treated in a inhuman manner.


    Once I was keel hauled for using the wrong fork at supper. Then there was the old bamboo splints under the fingernails, because I ordered red wine with a fish dish. I had figured it would be OK, as the fish was red snapper. Wrong and did I ever pay the price.


    Talk about drama queens

  4. We always solve the problem by booking two cabins, one on the port side and the other starboard. And, no, we don't move our clothes from one to the other. :)


    Actually, I love the aft cabins, but my wife has noticed tremors from the propulsion system on several occasions, so I guess our days in aft cabins are numbered.

  5. DW and I walked out of Blu one night for the same reason OP addressed. It was as though we were invisible. I made no complaint, as there was no one to complain to, we just rose and headed for the door at which point, magically, staff appeared asking if there were a problem.

    Yup, you could say that. The next night we ensured a different table and waiter and all was well again.

  6. Well, I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. What were the Shops that passed by? Let me guess, Diamonds International, Tanzanite International, Cariloah.....


    (Sorry, I couldn't resist)




    You're forgiven. I'm pedantic, too

  7. And we took the train to the west coast from the lake. Tour made a stop at the locks so we could see shops actually passing by. Nice train, two different classes, if you do it, just get the lower class. It's excellent and you'll see as much. I've never crossed the continent more quickly.

  8. Is it better to just fly into LaGuardia, rather than JFK for a Princess cruise out of Pier 12? At this point, I have my choice but would prefer the closest to the pier.

    Do you know of a nice, clean hotel near LaGuradia?


    I haven't used it in a while, the Pan American was always a clean, reasonably priced (for NYC) hotel with free pick up from LGA. 718-446-7676

  9. Those aft corner sky suites are very nice



    To me the key words you used are "pay it off" and "budget correctly."

    If this money is just pocket change to you, then I would say sure, why not go for it, without hesitation.


    But the fact that you need to think about it and budget for it strongly indicates that the money would likely be better spent elsewhere.



    You say the price of the royal suite is double what you paid for the sky suite.

    Do you really believe that the royal suite will make her twice as happy as the sky suite?



    Excellent advice. Suites are nice but, like sex, the pleasure is fleeting and the cost can be prohibitive. Stay in the S1 and spend what you're comfortable with to make her day special.


    Incidentally, I remember years ago Princess had a loan program for people who couldn't really afford the cost of a cruise. Somewhere along the line, I believe it was dropped. Going into hock for a cruise is really bad business.

  10. We are old enough to remember cruising way before there was an internet or cell phones and when a ship to shore phone call could cost $12 a minute! In those days we all did fine and somehow survived without being connected.




    My, you are old, Hank.;) I remember years ago biting the bullet when DW and I were at sea on Mothers' Day. Two calls and brief at that.

  11. It's easy to sit at home and calmly assess the implications, but the OP is clearly and rightfully upset. Give DiMar and opportunity to vent a bit, as I think most of us would in this situation.


    Absolutely right. I'm always calm (and sympathetic) about other peoples' plights. I don't recall but did the OP indicate he was on his way home or starting a land tour. Big difference. I sure hope this all works out somehow.

  12. For some reason the elevators seem to bring out the worse behavior in people.


    Perhaps so, but then #2 on the list would those who belly up to the counter and say "Gimme a Coke", never saying "please", never saying "thank you" or "may I have" I wonder what their home life is like and I'm thankful I no longer have to work with their kind.

  13. I used to do a lot of searching for online travel agents before I settled on my primary. and two Plan Bs. Unless they had "group bookings" I never found one that quoted a lower price than Celebrity. What I did find are travel agents that will give you hundreds of dollars in percs, prepaid gratuities, obc, etc. The amount is determined by how long the cruise is and the category cabin you book. In most cases, it's about 15% of the total price paid. Sometimes, higher.


    Group bookings are the key. A TA I had used some time ago made an offer of virtually every X cruise through the end of 2015. DW and I were already booked on two Celebrity cruises but had forgone the third because of high pricing. But with this offer (including the 123) we are now doing the three B2Bs, An A2 cabin (no A1s were offered) is still about $2200 less than the current regular price.


    We're very lucky the TA still had us in its data bank, as I had pretty much given up hope of a reasonable price ever appearing and had stopped searching for that reason.

  14. We are very interested in the answers given to you.


    May I ask the Date of your Royal 10 day cruise?


    We are on the Royal 20 day leaving Oct 11.



    9/21 and there are many more cabins available but my concern mainly centers on the four forward cabins. It can get mighty windy forward and there can be problems with lighting at night. It would be just my luck to get on of the four assigned to me. I don't mind spending the extra money but not without good benefit.


    After 25 Princess cruises, I well remember the days of free upgrades. Sigh.

  15. My DH suffered from a nerve disease that was so painful that it changed his personality on a daily basis.


    He would become angry at everyone he encountered and I would try and intercede before the poor souls came in contact with him.


    He was truly a lovely man but when he was in pain, the whole world suffered.


    I would feel so badly for him because I knew what was going on, the public did not. But, if they came close to him in an elevator, at the market, standing in line or on an airplane he would "bark" at them in an angry tone. He loved to travel but it was becoming increasingly more and more difficult for him and for me to watch him.


    He recently passed away but not before he terrorized every nurse and doctor in the hospital.


    So, next time someone "barks" at you or you see them acting badly towards someone else, it may not be something they really mean but something that is happening to them and they can't help it! My husbands illness taught me a lot and gave me great insight into human behavior. It may not be a good excuse for poor behavior but it may be an explanation.


    I wish I could apologize to EVERYONE who had to bear witness to my DH's rages and pray that I NEVER have to experience such sadness again!


    How terrible for the two of you. I pray that he is finally at peace and that you will also be rewarded for your loyalty.

  16. I have just received an offer to upgrade my DB cabin on the Royal to a mini suite for $220 each. It's a 10 day Carib sailing.


    We've never been on the Royal before and the DB cabin is in a very good position. But I confess the thought of an upgrade for $22 a day each is a bit tempting, if the new cabin warrants it.


    The available cabins at this moment are: MB A325/326/327 and M6 L105/106 and M105/106/ These last are at the prow, apparently and I am not at all sure they are desireable, especially when the ship is underway. Can someone with experience give me a quick review and suggestion? As I said, we are completely happy with our current cabin. Thanks a million.

  17. Some very good advice here. I go to Venice or the surrounding area very frequently. Staying in Venice is no longer a requirement, so I take a room in Mestre, right across the causeway from the Piazzelle Roma where the vaporetti dock. The trains from Roma stop in Mestre before going on to Venice proper. The #4 bus goes right to the Piazzelle.


    Staying in Venice is a wonderful experience but it can be expensive. In Mestre the Ambasciatori Hotel is very nice, very conveniently located to the train station and the bus to Venice, and quite reasonably priced. The Delfino is next to it and less expensive but tends to fiill up with tourists during the season. Both are an easy walk from the train station, depending on your physical condition and amount of luggage.


    I believe the OP said he was going in early Spring. Venice is terribly hot and humid in warm weather and many establishments are NOT air conditioned. I just returned from there last week, and believe me, it would not have been pleasant staying in an unairconditioned hotel. Early Spring should not pose that problem, I would hope. This trip I used the NH Laguna Palace for the second time. It's an very modern style hotel, but even so, the A/C in some rooms was on the fritz.


    As someone has already mentioned, unless you have reason to return to Rome, flying out of Venice (VCE) is an easy alternative. I have been using Delta for years and it flies into JFK and Atlanta, though service might be unavailable during the winter months.

  18. Having done 1 short cruise on MSC I can say with hand on heart I wouldn't go on another if it was free! Yacht club may be attractive but when you have to share the remainder of the facilities no thanks! Food at dinner just about ok breakfast and lunch absolutely disgusting. Non stop announcements over the tannoy in 5 different languages entertainment so poor it is bordering on hysterical! Cabins very poorly equipped no room service surly staff. No vacation time is too precious even for any loyalty incentives


    What you describe is saddening as I wanted (still do, actually) to try the Yacht Club. Breakfast and lunch are disgusting! Wow. How so? Please explain.

  19. I tip the pool butlers generously at the start of the cruise so I always get what I want, they'll even tip people out of their chairs for me :)


    That's a good one. Hope I'm there when it happens again. Actually, the size of many passengers would demand a really strong pool butler :eek:

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