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Everything posted by canes20

  1. Sometimes it will tell me I have entered info incorrectly and I will type it the exact same way and it will work. Crazy
  2. Not necessarily, I used my card on my wife's account.
  3. Just bought $100 for $90 to test. Ecard is in email already.
  4. Gotta say what ya gotta say if there were any benefits that he got to keep.
  5. per John Heald So as a lot of you were asking who the Cruise Director will be on Mardi Gras from next week onward I can of course tell you this. Next week the wonderful CD Marty will take over for the one cruise and then the following week Jacky Tang (who just left for what was a very short vacation) is coming back and will be CD until mid Jan. After that, well we shall see or rather you will see as here again is the Cruise Director schedule for you. It is a Live document and so please keep refreshing it from time to time and you will see all the changes being made.
  6. Cookie is gone. Made a comment something along the lines of if your not having fun then you need to jump overboard. He resigned. There is a thread.
  7. Correct. I don’t think I remember the name of one CD that made an impact.
  8. We usually go to Sancho's but this may be better without the taxi ride. If my wife will walk that far.
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