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Everything posted by dolittle

  1. We loved the Hotel Curious great location near the Ramblus and the market. Had good breakfast included . Rooms in most places in Europe are small (get use to it). If you can walk to the end of the street a bus will take you to the ship for a few euros.
  2. Great post I hate haggling ,to me it is work .Many times in Europe I wanted to buy a fake Rolex but was not up for the haggle.
  3. Doubt it ,Mark twain (he did a lot of travel writing) took a cruise in his day and complained about the cost of excursions .
  4. In this one I wish his wife would have brained him with that rolling pin.
  5. I would rather have my head held underwater than watch ''Zorba the Greek" the worst ham over acting ever.
  6. By far mainland Mexico best beaches, attractions and people.
  7. I am O.K. with the kids ,its Noni(the singer) I want to see die (Kind of). She is so annoying she can not do anything with out Red Buttons (who is great in this movie) begging her to.
  8. Americans have three rights in Europe free access within Europe ,the right to see the U.S ambassador and the right to go to the bathroom in McDonald's.
  9. Watch any T.V. show on cruising the most played out and stale part of cruising shows . ''Fifty thousands million dozen eggs'' they never miss the egg report.
  10. What is funny and great about the Poseidon Adventure (1972) is the table mates, all the cliche's are here the lonely guy ,the floozy and the long married couple (my favorite).All played by great character actors the movie is corny and great at the same time. God bless Mrs. Rogo. she died on Wed.
  11. Just talked to Mr's Dolittle about this topic she reminded of the time we were on a ship with 100 or so blind people . At first it was fine but having all those dogs aboard got a little old the poor people were lost ALL the time (even more than the sighted people) and some of the dogs were not well cared for (odor) . Spoke to one of them out on the deck asked if he enjoyed cruising he said '' yes no streets to cross '' I said never thought of that . It did not affect our good time BUT.
  12. While I know some can be a problem (bikers to much bro hugging) and such but have never had a problem , We have been with 500 or so Jewish group from L.A. (all the women wore long dresses) to a group of African American women who dressed in traditional African garb and many others. My favorite was female barber shop quartets who would sing all over the ship, got on the elevator it would in harmony sixth floor ,sixth floor ,sixth floor. All were three groups were lovely people having a great time. I know people in groups can act like jerks sometimes but for the most part this is not a problem. B.T.W. I like this thread I am going to steal this idea in a future post.
  13. To me this very worthwhile survey .What people want ,glad it worked out for you, take full credit I would.
  14. Hey' make it look good . Other surveys do this I think to obscure what they are about. I do think X is a little obnoxious sometimes.
  15. So I get a survey from X to know ''me'' then all it asks about is selling me more and how much I know about the things the want me to buy. Not one ques. about how to improve the ship experience or what they could do to improve . I would think they would throw a few in fake ques just to make it seem like they cared what I thought .X is s good cruise line but I do sometimes notice a bit of arrogance . Did you get this what did you think
  16. Done it many times a little more than an hour ,take the sun highway ( use to be the Beeline) has toll but worth it.
  17. The one before these with the kids singing about not being able to cruise was very good also.
  18. This is not my first post about cruise line T.V. commercial. Many of you do not care about this element of cruising ,fell free to not join to tell me how much you do not care. The ads interest me because it tells you what the cruise line wants to be(what they want you to think they are) , It seems almost all of the M.Ms have spent big money on the big games, to me the best (as usual ) is Royal Caribbean they have always been the best and still are it looks like good active family fun. Xs are as usual unfocused with a truly awful theme song . The new Princess ads with people singing the loveboat song are fun and kind of corny at the same time. M.S.C. fairly new to T.V. ads are pretty straight forward and are visually well done. Carnival as usual is the slacker (B.T.W. I like Carnival) always look like they are from the 90s and gimiks that don't work like Shaq (thankful that is done). Holland is well ''Holland'' beautiful older couples dressed well and loving each other .What do you guys think do they sway you to one line or another and do they get people to take the plunge for first time.
  19. The ones I had as a kid (born 1955) did look very official a lot of seals and fancy writing . It is no wonder people think they are real .
  20. When we were getting our first passports a women at he post office insisted that her ''footise'' was her birth certificate that she had never had any other kind. Where I live (Pa) these were often taken as a B.C. B.T.W. do hospitals still give these out.
  21. Once booked a cruise on Sat at 1:00 P,M. for the next day . Great price it was out of N.Y., we live in suburban Phila. easy (and cheap) bus ride with Mega . One downside for me was part of a trip for me is planning and research with less than 24 hours I had no time for any of this. Also anticipation and day dreaming about a cruise is a big part of the enjoyment of travel for me I kind of missed this element .Would do it again at the right price .
  22. Wear this if you must ,I suppose it beats graphic tees on adult men.
  23. Thanks could not think of his name . The first time I saw him I thought ''I have seen this guy somewhere before'' It hit me later it was in Epcot(wearing a women's dress hat) in the early 90s at the English pub my wife say's I am dreaming . The second time my wife see's him he talks about his stint at Epcot and says him and Disney were not a good match.
  24. Can not believe no one has brought up the piano playing flamboyant British funny man that was on X for many years (can not remember his name ) while not everyone's ''cup of tea'' he was very funny.
  25. Totally agree on Tallinn it is a B stop in Europe but it is the best B stop in Europe or anywhere else.
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