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Everything posted by yorkshirephil

  1. I am an early bird this morning, only because we have an early start to get to the bus depot for 08:00. The weather is set fair and the sea state calm for our crossing to the Isle of man this afternoon.
  2. KM Travel Avril. We have been with them before a few times. They have a shop in town and a web site.
  3. A pleasant warm and cloudy day here, nice for walking, which we have done our fair share of. We are tootling off to the Isle of Man tomorrow on the charabanc from Barnsley for a few days. One of those places we have fancied visiting for many years but never got around to it. The weather forecast looks decent and we have three trips out which covers most of the island. I hope everyone enjoys the weekend whatever you choose to do.
  4. Fair day here, we went to J32 for coffee and cake this morning then sat out for the afternoon in nice warm sun. I will have a run through some of the early pages on this thread now and then when I am bored. They were not good times for a lot of us, winters especially for us as we like to fly south for the winter sun.
  5. There is a web site for Cruise connect where you can book the coach. If you have booked select and taken the coach as a perk you have to phone. It isn't always easy to best guess the pickup time as it depends on the route the coach takes. We are boarding in September in Barnsley and won't know pick up time until around 3 weeks before.
  6. I got the same message when applying for end Dec 2024
  7. Have a great cruise Marilyn and Brian. Hope Marilyn improves,
  8. You can download it direct from google play. I found it easy and straightforward and once you have used it once it is set for future cruises with any cruise line within the Carnival group.
  9. Another warm day here, bit of proper summer. I was surprised to read about the Microsoft outage as we went into Barnsley for brekkie and pick up a few bits and bats for weekend, plus books back to library and everything was working fine. Makes you wonder how we ever managed. Have a good weekend everyone.
  10. We have booked Intercruise for our next cruise, after reading reviews we would have opted for Eavesway but this was the section on the web site that swung it for Intercruise 1. THE OFFICIAL CUNARD LINE, PRINCESS CRUISES AND P&O CRUISES TRANSFER SERVICEThe ship will make every effort to wait for you in the event of any unforseen delays to your coach journey. Since the service started in 2001, we have never missed a sailing!
  11. I am always wary of cured bacon and ham as you don't know what it was ill with in the first place.
  12. Lovely sunny and warm start to the day here, it was great to be out and about without a fleece or jacket, cloudy now but still warm. Nice to be able to sit out and read. Looking forward to some nice weather later in the week. It seemed a bit strange walking around earlier, all the flags and bunting has gone from peoples gardens. Barnsley was quiet this morning too although they had just about sold out of everything at Costa, there was a brass band function over the weekend and it was very busy. There must be something else starting as they are erecting massive teepees in the square. Hope everyone has a good week and gets their share of nice weather.
  13. Great player, best team won and we had a good run, well done lads.
  14. I believe that Kate is scheduled to present the men's trophy tomorrow. Well another week been and gone, it has been a bit miserable here weather wise, certainly not what you would expect in July, only just made double figures a couple of mornings. Good week for sport with hopefully more to come. I have enjoyed the tennis this week, probably watched more than usual due to the dismal weather. Have a good weekend whatever rings your bells. Best wishes to the three lions and I hope Alcatraz beats that Scots bloke Jock Ovich, have a gooooood day.
  15. We were in your neck of the woods this morning. We met up with an old workmate and his wife at Huggamug cafe at the racecourse, very nice too.
  16. This reminds me of an old joke; One day, as a husband and wife are eating lunch at the local tavern, the husband leans over to his wife and says, “Do you remember the first time we made love together, more than 50 years ago? We went behind this tavern, where you leaned against the back fence.” “Yes,” she says while blushing. “I remember it well.” “How about taking a stroll around there again and we can do it for old time’s sake?” he asks. “Oh Jim, you old devil, that sounds like a crazy – but good -idea!” A police officer sitting in the next booth hears their conversation and, having a chuckle, thinks to himself, I’ve got to see these two old timers getting it on. I’ll just keep an eye on them so there’s no trouble. So he follows. The elderly couple walk along, aided by walking sticks. Finally, they get to the back of the tavern and make their way to the fence. As the old lady leans against the fence, the old man makes his move. Suddenly they erupt into the most furious love-making the policeman has ever seen. This goes on for about 10 minutes while both are making loud noises and moaning and screaming. Finally, they both collapse, panting on the ground. The policeman is amazed. He thinks he has learnt something about life and old age that he didn’t know. After about half an hour of lying on the ground recovering, the old couple struggle to their feet and put their clothes back on. The policeman is still watching and thinks to himself, “This is truly amazing, I’ve got to ask them what their secret is.” So, as the couple passes, he says to them, “Excuse me, I don’t mean to be rude, but that was something else. You must’ve had a fantastic sex life together. Is there some sort of secret to this?” Shaking, the old man is barely able to reply, “Fifty years ago, that wasn’t an electric fence.”
  17. We booked online for our upcoming cruise, we received a receipt and told that we would be contacted 3 weeks before the cruise with pickup times etc.
  18. Dull and warm here, we had our breakfast run into Barnsley this morning and a visit to the library. Mrs YP has put the washing out so I better keep watch as it will be my fault if it rains and I don't bring it in😉. Great game of football last night, somehow I don't think it will be anything like as exiting tonight, but as long as we win that is fine.
  19. Sorry to hear of everyone's ailments, side effect of getting old. A lovely sunny day here, we have spent most of the day either sitting in the garden or out walking. Whether it is a boil on the bum or high blood pressure I hope everyone bears up.
  20. If they qualify for the loyalty lunch they would have priority boarding. Usually the bus passengers get pushed through when the buses get in but as long as the bus is early enough they should make it?
  21. Great day of sport yesterday, shame about our top seeds at Wimbledon but they put in a shift and make us proud. I was surprised how many brits were still in the various categories. Well done the three Lions another knicker gripping game. The Grand Prix to look forward to this afternoon with three Brits up front and Max in the ideal position to cause mayhem along with the typical British summer weather. We were woken up by several alarms going off in the silly hours and found that the power was off down our road and a fleet of national grid vans were dealing with whatever the problem was at our close neighbours. We have had a big shower just after getting back from our morning walk, forecast looks a bit meh. Have a good day all. As an added bonus today is world chocolate day.
  22. I am an early bird today, bladder alarm went off at 07:00 and the sun was streaming through the windows so I didn't go back to bed. I usually have a quick scan at the news feeds in case anything interesting happened. Nothing did. Another week nearly over, where did that go. Highlight for me was going out with Grandson, partner and my lovely Great Grandson Hugo who is now growing into quite a character.
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