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Everything posted by martikus

  1. Connecting rooms for 2 bathrooms. Rooms are SMALL. It would be a long week with 5.
  2. We made a 11am with no issue of oasis. We did self walk off and didn’t even have a line at 6:45. We were shocked. Longest was about 30 min wait for Lyft - we didn’t pre book and got dropped a couple times by driver. Was at airport still with oooodles of time to spare. We had pre check but other line didn’t look terrible either.
  3. We were on the 6/2 cruise and loved it. we are easy to please but thought it was great. Don’t miss the aqua show!
  4. Oh yes sorry we had balcony not view. I apologize for misreading your type. Not much motion. I don’t think I’d do front if sailing from NJ - too worried they would need to use fog horn and I’d hear it.
  5. We had one 2 weeks ago and loved it. Bunk beds with small closet and a curtain. Then area with couch/desk then bed. Felt much bigger than a standard room and our son loved the bunks. we had 7310 I think - right beside aqua theater which was great to pop out and watch. Loved location as easy to walk up to 8 or down to 6 and below. but only differences is truly the bunks and more surface floor area. If you Google there are videos of the rooms.
  6. We paid $74 and thought it was fair. No chance we’d go over that. Hopefully others will feel that way so crazy prices go back down.
  7. Windjammer, solarium, hot dog house, park cafe, sorrentos, promenade cafe, el loco all free. And of course main dining room for brunch and dinner. You can ask for earlier time when arrive but they also have a no reservation line that works fine. you won’t go hungry! I had planned to pay for port side bbq but we loved all the free places we never got around to it.
  8. We had an amazing time 2 weeks ago. I hope you so as well!
  9. Lanyard for sure. My son doesn’t know he can use his seapass to order anything. He learns where all the free food and drinks are and that’s all he needs (just did oasis last week and it was amazing - he’s 16)
  10. I really enjoyed that carribean chicken last week. The carrot cake was disappointing. Loving reliving our cruise through you. We loved the new Nassau area behind fence. Needs more souvenir stores but was so nice not to be hassled.
  11. As long as potty trained so can use the pools I say go for it.
  12. @A&L_Ont did Owen attend teen meet and greet first night? We are on 6/2 with our 16 year old and he’s skeptical about going to it. thank you all for sharing your adventures with us!
  13. Thank you for another great review. Love your writing style and I know your limitations and being open about them really help others. Hope even with all the chaos it was a time to recharge. Can’t wait for your May review.
  14. Thank you for taking us along. Always enjoy your reviews and seeing it all from your view, especially since we have a teen son owen’s age.
  15. When next in Nassau would you ever try this place? https://bahabay.bahamar.com they have flow riders. We are seriously considering for our cruise in June.
  16. Armadillo thanks for taking us along on the cruise. love your writing style and the adventures with your dad.
  17. Thank you for taking time from your trip for this review. Love your writing style. but please don’t end here. I have to know how the hotel works out, what you did during day etc. we are all in for entire trip 🙃.
  18. No chance you are sailing. And you could now get it. Most people infectious 10-14 days no matter what the news says. So sorry for your trip but hopefully you can try again.
  19. I’d personally just run up to Buffett each morning and grab a milk. Shelf stable is not something mine would drink. that said - put in carryon. If it sprang a leak in main luggage what a mess.
  20. I’d be expecting my travel agent to fix it. If you are going to use one their job is to ensure these craZy situations are fixed. That would not be a satisfactory resolution for me.
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