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Everything posted by davderdan1

  1. Emailed mine last week and it's showing up in my account.
  2. I read once where someone was able to get a box of wine on as their bottle?? Anyone?
  3. Already love the new process in Galveston. Exactly as it should have been for the last two years!!
  4. old school edibles...today's are easy to carry and imbibe...
  5. I can assure you this is not a Carnival issue. There are people in your personal circle that smoke or imbibe, I can assure you. It's really not a big deal as it's been going on for centuries. The media and government have made it a big deal over the last 50 years. I have cruised 12 times on Carnival and have rarely smelled it, but it was never offensive when I did. Trust me, you'd rather have a high person next to you than a drunk person. High people are calm, cool and collected...not a risk to you at all. Not sure what you are concerned about??
  6. I raised two boys and I'm not sure I would have even asked them to go knowing the environment isn't something any boy would enjoy. Too funny.
  7. It's a reflection on the passenger, not the cruise line...could happen on ANY of them.'
  8. I was finally able to use mine after holding on to them forever from our cancelled cruise last January. I paid off the balance of my cruise with them yesterday. Easy peasy on the website.
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