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Everything posted by bobmacliberty

  1. One of my favorite reasons to fly KLM! Brilliant marketing. Give people a couple dollar trinket, and a challenge to complete a collection, and they'll be loyal to you. Thanks so much to you and @Hoopster95 for the absolutely fantastic photos and videos over the last few weeks. You can't take such great photos without such beautiful settings, but they also require a lot of skill (including post processing...I know how much effort that can take) and willingness to lug around a lot of gear. I really appreciate your efforts!
  2. Is there a chairlift to the top. 🤣 You're a better man than me!
  3. Tech question...Did you manually remove yourself from these pictures or does the 360 app do that for you? I've seen shots where the pole is automatically removed, but I don't think I've ever seen where the entire photographer is removed.
  4. Where will you be in Hawaii? If Maui, definitely try one at the Hula Grill in Whalers Village, Kaanapali. One of our favorite restaurants anywhere. If Kauai, try one at Keoki's Paradise near Poipu Beach on the south shore or at The Hanalei Paradise in Hanalei on the north shore. Tahiti Nui (Hanalei) and Tiki Iniki (Princeville) are both supposed to be great Tiki experiences but we didn't make it to either. Who am I kidding? Just go to the nearest bar and you'll probably have a good Mai Tai...you're in Hawaii!!!
  5. Thanks Greg. The note that I have shows the same PPOG ratios but using 1 oz light rum and 1 oz Jamaican rum instead of 1.5 oz Jamaican rum. I'm not sure if I later updated what I posted here, or maybe I posted the most recent version (above) and forgot to update my notes?? Either way should be great Deb. The mix of light and Jamaican rum will have a slightly higher alcohol content and you'll probably taste less rum and more of the juice mix, while the 1.5 oz Jamaican rum version will have slightly more of the funky Jamaican flavor. Take your pick.
  6. I'm glad that you liked it. I feel a little guilty because the original Trader Vic Mai Tai doesn't have all of those juices in it, but it sure tastes good. You've reminded me...time to make up a batch of PPOG juice so that it's ready for quick summertime Mai Tais.
  7. I've got 30 baseball/golf styles hats all arranged on shelves and hooks in our laundry room...on the way to the garage...where we have jackets, keys, etc. Easy to grab one on the way out. They're good for protecting the top of my head and some of my face. I've slowly started changing to the kind of hats that you have. I've got a bucket hat for yardwork and one for golf. They're much better at protecting my face, ears, and neck. I'll be looking for more of this style. Tilley looks like a great online site.
  8. I agree. Can't go through life scared. That said, I wear a hat 95% of the time when I'm outdoors. Even if I'm just going out to water plants for 5 minutes, I put on a hat. It has become such a habit that I'll feel like something is missing if I leave the house without a hat. The good news is that you can buy hats in every cruise port. 😁
  9. I'm not a fan of peas at all (I avoid them at all costs), but I didn't mind mushy peas. 🤷‍♂️
  10. I saw a video about this tunnel a couple of years ago. The video might be a little out of date (some numbers in the video are different from those in your pictures) but the project is still incredibly ambitious. As the video says, Norwegians sure do have a lot of tunneling experience.
  11. @brillohead pointed you in the right direction for making local calls while in a foreign country on T Mobile. You will indeed first need to dial +44 to make the call. In case it's not clear, you enter the + by pressing and holding the zero for a couple of seconds. When you first touch the zero, you'll see the zero appear. Keep pressing the zero (you'll hear the noise continuously) until the zero on the screen changes to a +. Easy to practice this at home. Just don't hit the button to actually make the call. Hit the backspace button instead to clear the screen.
  12. Glad to hear that you got new beds! It's exciting to start to furnish the new place. Don't be in too much of a rush to furnish your condo. Give yourself a chance to live in it and get a feel for what you might want, even if it means living with old or temporary stuff for a while. It took Micheline 2 years to decide what she wanted for a coffee table in our great room. She was originally thinking a round table with a driftwood base and a glass top. She then switched to thinking something off white but didn't want something too "beachy". She finally ended up with a rectangular dark wood table with an intricate pattern and some caning. She just kept casually looking until she found the perfect fit.
  13. The birds must have been fascinating to watch. Any idea why the cormorants and eagles leave each other alone?
  14. I wouldn't worry about the movers, although @reallyitsmema makes an excellent point about checking your condo requirements for movers. Movers often have difficult situations to deal with and I'm sure elevators are a part of what they do. We live on a long street with many overhanging branches from Live Oak trees. We're all the way at the end on a cul de sac with an island in the middle. We didn't think that a large 18 wheeler could make it to our house and there was no way it would be able to turn around if it did. I said as much to the moving company and they said, "no problem. We'll get the big truck as close to your house as possible and if necessary, use a small truck to shuttle stuff between the big truck and your house". That seemed like a lot of extra work but is par for the course for them. They didn't actually have to do that for us because they could back the big 18 wheeler all the way down the street, without damaging any trees, and unload from right in front of our house. In any case, I'd be ready with maybe $20 per person to tip the movers. I also completely agree with measuring your rooms. When our house was empty, I drew a rough floor plan of every room. I noted dimensions for all walls, doors, windows, outlets, light switches, etc. They were all in a notebook that my wife kept with a lot of decorating ideas, paint swatches, etc. Many times, we used the dimensions from the floor plan to check if a piece of furniture would fit before buying it from the store.
  15. We weren't sure when our truck would arrive when we moved so we used your strategy of buying a new bed. We thought about it in advance, picked out the bed in Cincinnati, and had it delivered the day after we arrived in Florida. We therefore only had one night in a hotel. We also had a TV delivered that day and bought 2 foldable beach chairs that we put in our great room. We lived that way for about a week before the truck arrived. This worked well for us because we were already in the market for a new bed and TV. We put our bed from Cincy in one of the guest rooms. If you do plan to buy a bed, be prepared for sticker shock. Because you spend so much time in bed, we spent a little more to ensure that we sleep well. Our Sleep Number bed cost about $10K. You don't need to spend that much, but you'll probably want to spend at least $2-3K on a good mattress. And I hear you on ceiling fans. We have one in every bedroom, one in our great room, one in our office, and 3 on our lanai. We don't have any in a closet though. 🤣
  16. It wouldn't be much of a guess to say that bar hopping is Nashville's number one attraction. Places like Jason Aldean's and Kid Rock's have multiple floors with different types of bands on each floor and nice rooftop bar areas. Lots of fun. If you're there on a weekend, you can expect to see busload after busload of bachelorette parties. Lots of open top buses that will drive you around and are filled with drunk girls. Nashville (at least in 2019) was one of the top bachelorette party destinations. One last thing that might be useful. There's a grocery store on Church St. between 4th and 5th. We'd stop there on the way back to our hotel to pick up water, snacks, etc.
  17. It's a good bar trivia question. We live just about on the western most point on the east coast. At about 81.45 degrees west longitude, we're almost as far west as Akron, OH...70 miles west of Pittsburgh and almost 400 miles west of NYC. You can probably win several drinks from people who would never believe that.
  18. We spent a long weekend there a few years ago. We stayed at the Homewood Suites on Church and 7th. Decent hotel within a few blocks walking distance from the action on Broadway. We went to many of the Broadway bars and probably enjoyed Dierks Bentley's the best, but that will vary greatly depending on your preferred style of music. We did 3 things during the day that we enjoyed, but you probably won't have enough time for any of them. We visited Andrew Jackson's Hermitage, and the Belle Meade Plantation. I don't know if either is open in the evening. We also took a backstage tour through the Ryman Auditorium which I'd recommend, even if you're not a big country music fan. Lots of history there. But I don't think that the Ryman is open in the evening either. Your best bet is to check out several of the Broadway bars for live music. There used to be a bunch of restaurants, many touristy, on second street but Google Maps shows many of them being closed. Not sure why. I don't really remember where we ate so the restaurants must not have been great. I do remember eating at the Wild Horse Saloon which had some interesting line dancing to watch while eating. I'm not sure that place is still open.
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