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Everything posted by bluemarble

  1. We might consider the somewhat shorter New York round trip October 31-November 26 (26 nights). I'd say at least the eastbound crossing October 31-November 7 is going to be a done deal for us. Our very first Cunard voyage was an eastbound crossing November 1-7, 2005 (back when QM2 crossings were 6 nights). Before dinner on the final formal evening of that crossing (November 5, 2005), I proposed to the future Mrs. Bluemarble. November 5, 2025 should also be the final gala evening of that eastbound crossing exactly 20 years later. We certainly "remember, remember the 5th of November" for that memorable evening on QM2 in 2005. We managed to be on board QM2 to celebrate the fifth and tenth anniversaries of that date in 2010 and 2015. For obvious reasons we weren't able to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of that date on board QM2 in 2020.
  2. Based on what I've found for QM2 2025 (with agreement from @SummmerInKefalonia), it looks like your options for Southampton->New York->Southampton during May and June 2025 will be as follows. May 16-May 30, 2025 Jun 6-Jun 20, 2025
  3. I'll help with the new 2025 itineraries for QM2. I happened to stumble upon them on a travel agent website where they were posted in the clear for a short time this afternoon. Please check my work, @SummmerInKefalonia. I have begun the listing with the last QM2 voyage already announced (the Apr 27-May 4 westbound crossing). The new 2025 itineraries pick up with an eastbound crossing departing May 5. Perhaps there is an overnight planned in New York for the evening of May 4-5. Queen Mary 2 Apr 27-May 4 (7 Nights): Southampton, New York May 5-May 12 (7 Nights): New York, Southampton May 12-May 16 (4 Nights): Southampton, Hamburg, Southampton May 16-May 23 (7 Nights): Southampton, New York May 23-May 30 (7 Nights): New York, Southampton May 30-Jun 6 (7 Nights): Southampton, Bergen, Alesund, Andalsnes, Zeebrugge, Southampton Jun 6-Jun 13 (7 Nights): Southampton, New York Jun 13-Jun 20 (7 Nights): New York, Southampton Jun 20-Jun 24 (4 Nights): Southampton, Rotterdam (overnight), Southampton Jun 24-Jul 1 (7 Nights): Southampton, New York Jul 1-Jul 8 (7 Nights): New York, Newport, Boston (overnight), Halifax, New York Jul 8-Jul 15 (7 Nights): New York, Southampton Jul 15-Jul 18 (3 Nights): Southampton, Zeebrugge, Southampton Jul 18-Jul 25 (7 Nights): Southampton, Stavanger, Alesund, Skjolden, Hardangerfjord, Southampton Jul 25-Aug 8 (14 Nights): Southampton, Stavanger, Olden, Skjolden, Isafjordur, Reykjavik, Halifax, New York Aug 8-Aug 15 (7 Nights): New York, Southampton Aug 15-Aug 17 (2 Nights): Southampton, Hamburg Aug 17-Aug 25 (8 Nights): Hamburg (overnight), Andalsnes, Alesund, Olden, Bergen, Hamburg Aug 25-Aug 27 (2 Nights): Hamburg, Southampton Aug 27-Sep 3 (7 Nights): Southampton, New York Sep 3-Sep 10 (7 Nights): New York, Southampton Sep 10-Sep 14 (4 Nights): Southampton, Zeebrugge, Rotterdam, Southampton Sep 14-Sep 26 (12 Nights): Southampton, Ringaskiddy, Liverpool (overnight), Oban, Invergordon, South Queensferry, Southampton Sep 26-Oct 3 (7 Nights): Southampton, New York Oct 3-Oct 17 (14 Nights): New York, Newport, Halifax, Sept-Iles, Saguenay, Quebec (overnight), Corner Brook, Sydney, New York Oct 17-Oct 24 (7 Nights): New York, Southampton Oct 24-Oct 31 (7 Nights): Southampton, New York Oct 31-Nov 7 (7 Nights): New York, Southampton Nov 7-Nov 17 (10 Nights): Southampton, Trondheim, Tromso (overnight), Alesund, Hamburg Nov 17-Nov 19 (2 Nights): Hamburg, Southampton Nov 19-Nov 26 (7 Nights): Southampton, New York Nov 26-Dec 8 (12 Nights): New York, Philipsburg, Roseau, Bridgetown, Castries, Basseterre, New York Dec 8-Dec 15 (7 Nights): New York, Southampton Dec 15-Dec 22 (7 Nights): Southampton, New York Dec 22-Jan 3 (12 Nights): New York, St Thomas, Basseterre, English Harbour, Philipsburg, Road Town, New York Jan 3-Jan 11 (8 Nights): New York, Southampton
  4. As long as we are looking ahead to 2026, I see QA is also on the Port Authority of New South Wales schedule for Sydney on March 16-17, 2026. Two more possible dates reserved for her 2026 World Cruise. Also plenty of evidence on that site indicating the plan is for QE to once again be in Australia during late 2025/early 2026. Last date reserved for QE in Sydney on that schedule is March 9, 2026.
  5. If you are booking directly on the Cunard website from the US, you enter your Cunard World Club number near the bottom of the Guest information page during checkout. Before the site was redesigned some years ago, you would enter your Cunard World Club number near the beginning of the booking process. Now it's toward the end of the process. It's still before you provide your payment method and submit your payment though. So if you have any future cruise credit to use or might be entitled to a past passenger discount on the fare you're booking, there is still time for that to be taken into account before you are quoted the final total amount for your booking.
  6. Here's the view a short time ago, once again as seen on the webcam hosted by the Mersea Restaurant on Treasure Island, as the sun was coming up to show QE along with some of the famous San Francisco skyline.
  7. I know the sites of which you speak. Yes, those sites are completely unreliable. For whatever reason they post links to future itineraries which are utter nonsense rehashing itineraries from prior years. There's one of those I'm looking at now that's listing Cunard itineraries for 2027. When @SummmerInKefalonia or I have posted previews of future itineraries prior to their official announcement by Cunard in previous years, we've done due diligence to make sure what we post is as reliable as possible. I have no reason to believe what @SummmerInKefalonia has found this year is any different.
  8. Excellent! Go ahead and post what you've found. I appreciate the hints you provided last year about how you find them. That's actually a strategy I've been trying unsuccessfully since 2023 without success until very close to the official announcement date. How I wish we could discuss specific travel agents at a time like this. Any further hints you can provide without breaking board rules would be appreciated. The only way I've managed to find the schedules ahead of time in the past is when a site posts the schedules in the clear so to speak and I happen to stumble upon them before they figure out they are suppose to keep them hidden until the official announcement date. So far I've come up empty this year.
  9. That, plus she was presumably a non-revenue passenger for Cunard while on Carpathia. I wonder if non-revenue voyages count toward Cunard World Club status (such as comped travel agent cruises). I don't know for sure, but I would guess not.
  10. You aren't technically a member of the Cunard World Club until you have completed your first Cunard voyage. You may certainly ask about it once you have booked your crossing for 2025, but I suspect you might have to wait to pursue your retroactive request for credit until completion of that first voyage in 2025. It won't make any difference who the lead passenger is on the booking for that first voyage. You will each have separate Cunard World Club accounts with separate account numbers. Since only your wife actually sailed on Queen Mary in 1963, it would be best to only request a retroactive voyage credit for her. Cunard would probably only apply a voyage credit to your wife's Cunard World Club account and you would be one voyage behind her for your Cunard World Club status (she would be Gold status having credit for two voyages while you would be Silver status for one voyage).
  11. We don't have any children to register, so I can't help with how well that functionality is working at the moment. But I can help with this part of your post just in case it helps any. It's not easy to find in My Cunard, but the "Register your child" link is found under "Before you sail", "Life on board", "Children's Clubs". It's the last item at the bottom of the "Life on board" page in My Cunard. Now I'm not really expecting that "Register your child" link within My Cunard to work any differently than the one from your email. It may not be any different at all. But at least it's something else to look into in case that does happen to work better for you.
  12. Oops, I didn't catch the fine print in the 2013 brochures. The three Salerno dates are listed in the 2013 brochure as "Naples (tours from Salerno), Italy ". So it does appear now they were all originally planned to be calls to Salerno. The other three calls to Naples I cited above are just listed as "Naples, Italy" in the 2013 brochure.
  13. I first learned about most of the 2023 dress code and theme schedules (after the world voyages) being posted in My Cunard during late November last year.
  14. That's a good thought. The 2013 Cunard brochure has Naples listed for QE on those three dates, so it does appear to be a change that was made after the itineraries were originally published in the printed brochure. I do have calls to Naples documented on 15 Oct 2013, 20 Nov 2013 and 2 Dec 2013 which are as published in the brochure.
  15. Somewhat oddly to my thinking anyway, the only calls to Salerno I have documented for the current Cunard fleet are three calls by Queen Elizabeth, all during 2013. Those calls were 11 Sep 2013, 17 Oct 2013 and 8 Nov 2013.
  16. I am going to recuse myself from identifying you latest photo, @Lanky Lad, since I believe I was also on board on that occasion and have some similar photos of that event.
  17. Yes, indeed. My webcam captures are very recent (from this afternoon Bilbao time). I presume @exlondoner's photo is almost as recent from the current QV cruise.
  18. Perhaps more importantly, you probably don't have a UK Cunard World Club number either. There are separate Cunard World Club systems for the UK, North America and Australia/New Zealand. Even if you were able to create a login on the Cunard UK site, you wouldn't get anywhere trying to associate it with a North American Cunard World Club number.
  19. I won't give away the location, but I'll add these webcam images which I believe are showing the same location which indeed is not Dorset.
  20. Now is a good time to post an updated honor roll listing all those who have contributed 50 or more posts to this amazing thread. It's been almost a year since I posted the last one and we have a new member to add now. @NE John's recent post was his 50th post here earning him a spot on our list. Since the previous roll call I posted last August, @sfred has passed 600 posts, @exlondoner and @Colin_Cameron have each passed 300 posts, and @sogne has passed 100 posts. @sogne is the big mover on our latest list, moving up from 11th to 8th place. Well done everyone. Let's see how much longer we can keep this thread going with additional contributions even if they are only different perspectives on ports we've already seen. Only 149 more posts needed to reach 5000 total posts. Contributor Posts bluemarble 1304 sfred 689 Host Hattie 375 exlondoner 350 Colin_Cameron 313 carlmm 270 Solent Richard 222 sogne 177 Palmeat 175 Lanky Lad 129 Essiesmom 120 Ray66 88 ExArkie 76 North West Newbie 71 Yaldi 67 NE John 50
  21. I'm familiar with the excellent YouTube video about a Caronia World Voyage from the 1950's titled "CUNARD LINES RMS CARONIA WORLD CRUISE PROMOTIONAL FILM 1950s 71302". That one includes a South Atlantic call at Tristan da Cunha rather than St Helena. Is there a different video I've missed showing a call at St Helena? I'd love to see that one too. By the way, Tristan da Cunha is on our unseen ports list, just in case anyone has a photo of that location to share here.
  22. Very good. Looks like we have another port we can move from our unseen to seen ports lists. At least two Cunard ships have called at Ceuta in the past. @Colin_Cameron, you reported a call by Vistafjord and I found a call by Caronia on 9 October 1967.
  23. Yes, since 2018 there has been a gap of anywhere from 6 to 17 days between the date the schedules were announced and the date they were available to book. The first date they are available to book is usually reserved for past passengers (Cunard World Club members). The following day they are available for all customers to book.
  24. Traditionally the summer/autumn itineraries have been announced during early to mid September. The Covid shutdown caused significant delays to those announcement dates the past few years. Here are the announcemant dates the past several years. Summer/Autumn voyage schedule announcement dates 2024: Announced Nov 29, 2022 2023: Announced Jan 18, 2022 2022: Announced Nov 5, 2020 2021: Announced Sep 17, 2019 2020: Announced Sep 13, 2018 2019: Announced Sep 5, 2017 2018: Announced Sep 6, 2016 One hopeful sign that Cunard might be getting back to their typical announcement schedule is that the 2025 World/Exotic itineraries were announced in early March this year. That's the timeframe for when those itineraries were typically announced pre-Covid. Perhaps we can expect the remaining 2025 itineraries to be announced sometime next month.
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