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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I had to look up who Mr. Vespucci was, appreciate genealogy and now fanny packs have morphed into cross body packs. What's old is new again, with a twist, it seems. I think I live out loud, but I'm not an artist; unfortunately I'm not very creative. It's warmer again, this morning as we're sitting at -15C (5F), and are hoping for a high of +3 (37), which will help take down some of the mountains of snow we have in the yard. I honestly don't mind the snow, it's just that we didn't need to get a whole winter's worth in two days. I think Mother Nature was confused. @grapau27 my sympathies to Sarah and you and Pauline, her family, on the loss of Sarah's father. Not a lot on the agenda for us today - I have a book I want to finish, and when we were at our neighbour's for coffee this past week, she gave me another to read, but it has to go back to the library on Tuesday, so I need to get into it quickly. I also want to cut out some pieces of fabric to make more coasters, so we'll see how the day progresses. Oh, and watching sail-away this afternoon as well. I guess I will be busy - not active, just busy. I'm going to give the drink of the day a pass (bourbon), would like to try the wine, and haven't heard of chicken stroganoff, but I'm sure it would be delicious. Right now there's some ground beef thawing in the fridge that is going to be turned into taco salads for us to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in grief, in pain and in wars. Cheers to all who have celebrations happening today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  2. Well that's it for me today - see you tomorrow! Thanks all!
  3. Too bad we couldn't have had a close up of @wdw1972!
  4. I hope to be here this afternoon as well.
  5. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I don't think any day is a good day to be nasty. I'm proud of my middle name Katherine which comes from my godmother, my wonderful Aunt Katie. She was a real spitfire. Peanut clusters usually have chocolate, so I'm in! It's warming up, only -21C right now, but we're looking at a high of -3 which is way better than we had a few days ago. The forecast is still for above 0 temperatures for Saturday and Sunday which will be nice. Happy International Women's Day to all the wonderful women here on The Daily. You make my life better; you're strong, you're intelligent, you're compassionate, and I look forward to every interaction with you. Yesterday DH read that due to the weather, there's been a dramatic reduction in the amount of cocoa bean production, resulting in the cost of chocolate going up. As a result, after our lunch with Wayne yesterday, we made a stop where DH loaded up a basket with his favourite chocolate bars. Now the "treat drawer" looks like we're headed into another lockdown! LOL I'd like to try the drink, but would substitute either gin or vodka for the bourbon. I'm pretty sure I'd like the wine, depending on the price, of course. To be honest, I've never made short rib anything, but I'm sure it would make a nice soup. Of course it's Friday night pizza night here, so later this afternoon we'll check the online menus and order something ooey and gooey to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is suffering, is recovering, or who is just trying to keep it all together. Cheers to all who have something to celebrate today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  6. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Thankful to Mr. Bell for his invention, especially when I was a teenager! No name tags around here, and it's so important to be heard. It's cold out there again at -26C(-14), but there isn't a wind, so it won't be too bad. The sky is clear and the sun is coming up which always makes even the coldest of days feel a little better. Thank you for your prayers and concern for our friend Wayne; he was released from hospital yesterday afternoon. His friend Fran picked him up and brought him home and he's feeling much, much better. We spoke with him last night and are planning on getting together for lunch today after he hits Costco for the newly prescribed medications. @Seasick SailorI'm sorry to hear about Allen's pinched nerve; that is so painful! He sounds like my DH who doesn't want to take pain meds - why, I have no idea. @StLouisCruisersthank you for the updated photos of sweet Elliott Rose; she is a real beauty. @RedneckBobHappy Birthday to you! @aliaschiefI'd love those 34 sea days; glad you decided on that route. @JazzyVYour cross stitch project is lovely - I hope you can find time to work on it again. @Mr. BostonI will keep your colleague Lauren in my prayers, and hope for peace and pain free days. I have to give a HUGE shout out, thank you and a million hugs to @57redbird. Thanks to Pat I now have a good supply of meclizine - it arrived yesterday. It's amazing what this community of people will do for each other, and I'm so grateful for the offers of assistance. I told DH that it had arrived so now he just has to get his aortic valve replaced and we have to win the lottery so we can do a Grand World Cruise. LOL Yesterday's foray out into the wild white yonder went very well, as the main streets had been plowed clean. My dental appointment was good as I had a cleaning and check-up with no cavities again - I guess brushing and flossing have done their job. If someone ordered the drink of the day, I'd take a teaspoon and try it, rather than ordering one and leaving it. It's that bourbon that has me turned off. I'd like the wine, and will pass on the menu suggestion as DH doesn't care for enchiladas. I made a larger than I thought batch of baked spaghetti last night so we'll be having leftovers of that at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in turmoil. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  7. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Remember the Alamo, and I've always had great respect for veterans. The male version of my original name (Gerald for Geraldine) means "ruler with a spear". I prefer the name Gerry which means "ruler with a glass of wine". Well it's warmed up considerably overnight, as currently we're looking at a temperature of only -20C (-4F) and according to the radio, we could be having a high of +4 on Saturday which will certainly take down some of the snow out there. Yesterday, after climbing through the mountains of snow to the neighbours for coffee, we saw a fellow out front with a bobcat who was clearing the snow all up and down our street. It wasn't one of the city vehicles, so I figured one of our neighbours had hired this guy to take care of our street, but after calling around to a number of them, they had no idea who he was. I guess just a random snow angel, for which we're so grateful! @dfish yikes on getting your glove stuck in your drain snake - that could have been much worse! Hopefully it's a mild sprain and you'll get all feeling back very soon. @HeartgroveI'm happy to hear Sam has rallied again; even if it's just for a short while, it gives you a chance to give him more love and he's able to give you happy memories. I've got a dental appointment this morning for a routine cleaning - it'll be much easier to get there now that the street has been cleared, as the dental office is on a main street which will have been plowed. DH would normally have had coffee with his band mates, but a couple of them are socked into their streets, so that's off the agenda for this week. I've had a Hurricane - trust me, you really only need one! While I don't really enjoy white wine, I do like a sparkly cava. I'm going to look seriously at the recipes for today, as I do enjoy beef barley soup, but have never made it. I like the idea of putting everything in the slow cooker and letting it go - easy, peasy. DH has asked for spaghetti with meat sauce for tonight, so on my way home I'll pick up some parmesan cheese and make it a baked dish for us to enjoy with a simple tossed salad at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in a blue mood. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  8. Unusual question, but is anyone else having trouble accessing their FB account? Mine isn't working and I can't seem to install a new password either. I'm hoping it's a glitch and I haven't been hacked.
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I can't imagine what it must be like to be afflicted with Dissociative Identity Disease, will pass on the absinthe, but would like some cheese doodles if we had any. Well we can't say we weren't warned - the temperature has plummeted again to where we're currently at -32C (-25) and with the wind it's -42C(-43). Sigh. Yesterday afternoon the fellow arrived to clear off the driveway; thankfully he brought his big snowblower, but even with that, it took a full hour just to do the driveway. The road in front of our house is such a mess of snow that he got stuck 4 times when trying to leave. It looks like the Himalayas in the front yards along our street. @ottahand7I'm happy to hear your surgery went better than you expected; I hope you didn't have too much pain last night. @marshhawksending good vibes for Chuck's surgery today. @Quartzsite CruiserHappy Birthday to your DH!! @StLouisCruisersI'm glad your DGD was able to find somewhere safe to live. @Heartgrove my heart goes out to you as you prepare to say goodbye to your dear Sam. It's so difficult to make the decision, but we hate to see our furry family members suffer. ((Hugs)) Our friend Wayne called to give us an update on his health last night and said they "might" discharge him today. There's a snag to that, because the buses and taxis will be staying off the streets today to give the snow clearing crews a chance to get ahead of the mess that's out there. We told him that our street was crazy, and we weren't sure he would even be able to drive on his cul-de-sac, let alone get into his house, which is likely blown in. At the end of the conversation, he said he'd tell the doctor he has no way of getting home and will ask to be able to stay another night . . . something that doesn't happen very often; who wants to volunteer to stay a night at the hospital? Our neighbours across the street returned from a month in Mexico just a few days ago (what a time to come home!), and have invited us over for some mulled wine and appetizers late this afternoon. I told them we'd come if we can find the sherpas to help us over the mountain range between their house and ours. Because we'll be having appies so late in the afternoon, I'm pretty sure we'll just end up having a bowl of soup for dinner later in the evening. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in poor health, in grief and in pain. Cheers to all with celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Sadly, so many athletes suffer from brain injuries - they're hard to come back from. I had to look up Casimir Pulaski and courageous followers. I don't agree with the quote. We have lovely memories of Alicante and would enjoy going back for another visit. Well the media is calling it Snowmageddon instead of a winter snowstorm. So far there's been 48cm (18.75") of thick, wet, heavy snow that has fallen and blown into unmanageable drifts all around the city and outlying areas. Many (most) highways in the province were either classed as "travel not recommended" or closed entirely. The shopping malls were closed (something that never happens), and all but essential services were on the streets. A couple of emergency calls required that the fire trucks go down a street first so an ambulance could get through to an address. Our snow clearing fellow called and apologized for not coming yesterday, as he couldn't get off his own street. I'm not holding out hope for today, either, as the city's snow clearing plan is to only do the main arteries, which will likely take the next 24 hours. Now we've got winds picking up which are going to be blowing the top snow into even harder drifts ... great. Yesterday afternoon I went out with our heavy duty leaf blower to clear off my car and trudged through hip deep snow on the driveway. It's a real mess out there. Many announcements have been made on the radio already about all schools being closed, with police telling the public that unless absolutely necessary, to stay home. You don't have to tell me twice! @bennybearDon't worry, the storm missed you; we spoke with our family in Calgary and they had just a regular March weekend and no snow. I had to go back to yesterday's photo of our sweet little Murphy - I'm just delighted she's able to be home with her family. That smile tells it all, doesn't it? I think I'd like to try the drink, will let others enjoy the white wine, and do enjoy sweet potato fries, especially with ranch dip. I found a good sized package of pulled pork in the freezer that is currently thawing in the fridge. I'll reheat it and we'll enjoy that on the buns I made yesterday, along with coleslaw for our dinner at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief. Special prayers for the innocents involved in wars. Cheers to all who have celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  11. Well that's it for me today, thanks Dave, @Cruise Suzy and all the sail-away addicts. See you next time!
  12. I'd like to have seen what all the sirens were about!
  13. Just a tad envious when I see the temperature in FLL right now. We're in the midst of winter snowstorm that dumped 11 inches on us yesterday and we're expecting another 9 before tomorrow morning. There's at least 3 feet of drifted snow on our driveway, so it's really nice looking at palm trees and cruise ships for a little while. Notice I haven't used any metric measurements? LOL
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