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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Just the one - maybe it was a choice of activating the windshield wipers or the horn. LOL
  2. I've had to do that a couple of times, then wait for the ad to finish, or get to the "skip ad" portion. Hearing departure toots!
  3. Sounded more like a train whistle than a ship's horn. There, that's better.
  4. Our friends disembarked this morning also; I've been tracking their flights and it seems they got out of FLL on time but are delayed in Atlanta for 35 minutes later this afternoon.
  5. Unless you're wearing a rain slicker or a wet suit, it could be very uncomfortable to be on the outer decks right now!
  6. Celebrity dropping lines, so maybe the NS will be able to leave on time.
  7. Wow, that's some crummy weather for sail-away today!
  8. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I had to look up the cow milking thing, but my initial thought was when farmers fly their cows to dairy expositions in foreign countries, they may need to be milked en route. I was wrong. Did someone say wine??? We've got more batteries than you can shake a stick at, but they're like tea lights, you can never have enough. It's clear and cold this morning with a temp of -16C(3F), but looking at the trees outside, I can see there's a stiff wind, bringing the wind chill temp to near -30C. We don't have to go anywhere today, so I think we'll just hang out at home and enjoy the warmth of our fireplace. Welcome home to our Daily cruisers, I hope your luggage made it back with all of you. Was everyone as excited as I was to see a photo of our little warrior Murphy? Yesterday was busy, but good. First thing after lunch I went over to my friend whose husband had recently passed away. We talked, we laughed, we cried, she drank some of the wine I brought - I drank coffee because I was driving, and we talked about her sweet husband. I knew he was in his early 50's, it turns out he was only 54. She has a good support system with her family and some of our colleagues, so although she'll be alone, she'll be okay. We plan on getting together again in a couple of weeks, something I think will become a regular occurrence. On my way home I stopped for 2 packages of cranberry/orange hot cross buns for ourselves, then DH and I went through Tim Horton's drive-thru, picked up some coffee and dropped in on another couple we haven't seen in a long time. We enjoyed a visit there for a couple of hours and finally made our way home around 6:30. By that time neither of us wanted a full meal, so we just made a small charcuterie board and enjoyed that at the table. I've never had a Salty Dog, but do love grapefruit juice, so know I'd like the drink of the day. A definite yes on the wine, but I've never made clam chowder, only enjoyed it in restaurants. Tonight we're going to have the lemon shrimp pasta that didn't get made last night along with a tossed salad at the kitchen table. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, and even for those who don't think they do. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'm happy we have digital TV, even though with all the additional channels, there's often not much worth watching. It would be fun to watch the crab races, and sometimes you just have to have things My Way. After the ugly cold of the other day, today we're warming up again, with a temp this morning of only -8 (17F) and an expected high of 0 (32) . . . we do live in a weird place. The nice thing about living here though, is the fact that we get so much sunshine, so even if it's cold enough for your nose to fall off your face, it's sunny! Yesterday I scored big time with my run to WalMart - I was able to hunt down the yarn that was on sale (they didn't put it in the regular aisle), and even though they weren't marked, I ran back and forth to the scanner to check prices and was able to get 6 very large skeins and 8 regular size skeins for around $30. That should keep me busy for a few weeks making blankets! I also stopped at the pet store to pick up some different dry food for Sochi to try, and was pleased that she actually liked it. The good thing about buying at the pet store is that if she didn't like the crunchies, I could return the bag for a refund, rather than having paid a lot for something I just would have to give away. Bon Voyage @cat shepard and @Nickelpenny; enjoy your cruises!! Welcome home to the Daily-ites from your cruises, you've been missed! This afternoon I'm going over to visit my friend whose husband passed away last week. I'm bringing over a care package for her - a large container of assorted chocolates and wine. I know she's been inundated with flowers, but I also know she has a penchant for chocolates, as she always has a drawer filled with mini bars in her desk at work. I will pass on the drink of the day (rye whiskey), would love the Cava, and would like to try the menu suggestion. DH has asked for lemon pasta tonight so when I get home from visiting my friend, I'll whip that up along with some shrimp for us to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, or needing a hug. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. Thanks everyone, Dave, Leanne(in absentia) and all the Sail-Away addicts. See you next time!
  11. As nice as it was seeing the Rotterdam, it was kind of anti-climactic without the toots!
  12. Does anyone know where @Mr. Boston is going to be?
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