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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Immigration lawyers are so very important; I'm sure we all remember the sad day that took Christa McAuliffe's life along with the rest of her crew members. I love daisies - the lovely white with yellow centres are my all time favourite flower; they're just so fresh and bright, yet simple. We stopped at Costa Rica during our first Panama Canal cruise and took the ship's excursion to see the Xunantunich ruins - the bus and driver that took us there was quite akin to Mr. Toad's Wild Ride! It's still dark out, and I can't see the moon anywhere, so that means cloudy as well. It isn't very cold, only -6C, and with an expected high of +3, it should be a very nice day. I expect the neighbour boys (ages 6 and 9) will be out building snowmen on the front lawn; they usually get very creative with spray paints, etc., so it will be fun watching the progress. @dfishsafe travels to you and Sue today as you head to your port city. @summer slopegood wishes for safe travel for you today as well. @Cruzin TerriI hope the drive to Jacksonville today is uneventful. @Vict0riann about Pat's nosebleeds; a number of years ago DH had issues with that, and they finally had him snort a white powdery substance (probably can't say it here) and then they were able to cauterize the vessel high up in his nose. I thought it was a very unusual method of fixing it, but it worked! We had a lovely time with our friends yesterday afternoon - and true to form, Wayne did have an entire list of questions for me. DH asked on the way home "How do you know all that stuff?", to which I replied that I learned most of it from our years of cruise/travel experience, and my friends at Cruise Critic. He said "You're lucky to have smart friends," to which I replied "You're lucky to have a smart wife!" LOL Nothing on our agenda today, which is just as well - I have to run out and get some groceries, and will pick up a couple of decaf mocha's from Tim Horton's on the way home. I had to look up the Diet of Worms, thinking if I went on that diet, I'd be thin pretty quickly because I wouldn't be eating anything at all! I'm going to pass on the drink of the day - tried it once and didn't like it; would love to try the wine, but it's out of my budget, and if I saw the menu suggestion in a restaurant, would like to try it. DH doesn't like kale, so there's no point in me making something like that for myself. Right now there's a package of ground beef thawing in the fridge that will be made into hamburger soup that we can enjoy with some crusty buns at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, and even for those who don't think they are. Cheers to all with celebrations happening. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  2. Just a quick check-in. I looked at the Port of Miami webcam just in time to catch them setting off fireworks to celebrate the Icon of the Seas departure. 7,600 passengers? No thanks.
  3. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We must never forget the holocaust and the atrocities that occurred at that time in our history. We visited Anne Frank House which we felt brought history to the forefront and it was truly sobering. Did someone say chocolate cake??? It's still dark out there, but not very cold, only -9c again with an expected high of 0, which means more melting. Not sure if we'll get more snow this winter or not; I certainly hope so, otherwise we'll be in trouble with droughts and possible water shortages. I fear for the forests most of all, because they need all the moisture they can get. But then so do the farmers. We were up early yesterday morning, in anticipation of the cardiologist's call. It came at 4:30 in the afternoon. LOL You have to laugh, really, otherwise you just get stressed out. An appointment has been made with the cardiac device clinic to increase the tempo of DH's pacemaker, he is to stop taking 1 medication, to only take half of another, and has been prescribed a diuretic as well to lessen the strain on the heart. So we're just taking this one day at a time, and will get through it, I'm sure. I thought I got up early enough this morning to see friends of ours on their sailboat going through the Panama Canal, but misjudged the time and missed them going through the Gatun locks. Hopefully I'll get to see them as they go through the Pedro Miguel locks later this morning(likely around noon). This afternoon we're going for brunch with our friends Wayne and Fran, who will be cruising without us. Wayne said he has a list of last minute questions for me, as in the past I was the "go to" person for all things travel and cruising. I guess it's time to let the baby birds fly, huh? I'd like to try the drink of the day, although the combination of rum and Campari is a weird one. I know I'd like the wine, and with my love of all things turkey, I know I'd enjoy the menu suggestion as well. Because we're going out early/mid afternoon for brunch, I'm sure we won't be very hungry for dinner tonight. At this point I'm thinking we might just have a bowl of vegetable soup and toast at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief. Cheers to all who have a celebration happening today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  4. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Passing on the dental drill day . . . yuck. I had a different take on International Customs Day, thinking it was celebrating the customs of different countries, not border crossings. My brain is weird, I guess. Yes on Environmental Education - we need to keep that going. Warm again this morning, although it's cloudy, with a temp of only -9C (15F) and a high of 0 again just like yesterday. Some of the streets are quite bare of snow already, as there wasn't a whole lot to begin with. It does make use of windshield wipers and washer fluid though, as there's lots of spray, especially on the freeway with big trucks in front or around you. DH is comfortable, he had a restful night, and isn't in any pain. He's just taking it easy until we speak with the cardiologist again this morning. That call should come shortly after the office opens, and we hope to find out when he can get in for a CT scan. Fingers crossed. Thanks again for your prayers and good wishes. @tupper10Bon Voyage; have a wonderful cruise! @0106an exciting day before you leave - hope all goes well for you! I'm thinking the drink of the day would be nice to slurp on when the temperature is hot, will let others have the white wine, although I do like Kim Crawford's reds. I've had loaded baked potato soup and quite enjoyed it, but won't be tackling it today. It's Friday night pizza night, so depending on what happens throughout the day, it'll likely end with us browsing the online menus and finding something hot and cheesy to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  5. Well we’re back home. The cardiologist saw that Maurice was struggling for air and said he was concerned. He’s going to go over the echocardiogram tonight and said he’d call us tomorrow about a path forward. He said in the US aortic valve implants are done at the drop of a hat, but in Canada they’re only given when the patient is close to heart failure. He also said that he wants DH to have a CT scan to determine the amount of calcification of the valve. He said that would assist in the diagnosis. Right now it’s just sit down, take it easy and do as little as possible, to wait for a call tomorrow. @Vict0riann great news about Pat! Hopefully he remains stable so you can continue to travel! Maurice wanted to stop at the Dairy Queen, so we went to the drive through so he could get his barbecued chicken strips and I got a crispy chicken salad that we’re going to have right away at the kitchen table. And it’s wine o’clock, so I have my glass at the ready. I might even have 2 tonight. Thanks again friends, for all your care, prayers and good wishes. Have a good night.
  6. Thank you all for your care and concern, it really is appreciated knowing that others are holding me up. It's as if the cardiologist knew things were going south because as we sat having our coffee, reading the newspaper, a phone call came from his office. DH has an echocardiogram scheduled for 2:30 and will see the doctor immediately after. Maybe the doc finally had a chance to read the file. And to answer someone's query, we don't have an urgent care centre anywhere in our province; there are 3 planned, but that's as far as it's gotten. I've had to call an ambulance before, as I know it's the one way you can actually be seen without having to wait in the emergency waiting room for hours before having anyone attend to the problem. Maurice has been taking it very easy this morning - I brought in a stool from the deck and put it into the shower so he wouldn't even have to stand up for long to get himself cleaned up. I knew he wasn't feeling well when he didn't even balk at the suggestion. We have about 2 hours to go before the appointment, but I will come back later with an update. Thanks again, my friends.
  7. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I've always had a room of my own, but love sharing one with DH. I definitely try hard not to wear clothes that clash. Remembering those who died in the service of space exploration. DH never said I snored, but that I purred. Only problem was that I purred so loud, he couldn't sleep - until I got a CPAP. LOL The warming trend is continuing; this morning we've got a temp of -9 (15F) and our expected high is 0 (32). I just heard on the radio that apparently it's misty out right now, which will make things very slick for those trying to get to school and work this morning. I'm glad we're no longer part of the work force where we have to be out on the roads before the sanding trucks really do their jobs. I know we had fog last night, so there should be some pretty trees all frosted up this morning. I didn't sleep well last night, worrying about DH. He's getting progressively worse - last night just getting undressed for bed left him breathless. In speaking with the cardiologist this afternoon, I'm going to be sure to tell him how much he's deteriorated in just a week since we saw our PCP. If it seems to be a long time till he can get more testing, I'm simply going to call an ambulance and they'll have to take him into emergency and deal with things right away. Speaking of that, @JazzyV if your pain becomes intolerable, have you considered calling an ambulance and going to a hospital where you will have to be seen? I can't imagine having to wait another month until you can get some relief from your pain. And I don't know that I could exist on the little sleep you're getting either. @rafinmd I love the idea of putting Daily cruiser's names at the ship locations - thanks for that! Nothing on our agenda today (thankfully), but there's always laundry. I found some fabric the other day that I really liked, so might wash it up and get to work cutting out and sewing coasters. I'm trying to give my shoulder a break from knitting/crocheting, but I can't just sit and do nothing. The cortisone shot feels like someone punched me very hard, but it seems to have provided some relief of the continual throbbing I've been having - yay! I'd definitely like the drink of the day, the wine (which makes great sail-away sparkle!), and the menu suggestion. I've got some chicken breasts thawing in the fridge that will make their way into the Shake & Bake bag, then in the air fryer. They'll be served along with baked baby potatoes and a crunch salad at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars. Cheers to all who have something to celebrate today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  8. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We enjoy beer in cans during the summer while sitting either on our deck or in the pergola. Belly laughs are so good for you, as they release endorphins and make you feel better. Anyone who has adopted a pet from a shelter has changed it's life, but I can't think of anyone who has changed a pet's life more than @kazu. Ivan is one lucky dog. We're still enjoying warm weather; this morning we're sitting at -7C (19F), and although it's not expected to get much warmer, only -5, it isn't 45 below and we'll take it. During our drives out and about yesterday we went through a lot of windshield washer fluid and realized we need to get another jug of it to keep in the garage so we don't run out. And the vehicle is looking very messy, so maybe a trip to the car wash is in order. @cunnorl congratulations on that new addition to your family - wow, 10:10; he'll be in 6 month sleepers instead of newborn! @Cruising-along wishing you a very Happy Birthday and many healthy returns of the day! @dfish please give Sue our congratulations on becoming a grandmother again. Too bad she had to find out about it on FB, though. Today I get my hair coloured and cut - should have happened last week, but DH's health took precedence over such matters. It'll feel better knowing I don't have to muss and fuss with it as much in the mornings just to look decent. The cardiologist's office called to say he will have a tele-visit on Thursday at 4PM, so we're looking forward to seeing what he will have to say. We need to get this guy back to good health so we can enjoy life again. I do enjoy a gin and tonic in the heat of summer, would like to try the wine, but it's a little pricey. I haven't made salmon patties in a very long time - I usually use tinned salmon instead of fresh when I do make them. We've got some ham that needs to be used up, so tonight we're going to be enjoying monte cristo sandwiches and vegetable soup at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations happening. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Remember as a child, putting your foot into that cold silver metal shoe sizer? I haven't seen one of those in a store in ages. I still like to do handwritten notes, I just wish they'd bring cursive writing back in schools. Not sure what Joh is, but I do know there's a peach pie in the freezer that just may see it's way to the oven today. Mike Meyers is so funny, but maybe I'm biased because he's Canadian. We're in a warming trend, folks! Right now we have a temp of -7C (19F), and it's expected to get even warmer in the next couple of days, with possible above freezing temperatures by Thursday. Crazy weather, as usually in the month of January we're firmly ensconced in cold, cold weather with tons of snow. We did have some snow overnight, but not like we used to. I expect the fellow will be out there shortly to clear it off for us - what a godsend he's been this winter. @smitty34877 wishing you a very Happy Birthday with many happy and healthy returns of the day! @DWAliaschiefHappy Birthday to you - enjoy your special day at sea! @RMLincoln sending positive vibes for a good outcome for your DH's surgery today. @Cruzin Terri thinking of you as you see your doctors at the Mayo Clinic today. A couple of things on the agenda today; DH has a chiropractor appointment this morning, hopefully the last one he'll need for a while, and late this afternoon I get a cortisone shot in my shoulder that I hope will help alleviate the pain from the torn rotator cuff. It isn't usually bad during the day, but at night when I try to turn in bed, ouch. I'd like to try the drink of the day, but wouldn't sugar the rim, am pretty sure I'd enjoy the wine, and look forward to seeing today's recipes. Because my appointment is so late in the day, we're going to stop on the way home and pick up some noodle bowls that we can enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in worry. Cheers to all who have celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'm all for better business communications - it makes the customers much happier if we all understand what's going on. A celebration of life means someone is no longer with us, and although it's supposed to be a celebration, I always leave them feeling more sad than happy. Community managers can be very helpful. It's a cool -16C (3F) out there this morning, but that's not stopping DH and his son from going to the son's acreage. His son always likes to make a trip out there every couple of weeks to check on things, as it's about 1.5 hours from the city and the area has had many break-ins over the years. Hopefully this time he remembers to change the batteries in the trail cameras he has set up around the property which act as security devices. @atexsixI'm sorry to hear your Dad's not doing well; I hope the hospice will be able to keep him comfortable and give you some respite as well knowing he's being cared for. I'm sure many of you remember at the beginning of covid when a lady joined the HAL forums to figure out how to get her elderly mother and her boyfriend from San Diego back to Florida, and a wonderful knight in shining armor @Copper10-8 drove from his home to meet them and take them to the airport. The daughter drove from Canada to Florida to be there when they arrived and to help them get settled back into their homes. I know we were all cheering them on from the beginning and were so relieved to know everything turned out alright. I've stayed in touch with Deb (the daughter) via FB and X, and learned yesterday that sadly, Deb passed away a couple of days ago from stupid, stupid, stupid cancer. Sad. I'm going to pass on the drink of the day, would like to try the wine, even though it's pricey, and won't likely be making the menu suggestion as DH doesn't care for either broccoli or cauliflower. I'm sure I could make it with other vegetables though, so will keep the recipes in the back of my mind for future use. We're still in the cold of winter, so I'm putting together a small batch of chili that will simmer on the stove throughout the day and we can enjoy it with some crusty bread at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with something to celebrate today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  11. Wishing everyone onboard the lovely Nieuw Statendam a wonderful cruise. Thanks everyone, be back next time!
  12. Here comes the lady we've all been waiting for and the pilot definitely has his/her pedal to the metal!
  13. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We haven't had a play date in ages, maybe it's time for one. I don't own a pair of sweat pants - the last time I wore some was a number of years ago when we were doing some painting on the exterior of the house. Both DH and I have many pair of cheesy socks and wear them daily. DH loves them because they're so much easier to match up in the laundry basket than regular black, brown or beige ones. It's staying at a steady -16C (3F), with an expected high of -12 (10F), but if the sun comes out, it will be a very pleasant day. We were expecting high winds to start overnight, but they didn't materialize, which is good for the wildlife and anyone traveling the highways. I guess I'm a little slow on the uptake, but I just realized yesterday that if something were to happen to me, DH wouldn't have a clue about what to do re: household accounts, etc., as I've handled that all our married life. I think I'm going to take some time to write out in detail the steps to logging into the various accounts, etc., as I'm sure he would be totally flummoxed when it came time to do things. I've always been concerned about his health and eventual demise, but never considered that anything could happen to me at any time, and we're not prepared. Definitely food for thought for many of us, I guess. Not much on our agenda today, just enjoying a quiet Sunday. We might meet up with our friends later in the afternoon for coffee, but that's about it. I think I'd like to try the drink of the day, will let others enjoy the white wine, and would give the menu suggestion a try if I saw it in a restaurant. DH wouldn't appreciate it, because he doesn't like broccoli or anything resembling it. We have some pork chops thawing that will be pan fried and topped with some apricot jam and served along with baked baby potatoes and a side salad at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in poor health, in turmoil. Cheers to all who have celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  14. There really aren't many on the outer decks today, even though it's quite nice.
  15. Looking forward to returning in a couple of hours to join the addicts.
  16. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'm all for acceptance of others, no matter what disability or infirmities they might have. Yum on the buttercrunch, and yes to the cheese - but as @kazu said, with crackers, please. It's gradually warming up; right now we're sitting at -15C (5F) which is balmy compared to the temps we've been experiencing this past week. I might be able to go out with one less layer of clothing today! Looking ahead there's a warming trend coming through and according to the forecast, next week Sunday we could see a daytime high of 0 (32F). Go figure! @Vict0riann I was just reading yesterday's FR&D and saw that Pat is also in need of a heart valve; I hope he gets it soon so you two can continue to travel and enjoy life. @rafinmdI'm also sad to see your signature, but understand the rationale; it would be terrible to be disembarked at a foreign port all by yourself. I hope your wonderful cruise memories will bring you happiness. If anyone is interested the former Rotterdam VI - now Fred Olsen's Borealis is docked at Key West. I always look at the PTZ Key West port cam because I love seeing the chickens wandering the streets, and this morning saw a ship docked, so had to check it out. Not a lot on the agenda for us today except for going out and getting a new slicker brush for Sochi. The one I've been using has been losing the steel teeth and I'd hate to step on one that has gotten lost in the carpet. I tossed it a couple of days ago and tried to make do with another brush, but as a long haired cat, it just won't suffice. I'd like to try the drink of the day, would leave the Moscato to DH (he enjoys sweet wine), and would like a serving of the menu suggestion, but likely won't make it, as I know DH wouldn't appreciate it. Right now I've got some sweet/spicy Italian sausage thawing that I'll brown up and put into some spaghetti sauce for a pasta casserole that will be served alongside a crunchy salad at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Speaking of casseroles, I'm sure like most of you, I've got a number of Corning ware casserole dishes (in various sizes, shapes and colours). What do young people use to cook casserole-type meals in? I can't imagine not having these dishes that literally go from freezer to oven to table. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
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