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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Just looked online to see that the Hyatt Pier 66 hotel where the other PTZ webcam used to be is expecting to be open in late 2024. I wonder if they'll agree to have a camera again for us to be able to watch the ships?
  2. The Ascent is moving at a good clip; no PP for her today!
  3. Kiteboarding looks like a lots of fun - for somebody other than me. LOL
  4. What a beautiful day to be out there on the deck of ANY ship; +31C (87F) . . . sigh.
  5. It looked like the Princess ship was building up a head of steam, but now it's gone. If the Ascent could get her Ascend out of the way, we could get this show on the road!
  6. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We don't have Campfire Girls in Canada - at least not that I know of. It's important to trust your doctor, but the reverse also applies. Not a fan of corned beef. Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone! For most of my life I believed I was part Irish from my birth father - until I had my DNA tested and nope, not even a hint of Irish. I guess my birth mother hoped the Irishman was the father??? Anyway, it's a fun day to celebrate something, enjoy the company of others and maybe even have some green beer. I thought this might be fun; I'm Giddy Bejesus, who might you be? Not a lot happening here except it's gotten colder overnight; currently we're sitting at -13C (9F), with a high of 0. Looking ahead though, we should have some serious melting tomorrow with a predicted high of +8 (46) which will be nice. @ScrapnanaBon Voyage; have a wonderful cruise! @irishjimwishing you & your DH a very Happy Anniversary! I'd like to try the drink of the day, but it sounds like a Hurricane in that you'd really only need 1 or you'd be wobbly for a while. The wine sounds nice, but is out of my price range, and I don't care for corned beef, so will pass on the menu suggestion. I've got a couple of chicken breasts thawing that will be crumb coated and put into the air fryer along with parmesan garlic asparagus to be served with baked baby potatoes at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, or in intolerable situations. Cheers to all who have celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  7. @cruising sister OMG, what a sweet little leprechaun our dear little Murphy is!!! @Haljo1935go ahead and rant; it sounds like you've had a heck of a day. I do have a suggestion with the toothpaste thing, though. I keep my travel toothpaste container and keep refilling it from my big tube. It takes a bit of work, because you have to make an air pocket in the receiving (little) tube, but squeezing out of the big into the little is quite satisfying - until it starts coming out of the top and ends up all over your hands when you're not paying attention. LOL I usually use my travel size tube about 3 or 4 times before replacing it entirely. Failing that, you can use a small travel bottle (the kind you'd use for lotion with the little nozzle) and fill it with toothpaste. Just a thought. @irishjim Happy 63rd Anniversary to you and your DW for tomorrow!
  8. Every once in a while I see something that just makes me laugh out loud. This one did it for me today; I hope it brings a chuckle to some of you as well.
  9. Dang, I won't be here to wave at the 3 BHB's; we're heading out for brunch for 1PM (we're 2 hours behind FLL), so will miss the excitement. Safe travels to all!
  10. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy Anniversary to the FR&D; thanks go to @richwmn for getting this started. In the past 4 years, we've gotten to know each other and our families; we've laughed together, cried together, celebrated the birth of babies and the loss of loved ones. We are spread across a few countries and still come together as a family almost every day. We are so fortunate to have this welcoming space to come to share our life's ups and downs. Saluting the black press, after everything I thought was wrong, I'm happy to do everything right today, and it's important to have freedom of information. Bon Voyage to our Daily-ites: @Suslor, @Crazy For Cats, and @RedneckBob. @Nickelpenny, Congratulations on another win; you just know that Martina was sitting on your lap giving you the best ju ju ever!!! @marshhawk, congratulations on your sale yesterday; I hope it's just the beginning of a winning streak for you! @RMLincolnI hope DH's eye pressures even out - why do things always go to heck late on a Friday night??? Yesterday when we were out, I stopped to get some milk and discovered there was ground beef on sale, so bought a couple of large family packs, which today will be made into porcupine balls, packaged and frozen for later use. Around 1 we're meeting our friends Wayne & Fran for brunch and will catch up on how he's doing and maybe what we should look at planning for a future get-away for the 4 of us. Unfortunately, because we'll be at brunch, I won't get to watch sail-away to wave to any of you who will be heading out of FLL. I think I'd like to try the drink of the day, will say a definite yes to the Cardboardeaux, and do love a rotisserie chicken. Because I'm making up all the porcupine balls to freeze, I'll save some for us and serve them up with mashed potatoes and air fried asparagus at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in turmoil. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  11. I'm so pleased to see you're back to cruising; I do hope you feel well throughout the entire voyage. I'll be watching for you tomorrow with the sail-away gang; we'll try to get a screen shot to share with you. Bon Voyage!!!
  12. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Beware the Ides of March! I'm not often dumbstruck, and I really hope everything I think isn't wrong. I wonder if Christopher Columbus brought back a bunch of fridge magnets from the new world? It's a nice morning out there for us, currently we're sitting at a temp of +2 (33F) and we're looking at a high of +5 with a wind that should start up in a couple of hours. Combined, that will help bring down the mountains of snow occupying our yard. I noticed the neighbour was out on his roof yesterday with a snow rake, getting the edges of their second story cleared, as a few years ago they had an ice dam problem with a lot of damage to their bedroom ceilings and walls. @Lady HudsonBon Voyage; I hope you have a wonderful cruise! @NickelpennyCongratulations on your big win; maybe the spirit of Martina was with you helping give you some joy, despite your sadness. Today I have to run to the bank to get a charge reversed from my credit card; when I withdrew the refund from HAL, my CC charged a fee as a "cash withdrawal". No, it wasn't a cash withdrawal, it was getting my own money back. I had to do this once before when we cancelled a previous cruise, so I know what to do this time. One of the tellers has to call the CC company and get them to reverse it for me. Not much else on our agenda, except enjoying the day. I'm going to give a pass on the drink, would like the wine, and have honestly never had today's menu suggestion. I'm pretty sure DH wouldn't appreciate it, although I'd try a sample to see what it's like. It's Friday night pizza night at our house, so later we'll look at the offerings to see what we'd like to eat, and because it's the Ides of March, we'll have a Caesar salad to accompany it at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in poor health, and who just needs a boost. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  13. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I think scientists and geniuses go hand in hand. Little known fact: Einstein was a self-taught violinist and often played chamber and solo recitals for his friends and family. It's important to ask questions; how would we know where the next cruise is going if we didn't? Lots of birthdays today - Happy Birthday to @bennybear, may you have a wonderful day and a great year ahead! Happy Birthday also to @Mr. Boston's DM, and @StLouisCruisersDB. @Denise Tsending good vibes for both Fiona and Chase. We had a great time with our friends at dinner last night; as expected, there were lots of laughs and good food to be had. It was nice coming out of the restaurant at 7:30 and still having a little daylight left. Yesterday we had a couple of bunny rabbits that stayed in our front yard. I don't know if they were a couple, just friends, or siblings, but one (I call it a girl) stayed under cover of the front juniper tree while the other (I'm saying it's a boy) was more adventurous and hopped all over the snowbanks in the yard. I cleaned up a few large carrots, snapped them into pieces and tossed them in their general area; after a few hours I looked out and they had been eaten, which made me feel good. I don't know if they'll be back today, but I've got more carrots that I can give them if they reappear. @marshhawkI'm sorry to hear you had such a terrible time with your DH yesterday. Yes, pain is a terrible thing and can make people incredibly difficult to be around. Is there a way to get additional medication to help with his pain? This morning we're off in a while so DH can have a blood test to see if all the opaquing dye from his CT scan has left his system, then we'll stop for breakfast and pick up a few groceries from a store across town. Nothing more planned, so I'm sure the afternoon will be spent cutting, ironing and sewing more coasters. I'm giving a pass on the drink, would like to try the wine, and think today's menu suggestion sounds really good! As suspected, the restaurant we went to had really large portions, so we each brought half of our dinners home and will be enjoying fettuccini alfredo and a skirt burger at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in turmoil. Cheers to all who have celebrations happening. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
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