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Everything posted by delgirl

  1. We are going on iona in march to the canary islands. Having never been before I am wondering if they are easy to do on your own or ship trips on some. Did think about doing toboggan in Madeira but then reality checked in, with my secondary breast cancer in spine and my husbands multiple myeloma (he cracked a bone in his spine about 19 months ago) thought maybe not🤣. Any other suggestions would be appreciated not just madeira.
  2. Yes it is more like a tour, but just going to xmas market and coming back. Free time in bruges is $57 for half day and $67 for full day. This price is per person. We usually do ships tours but thought we would be brave and try the shuttle bus from zeebrugge to bruges as is only £22 each. A big difference.
  3. Do you have to prebook the shuttle to bruges or can you just turn up and buy a ticket. £22.00 each online. Cunard price is $75.00 each.
  4. Have heard from lost property in southampton. They cannot find my daughters jewellery. I am annoyed with her for leaving it and also annoyed with room steward or lost property as some-one obviously has these earrings. If they do all I can say is had you heard of karma.
  5. I didn't want the upgrade because the window cabins are bigger than the balcony ones, also it is only 5 days any longer and I would have had the balcony. We are on deck 1 never been that low down before🤣
  6. I received e-mail from cunard for my upcoming QV cruise. I booked through a TA. I also ticked the no upgrade, so was surprised to receive one. I could have upgraded to a balcony when I booked for an extra £50 each, TA was surprised I didn't want a balcony. We have an outside with a window. I said I didn't need a balcony in december going up the north sea.🤣 The upgrade bid I received was for considerably more than the £50 originally quoted. Needless to say I won't be biting.
  7. Have done westbound twice and eastbound once. Must admit the flight to NY in the morning was much nicer than the overnight ones from NY going home. Made worse by having 4 nights in new york after crossing so was well and truly on NY time. Flights are early evening but they then go onto england time which is 5 hrs ahead. Land about 6am but only 1am in new york so couldn.t sleep. Absolutely knackered when we got home.🤣
  8. We are doing that one also. Just the 2 of us this time without DD, SIL and grandkids
  9. I hope you are right. Still waiting to hear. Would feel better if I just had a confirmation e-mail to say they had received my e-mail. Will leave it a few more weeks and then try again. I booked directly with cunard over the phone.
  10. So sorry to hear your news, Life can certainly be a bu***r sometimes
  11. We did the 3 nighter to le havre. We found the food delicious. We were with our daughter, son-in-law and 2 grandchildren. They loved it also. My grandaughter was the one in the long red dress on red and gold evening.
  12. I understand what you are saying but these are in a small jewellery box so no need to touch them. All they have to do is return them as its not a shop and not asking for a refund. States online that jewellery can be returned doesn't say earrings are excluded. As I said earlier the world has gone mad, they are on an earlobe not inside her mouth or other parts of her body.
  13. We always double check, but I don't think my daughter always does. She self disembarked at 7.15 so was in a rush (as usual)
  14. We just got off QM2 last week and our steward knocked on the door and introduced himself straight away. We also had evening turn down service which I wasn't expecting. Also had napkin placed on my lap. Everything was as it was pre-covid. The only difference was not as much choice on the evening menu but what there was excellent. I know it is a different cruise line but when our niece went on QV last year she said a lot of things were different to pre-covid. So I would say most ships are getting back to normal this year.
  15. Somebody finally answered the phone. She said it will take quite a few weeks to plough through the lost property. She then said about things they cannot return like hearing aids, teeth and said earrings could come under this. I then lost my temper and said nowhere does it exclude earrings on the list of things they can return it states jewellery, doesn't say excludes earrings. Also told her they were in a box so there would be no reason to touch the earrings even though they would have to pick up the box in the first place. I think the world has gone mad.
  16. Thank you for asking. I have sent another e-mail and I will keep phoning. Long queues at the moment.
  17. That was the link I tried. Just done it again, with a few more details. Hopefully they will respond and I will try phoning again.
  18. would they let you know. Their cabin no was 6284 surname burton pye. They disembarked on 4 sep.
  19. She didn't notice until she got home. They did self disembarkation and she left her box on the tv table. She also left her sons new trainers. Thats the trouble of getting of the ship at 7.15am with 2 kids.
  20. My daughter left her jewellery onboard QM2 last monday 4 sep. Have e-mailed them but no reply after a week. Have tried phoning, no reply. What are her chances of getting these items back.
  21. thank you for your reply. Found it on my cunard but unfortunately still won't send. Lets me get nearly to the end but the submit button doesn't change colour and won't work. Will try again tomorrow.
  22. Had an e-mail to register the grandchildren today for the kids club. Filled it all in but it will not send. Phoned up they couldn't do it either. She then said try later on tonight or tomorrow as someone she works with had the same problem. It just wouldn't register. Tried again tonight still not working. Not showing on my cunard only on signing into my cunard via e-mail. Has anyone else had this problem. Was told to phone again tomorrow if still not working.
  23. We renewed our passport back in april. Went in the max sp shop and they did everything. Didn't pay for fast track but mine came back 4 days later. I was gobsmacked. My husbands came back 4 weeks later. Mine went to a different office to his (his went to london).
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