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Everything posted by delgirl

  1. Sorry to hear about your niece Sarah. I am sure she will get the best treatment.
  2. thank you for your replies. Have phoned cunard and they say just 2-7 yr olds are at capacity. They have put us on a waitlist. She did say she thinks there is a very good chance of us being able to go. Just have to wait.
  3. Have tried to book a 3 nighter on qm2 in september. Wouldn't let me book so I phoned (TA not cunard) and they said they were at capacity for 3-7 yr olds. Is this normal as found it hard to believe that no availability for that age group. Our other grandson would be fine as he is 9.
  4. thank you. I am glad your op went well. DH workmate has to keep going to hospital to have his skin cancer cut out. (well ex work mate as not at work now)
  5. thank you. Yes he has a long way to go but its all looking positive.
  6. Yay hubby out of hospital after 4 weeks. Stem cell transplant went ok. Quite poorly 2nd week after chemo but now a bit better and blood counts are rising in the right direction. Next few months he will have to be extra careful as he has no immunity, all his childhood illnesses and vaccinations have gone. He is like a new born baby. Beginning to look like one too as is loosing his hair.🤐
  7. Don't know what is happening I have saved login details, whenI sign in goes to another page asking for login then goes to another page which says cannot reach site. When I click back I am signed in. It just did it again, must be gremlins.
  8. Been on cnd a number of times. Only occassionally wear dresses. Mostly top and trousers. Have yet to see anyone if a ballgown. Mostly just nice long dresses. Just enjoy most people do and they don't away dress up to the nines and over mostly just smart.
  9. Tried to say how sorry I was for your loss predictive text kept changing your name to josh. Gave up after several attempts
  10. Thank you to everyone for your good wishes, it means a lot
  11. Hi, havn't posted for a while just been lurking. Saw oncologist today. secondary cancer still not in organs the ones elsewhere in my bones are shrinking so good news still can't believe it. Hubby in hospital ready to have stem cell transplant on monday, so will be on tenderhooks for the next few weeks.
  12. When we went on princess last year after booking cabin prices went down they upgraded us to a deluxe few weeks before cruise prices went down and again they automatically upgraded us to a premium balcony which had a massive balcony at the stern. Seems some cruise lines do this and others don't.We didn't ask to be upgraded
  13. On my last cruise with p&o (2019) I was charged for a bottle of water out of the fridge in our room which I did not have. P&O did refund but that was back in the days when they answered the phone.
  14. I'm cooking literally. I reckon I should be ready to eat by teatime🤣
  15. checked online our payments are on track owe about £20. Obviously come the winter it won't cover it but will just put it up or make an extra payment.
  16. We were on a fix until last feb. When that finished stayed exactly the same. I was expecting it to go up lots in april, guess what still paying the same as I have been the last 2/3 years. Either we have slipped through the system or we were overpaying on the fix. Can't decide.🤣
  17. It happened to us aug 2019 on oceana from malta. Had obc, could picking dining time but not cabin said cabin would be allocated. Ended up under the pool area with loungers being moved early morning.
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