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Everything posted by erewhon

  1. 2 large Princess ships here tomorrow on New Years day - Royal and Majestic.
  2. Have not been to Malacca, thanks for the photos @Vict0riann. @rafinmd Roy, thanks for sharing your interesting photos. Are you in contact with @Scrapnana ? @cruising sister thanks for sharing the photo of Baby Murphy, she is doing well. @dfish pleased that the surgery went well, do take the analgesics as prescribed until the pain clears. @Nickelpenny The Panama Canal is a great experience, the Panama Buns are delicious. @Cruising-along Congratulations on your stateroom upgrade. @ger_77 hope you and your DH are soon rid of your colds. I must go for a walk, before any more rain arrives.
  3. Thank you @kazu for posting the HAL Fleet locations and the Daily. Have started to read today's posts but will have to finish later.......... a few Saturday morning tasks to be completed first.
  4. Reflection not due to depart until 1715, so perhaps pilot got wrong name!
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