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Posts posted by Esahuma

  1. Yes, how far you have come is AMAZING!! I get the same way. I lose sight of all the great I have accomplished, and focus on what I have failed to accomplish! It's awful!


    So, congrats again! Your DH is so right!!!


    You are also amazing to keep at it - it is called tenacity - are you on face book? I am Audrilee Myers and have a face book page - LCHF Support Teeam - if you want to have more support - there are people on our page that follow another WOE (way of eating) some do Pritkins - Atkins - Dukan - Weight Watchers - Jenny Craig - we are just all there to support each other getting healthy!

  2. That's amazing!!!! So happy for you!!!! I have a mini goal of getting below 240. 16 more pounds to go!


    Enjoy the 170's!!!! :p


    You WILL get there! My total goal is to get healthy - which I am working on - but these last 30 POF are going to be the most difficult - My DH reminded me that I started at 265 and now at 179 I have come a long way - I finally feel like I am getting slim - :)

  3. FINALLY FINALLY - PLateau broken! Down 2.5 to 179 YEAH ME~ 86 POF (pounds of fat) GONE~


    But I know I will struggle going up and down again until this stabilizes~


    Been walking over 10K steps daily since 5 June - this too will pay off! :D

  4. I know what you mean! I have been at the same weight for two weeks, and have been sticking to it faithfully. I had read about occasionally upping your carbs, and two days ago I had a day where I ate closer to 40-50 carbs instead of 20 grams, and then today I dropped three pounds. Now, this could be a complete coincidence. But regardless, so happy to see the scale move!


    As of today, I am down 35.5 pounds!! Hoping to be down another 15 by the end of August, and then another 20 by the time my cruise sails in November!!!


    Hang tough!!! The scale will getting moving again!!!


    CONGRATULATIONS - I know how discouraging that can be - I usually stay below 10 carbs per day but the last two days I have been 'craving' blueberries and since I do 'miss' summer fruits I allowed myself to eat quite a few - scale did not budge today but maybe tomorrow? lol

  5. Did you loose much weight?



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    NO dog gone it! I am sticking with my WOE (way of eating) but I really think I need to throw in a couple days full fasts and get the scale moving again -


    My body weighed in the mid 250-265 for so many years that it keeps wanting to go back to that set point and I will NOT allow that - My lowest weight has been 181 in March and I go back and forth between 5 POF (pounds of fat up and then back down to 181 - but I so want to be in the 179 - :)


    It is called Tenacity - I will hang tough until I drop again! :)

  6. Starting my first egg fast today. Hoping to drop of about 2kg. So it's a 2 egg omelet for breakfast and egg salad for lunch. Haven't decided about dinner.

    Hoping to keep it going for 4 days.



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    Good for you! I did 'fat fast' last week where I kept my carbs below 5 and ate only - meat eggs and pork rinds! :)

  7. Been walking at the Mall since it got so very hot here - 110 and today will be 104 - I started making a real effort to get 10K steps in daily since 5 June and have only missed my mark for 4 days - yesterday did 16K steps! My highest day ever - Hoping to kick butt with these last 35 POF and get the scale moving down again -

    The muscles in my thighs are getting stronger so maybe the muscle now weighs more than the fat did? THAT is my story and I am sticking to it!

    Had 32 family members over yesterday for a 'mini' reunion -haven't seem many of them for 16 years! I did really well - ate a very little bit of rotisserie pork loin - cheese - salami - a few pork rinds and a couple spoonfuls of the 'mock potato salad' that I made using cauliflower!


    WoW - month of June just blew by us - getting us pack to the top of the page!

  8. It's going to be 110 hre today in Central California - so I am using this as a means to do IF - intermittent fasting - going to try for 96 hours - or until Thursday night when we are having company over for dinner - doing corned beef and cabbage - I won't eat the potatoes - just the cabbage and meat! :) AND I like my cabbage fried with bacon and onions - yummy :)


    Stay cool - don't forget to move - I did my walking this morning at 0620 and I will be swimming in the pool later -

  9. That's fantastic! I've been doing mostly 16/8 IF. Occasionally if I have a big lunch I'll naturally skip dinner, which makes it like a 23/1. I'll have to try to add more of those in.


    Thank you so much for the pork rind info! That sounds amazing!!! I will definitely have to order those!!!


    Looking forward to hearing about those last 35 pounds melting away. I've got 68 more before my initial goal of 100 pounds lost, and then I will assess if I need to lose any more. I have no idea what my body will look like at my goal weight. According to BMI charts, I should be about 40-60 pounds less than my goal weight, but I'm not sure how feasible it will be.


    If you are eating LCHF you will lose more inches and not as much weight - I am wearing clothes that were tight at 20 pounds less from 12 years ago -


    My goal weight should be 135 but my own doctor doesn't want me under 145 - ! :)

  10. Hi, my doctor diagnosed type 2 diabetes, carbohydrate intolerant. Together with my nutritionist I achieve in a year to lower 33 pounds. Both told me that to be successful are 3 things to meet 1) Medication (Dabex XR), 2) Healthy food and 3) Exercise at least 30 minutes of walking.


    For my next Celebrity Eclipse cruise March 18, 2018, I've got the MDR menus. My nutritionist will review them on my next visit and he will tell me that I can eat.


    It is important not to abuse food and drinks, to avoid problems with our health.


    Oh please don't do that - Run - don't walk - to the nearest book store or amazon and buy Dr. Fung's book - "The Obesity Code" - it is about 'reversing' Type 2 Diabetes - and it has helped many of us on this forum to lose weight (I have lost 83 POF (pounds of fat) by following a low carb - healthy fat (high fat) LCHF WOE (Way of eating) -


    It is not that I was carbohydrate intolerant - I was insulin resistant (same thing) BUT it cannot be lowered or changed by taking more insulin and eating low fat or the way most nutritionists want you to eat -


    If you can't get the book - go to face book and/or google Diet Doctor dot com - Dr. Fung is on that site also -

  11. Yay! So glad everyone is out moving!! It's inspiring.


    And yum, pork rinds! I just found some by Epic that are salt and pepper flavored. They were expensive for such a small bag, but SO GOOD! They had other flavors too, but those had carbs in them.


    A friend of mine made an artichoke, spinach and bacon dip, that we ate with pork rinds. I really need to get that recipe.


    Finally broke through my plateau of gaining and losing the same pound for two weeks. I'm now down 32 pounds! Hoping by another 30 by September.


    Hope you are all well!!!


    Congratulations on the POF lost! I have been steady up and down for the last 6 weeks - added daily walking now to my list! Know that will help - I also need to get back to IF (intermittent fasting) a couple days per week - I always go about 18-20 hours without eating and OMD (one meal daily) window of eating about 4 hrs or so... but need to kick in high gear and lost these last 35 POF!


    I buy my pork skins from amazon - Lowrey's Bacon Curls in Spicy and Plain - 18 pkgs per box about $18 per box - pop them in the microwave like popcorn - they come out hot and fresh and good for everything!


    I use them as chips - crush them up as breading for meats - chicken - instead of bread crumbs - chicken fried steak - meatloaf -


    Really takes care of my 'need for chips' :):D

  12. Yesterday was over 10K again - have a birthday party for friends 92 year old mother - 1300 today - so I need to get out of my office chair and get moving -


    Hostess already warned me she is catering from mexican restaurant so I will take my own pork rinds and LCHF friendly chicken salad!:D

  13. That's great that you're having so much success without exercise!


    I definitely need to add in some movement. Not for weight loss sake, but just to strengthen and stretch my body. I got a few strength and stretching DVDS I want to start doing. And I need to add in walking when I can. I'm from NY, but live in LA now, so I've gotten in the habit of diving everywhere. I need to get out of that habit when I can. :)


    Yesterday I only got in 6500 steps but the three days prior were 11,000 steps or more - today going to walk again! Trying to build up my 'quads' since they atrophied so much before my total hip replacement!

  14. Thanks! I'm so impatient, and I want 100 pounds gone NOW! :)


    So, I have to keep reminding myself it is a journey.


    And I had never heard of Whooshes before this, but I just love that word! And I love when it happens!


    How much exercise do you guys/gals do? I think I want to start adding some strength training in at home. I just don't want it to make me hungry. :)



    Due to total hip replacement I was not able to do any exercises for the first 12 months of LCHF - not even walking - I have just started trying to get in 10K steps daily - doctor does not want me doing more than walking and stretching until 1 year mark!

  15. I just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. This Tuesday marked one month for me. Still holding steady at 20 pounds. The last two weeks the scare keeps going up a few pounds, and then down a few, but keeps right at 20. Looking forward for it to start moving again. I've always been impatient. :)


    Things are going well. Having occasion bouts of hunger, but for the most part not hungry. I found a great recipe for keto bagels, which makes great sandwich bread. Sandwiches were the thing I missed most!


    Still haven't incorporated exercise, other than a few dance classes. But I want to start strength training at home.


    Hope everyone else is doing well! Look forward to your updates!


    Hang in there - I am stabilizing since our last cruise - I have been busy preparing for cruising friends to come and stay with us 10 days - we have so much planned - wine tasting - 17 mile drive in Monterey - Carmel by the Sea - Yosemite - Sequoias - family BBQ - my saving grace is that she also eats low carb!


    Hang in there - the weight will drop -:D BTW _ I DROPPED 80 POF WITHOUT ANY EXERCISE - I couldn't even walk because I had to have my hip replace - but I am walking now!

  16. Sooooo excited - getting my new 'air fryer' from Amazon today - been reading up on them and it seems like a great way to do many different types of cooking - not just 'fry'


    I follow "KetoMary" on facebook and she does a lot of pork belly and it is always crispy on the outside and tender and juicy in the middle - asked her about it and she uses an air fryer -


    Really super charged to learn more about this new way of preparing foods -


    I will keep you all posted -


    Yesterday I found a great sale on Corned Beef - .99 cents per pound - bought 12 packages and put them in the freezer - It was about $3.99 per pound at St. Paddy's Day - now just throw one in the crockpot with a can of Guinness overnight and voila - corned beef and cabbage! No potatoes!

  17. Congratulations to those newest members committing to the LCHF Way of eating (WOE) - my weiht osee has been slow - it took me 14 months to lose 80 POF (Pounds of fat) but I am losing inches - needed to order new bras - new swim suits - and shorts! I saved many of my favorites from over 10 years ago (I weighed 20 POF less then but I was much larger) so even some of those are too big!


    Hang in there - even when the scale doesn't move - if you are true to LCHF - you clothes will start getting baggy and then falling off :)

  18. Loved reading your post. Hope you enjoyed your cruise in Australia and New Zealand. We are doing New Zealand in November on Radiance. We have also done the Sydney to Hawaii cruise on Radiance (fantastic trip). I live in Australia.

    I hear what you are saying about not cruising to eat, and feel motivated by how you handle WOE on board.

    My first test will be a work dinner at Thai restaurant on Friday night, but intend to chose carefully.


    So do you think you may have lost any weight while on board, or is there nothing left to lose?

    Even just to remain the same weight is a plus.


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    You got this! Last cruise B2b - 14 days on Liberty - I only gained 5 pounds of water weight and it was gone in 5 days - then hit IF for a few days at a time and managed to lose another 8 POF before this cruise - I believe that my set point if FINALLY dropping - YES - I still want/need to lose another 30 POF to be withing the range I want- I started at 260 1 Jan 2016 and want to be down to 150 by year's end! that will be 110 POF GONE!

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