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Posts posted by Peachy59

  1. Thanks O2B. Was hoping there would be taxis there so we can go back when we feel like it, rather than having to have a set pick-up time. Also, I'm wondering how reliable they are to come back.


    Does anyone know if one of the restaurants or bars there will call one for you?

  2. Yes, someone revived a year-old thread. :(


    There's lots of good, current info available here, folks. Please, when you're looking, pay attention to the dates!


    Went to Coconut Beach in November 2013 and was going to return but, as noted, it's closed.


    Other threads about it here and where else to go that offers similar experience.


    Sorry, not seeing all of this "good, current info" you speak of concerning Grand Pineapple and Jolly Beach.


    We are also trying to decide between Long Bay and Jolly Beach. Really would like to go to Long bay, and see Devil's bridge along the way, but am very concerned about getting a cab back to port. It seems everyone says just arrange for your cab to come back to pick you up at a certain time, but how reliable are they? There will be 5 :eek: ships in port the day we are there. Thinking about just going to Jolly as it looks like there will be cabs there and it's also near a bus stop. Also cab fare will probably be exorbitant to go to Long Bay (Grand Pineapple). Anyone who's been have any info?

  3. Redsox1584, thanks for that review. Can you tell me how long the portion of the tour is before he drops people at the beach? We really want a few hours at the beach, but would also like to see some of the island. Thanks! :)

  4. I haven't read through ALL of the comments, but I believe the price increase is just another marketing ploy to make it justifiable to buy a package. I bet every person whose defending it buys the package. I'm not sure what the prices are, but to me spending $400 or $450 per person a week to drink is ridiculous. Could be sort of a brilliant move on RC'S part, and it sure seems to be working. I won't be buying into it.

  5. I would love to hear from anyone who has done this as well. Sounds like a great way to see a little of the island and also a great beach day! They do get great reviews on Trip Advisor, but I emailed yesterday and have yet to hear back. One thing that concerns me is the end time of 4:00. It seems a good distance from the pier and I like to get back about an hour before all aboard, which is 4:30.

  6. Live the Life, that is some very helpful info! We won't be there until the first week of December, but I like to research early. So if we take Safari to Sapphire, it would be easy to catch a cab back? Are the taxis prices regulated, or do they negotiate? I think someone said it's $10 per person each way. I can swallow a total of $24 to get there and back, but $40 is a little steep!:eek:

  7. I see a lot being made of the difference between an "assurance" and a "guarantee." In the world we live in now, neither seems to mean much. Someone will find a way to wiggle out of either one. There is always a loophole. I guess the secret is "don't make promises you cannot know 100% can be filled."


    We live in a world where a man's word is no longer really all that good. People used to have integrity. Businesses used to operate with integrity. Now they operate with the idea of "how can we wiggle out of the promises we make to our consumers." How can we make it their fault when we drop the ball? This is NOT solely about Royal. I think they deliver a pretty solid product for what they advertise. I have not yet had a bad experience with them.


    When I tell someone "I assure you I will take care of it," I mean I will do everything in my power, bending over backwards, working 24/7 and likely either coming out of pocket or giving up time or something else valuable to me to be sure that whatever I "assured" is delivered. To me, assurance equals promise. If I say "I guarantee I will take care of it," I will do whatever I have to do to deliver on that promise.


    In my job, an assurance is a promise. If I tell someone I assure them of anything, I better be willing to take it to the line and then a few steps beyond to make it happen.


    The "assurance" that a person will make it to their ship on time, or in time (can't quote the site at this very instance)- that to me means that they will hustle, send people out, and do whatever they have to do to be sure that you make it to your ship -ready to sail on the very first day- at the sailaway party with your shipmates. If they aren't willing to go above and beyond, then they shouldn't be putting that "assurance" out there.




    Exactly what I was thinking. There is also the matter of doing the RIGHT thing, not necessarily the LEGAL thing.

  8. ah . . . no.

    Two connecting cabins and keep the higher OBC is a pretty good deal.

    Get off your pride and enjoy the cruise . . .


    Really? Ah..NO


    No way would I accept 2 insides over a balcony. If we couldn't book a balcony, we wouldn't even go on a cruise because we enjoy having breakfast out there and just sitting out and looking at the water, reading or having a drink. It would be an entirely different experience in an inside. What does pride have to do with it?

  9. Was on Explorer recently and our mattress was as hard as a rock. Left a note for Steward asking for a mattress topper and all we got was an extra mattress pad. Worst mattress EVER! If it had been more than 5 nights, we would have had to do something. They really need to get better mattresses! Perhaps we should all write to someone about this?

  10. Oh forgot one minus. RC what were you thinking when you booked a Led Zepplin impersonation group on this cruise which even more so than most had an older demographic. And the lead singer was more of a screamer off key. The funniest part of the show was seeing the mass exodous after the first song and prediciting who would be the next ones to go.


    Would age 55 be considered an older demographic? Because I love Led Zepplin. :D The off key part might be a problem though. Haha! Wonder if they will be on in a couple of weeks?

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