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Everything posted by VMax1700

  1. Ibiza old town is a great place to spend a morning or afternoon. Interesting shops and good food and drink.
  2. did you try to google in spanish? 'alquiler coche Motril' gets a couple of hits. no idea how good/bad they are! https://bahiasexirentacar.com/ https://oscar.es/sucursales/motril/coche
  3. Good afternoon from a very wet and very windy Cork. We are currently under an Orange Weather Warning for Storm Isha, with winds up to Force 10. We also have feline and canine type rain 😉 (raining cats and dogs!)😁 Today we had our usual Sunday lunch (as a take away) from the restaurant in Cork city that has kept us going through covid and DW's illness. It is only Grilled breast of chicken with veg (3 of them), roast and mash potatoes and gravy, plus desert. There is more than enough for the two of us for €20. Iit is basic but wholesome good food and we owe the couple who own/run the restaurant our immense thanks for helping us to survive through very difficult times. (there is enough chicken left over for a sandwich for me this evening). DW went to mass at 12 noon and is continuing to feel good. She has a couple of medical appointments this week on Wednesday and Thursday. Hopefully she will recieve good news and will continue her upward trend. Next week I think I must also start to write down banking details, passwords, etc and give them to our daughter to ensure continuity if anything happens to me. (It's not that I am a control freak, its just that I am better at doing it 😁) and modest! Hope everyone has a great day! take care!
  4. Thanks for the information. Another 'link' to add to my database. It is only through replies like yours that I can add information to future group sailings. Again thank you!
  5. I also am a conscientious objector to signing the 'slip' however I did find it very usefull for adding a tip from non refundable OBC to a favourite bar server/waiter
  6. Maybe because the benefit requires renewal at the next CCL AGM due in April??
  7. Then move it to another date! It seems to be ok to travel to Europe in October/November (see Volendam 45 day Ultimate Med and Atlantic Passage Oct 7 - Nov 21, 2025 visiting Greece, Malta, Cadiz and Gibraltar in November), but not travel to Japan in February/March? This is more to do with maximising revenue from ship location than providing a 'World Cruise' experience.
  8. We had this problem last year when trying to make a payment. Tomorrow I am due to make final payment on April cruise. I am dreading trying to make the payment online. No translation issues here, but Ireland is 'managed' by UK, so I will have to phone Southampton and remind them not to process our booking in £ stg, but to process in Euro!
  9. Don't HAL have something called 'Resolution Specialist' or similar? That is where I would be looking.
  10. S21FE doesn't do it. It will share a data connection to other devices over wifi, but it will not share a wifi connection.
  11. You can only upgrade onboard. It is not necessary for both pax to upgrade, if not required.
  12. 2013 the cost to upgrade a 14 day cruise was $50
  13. Good afternoon from a wet, windy and miserable Cork! 🙄 The frost and ice has gone and we now have a lot of wet days to come. It is currently 8°C/46°F but, to me, it feels colder than it has all week, even though it is 10 degrees C warmer than last week. The forecast is for continuing rain and wind with day time temps up to 13°C/55°F and night time temps not dropping below 7°C/44°F. Crazy world! Thanks to all who sent good wishes for DW's recovery. She is much better today and we are feeling more positive than we were feeling last week. It sometimes feels that her daily 'anti hormone' tablet causes as many problems as it treats. I think her metabolism is still 'screwed' from the other drugs she had to take over the last few years. Again, thank to all for the good wishes and strong thoughts. Hope everyone has a great day!
  14. If your final receipt shows all the extras (HIA, Grats etc) then how can the TA's supervisor believe the TA? You have the documentary proof. Escalate, Escalate. Onwards and upwards!
  15. I received the survey and am just about to spend a wet Saturday afternoon answering it. But a 'World' without Japan or China is a bit hard to understand and certainly one which I would not consider. Actually looking at the maps they would be better named 'Equatorial Cruises' than 'World Cruises'.
  16. Good evening from Cork. It is late on a cold Thursday night here. I have been missing for a couple of days as DW was not feeling great again and we have been trying to get answers as to possible causes. This morning she felt a bit better and we met a couple of long time friends for brunch at Blackrock Castle Observatory cafe. It was a lovely bright day and she really enjoyed meeting our friends but got tired very quickly. We have final payment due on Monday for our April Canary Island cruise, so we have some hard thinking to do over this weekend. Thinking of all our fellow cruisers with health problems either themselves or close to them. Hope everyone has a great day. Blackrock Castle and observatory. Sorry, forgot to take food pics but it was good. 😋
  17. and maybe, possibly, with any luck, some crackers 😁
  18. This is correct. It is easy to log off the first (already logged on) device from the network and use the second (trying to log on) device. The only conflict may be if you don't communicate with each other 😉
  19. Although some cruise ships dock at an industrial port about 5 miles from Waterford I think it is more likely that you will anchor in Dunmore East and tender ashore. Usually there are shuttles to Waterford City, as Dunmore is a small town with little to see or do. Also, I believe that NCL Star will be at anchor in Killybegs and tenders will be used. Dingle will probably be tender. Dun Laoghaire is definitely a tender port. The train station is just where the tenders come ashore for a trip into Dublin. Pre purchase the Visitor Leap card (it will be mailed to you) to use on the train and buses. Will save you a lot of time when others are trying to purchase tickets. Cobh is docked. The train station is just beside the dock and trains run every 30 minutes into Cork city. Cobh is a lovely little town itself. Interesting cathedral or a trip out to Spike Island among some things to do in the town.
  20. If time permits, may I suggest the West Cork area, visiting Bantry and Glengarrif for Garnish Island and Gougane Barra.
  21. Yes, it is one each. This is usually mentioned on the official HAL Booking Confirmation. I have succeeded in getting Pinnacle change to Canelleto, but it is very difficult.
  22. Based on the way our pre-paid grats have been credited (one lump sum on day 1) and billed (daily charge) on previous cruises, I will be betting the other way, and saying that unless gratuities are included as part of a promo, then you will be paying the increased price.
  23. They could have been Europeans as it would have been 2pm or 3pm in their time 😉 Ah no, Europeans wouldn't use a stainless water bottle, they would have brought the ice bucket 😇🤣
  24. Waterford (is it Dunmore East?) and Dingle tend to be tender ports unless the ship is small. Again, ship and date will help.
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