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Everything posted by VMax1700

  1. Today's menus Sunday 1st October (Day 9) lido_lunch_day_8 (1).pdf lido_dinner_day_8.pdf mdr_dinner_day_8 (1).pdf
  2. Day 9 Sunday October 1st. Stockholm, Sweden Here is today's Daily Program
  3. To continue on the masking, coughing theme.......the room next to ours had a deep clean today, with masked attendants and plastic bags full of sheets, towels etc! Our steward told us that one of the occupants had vomited and as a safety precaution they sanitised the room. He said it was from drink and the rough sea last night. mmmmm?
  4. I have no idea if they can supply them on request as they have not put any in the staterooms and I have not seen that many wearing masks. We have been wearing masks in buses etc for tours or shuttles. I have noticed that coughing has increased over the last few days and on the shuttle bus today there were several coughing without making any attempt to cover their mouths. How quickly we forget. So, to answer your question, I would suggest you bring them or perhaps plan to purchase them prior to embarkation. We wore them on the flight over, even though it was only 90 minutes.
  5. Tonight we are in Pinnacle grill. We were in Tamarind on Friday night. Did i post the food porn? I can't remember 🙄
  6. The stateroom tv is now listing both a college football channel and a nfl channel. I will try to post the nfl listings
  7. Once again we are docked out in the sticks in a commercial area. We were supposed to dock at Stadsgarden cruise terminal which is now 2 km from us.
  8. Just arrived back to our room after breakfast and our mascot has been interfered with. Someone has tried to unpin him from the ribbon and left him dangling sideways.
  9. That is so annoying! Could it have fallen and one of the staff just picked it up?
  10. What do others onboard think about our Captain Bas van Dreumel? I have heard very little from him, except his perfunctory sounding mid day location announcement. To me he sounds a little short on personality compared with the likes of Rens van Eerten, Noel O'Driscoll, Eric Barhorst and others. I am sure he is an excellent master, but there does seem to be little interaction. Or am I leading a sheltered existance on this voyage?
  11. @Mary229 Just to update you on the situation in some of the ports. Riga would be an easy walk into the old town. It is quite small. The HoHo bus was just at the end of the pier. There was not a shuttle option. I did not see any taxis at the pier. It really is very close to the centre. Talinn was further from the dock. It was walkable, but too long a distance for us and it is a very busy ferry terminal with many road works going on. Taxis were available, but only outside the port gates. We used the shuttle $14.95 round trip and it left us just at the entrance to the old town. Helsinki centre was a good distance from the dock. There was the option of the Red HoHo bus (either book direct or book through the ship) or a shuttle $12 return. There were taxis available a short distance from the ship (maybe 100 yds). Also there was an ATM on the pier beside the ship.
  12. We enjoyed Helsinki today. It was Ellen's first visit but I have been here a few time previously on business as a guest of one of the large Finnish conglomerates, so it was a bit different today to ride the Hop on Hop off bus 🤣 We just rode the bus and alighted in the centre then walked to the various locations before taking the bus back to the ship. Although it was misty and wet in the morning, by midday the rain had stopped and the last of the autumn sunshine was warming our bones. As we got back to the ship, the wind got up a bit, and now as we are out to sea, there is a nice bit of movement of the ship.
  13. That is interesting......Is it because someone is in the room with an iphone and the airtag app? (I don't know much about iphone ecosystem). Is it worth knocking on the door of the cabin and demanding a pat down or even a strip search?
  14. Today's menus for Saturday 30th September lido_lunch_day_7.pdf lido_dinner_day_7 (1).pdf mdr_dinner_day_7.pdf
  15. Day 8 Saturday 30th September Helsinki, Finland Today's Daily Program
  16. We also had a loud banging during choppy seas on Kdam. Sounded as if the prefabricated room was not properly fixed to nextdoor or whatever and it moved against a fixed beam. Only in rougher seas could the noise be heard.
  17. Interesting occurrence last night in Tamarind. I ordered for the two of us and ordered the two main courses and then ordered the sides. However the server's connected notepad would not accept the order for the second side. She found it necessary to cancel our order and then order mains + 1 side and the another main + 1side. She said the system would only let her order one side per main. Make of that whatever you wish!
  18. Looking forward to a continuing live thread on Rotterdam. Hope that this time you do get to complete the thread 😉 Are you having a 'wine tasting' on this TA?
  19. Bon Voyage! The ship is in good condition and I promise not to make a mess of it before I disembark. Enjoy the ship and the cruise. @kazu the "package" has been delivered! (Sorry, but I always wanted to post a "secret" message on a public forum 🤣)
  20. Just a few notes that need to be posted..... Laundry was sent in on Sunday evening (at room service time) and returned Monday evening when we returned from dinner. Although there were notices and bins in Amsterdam terminal and no Single Use Plastic bottles were permitted to be carried on, we have found that we have been able to bring on plastic bottles of water at ports of call. Most we have brought on is 4 x 500ml today, but no one seems interested.
  21. Today's Menus for day 7 Friday 29th September lido_lunch_day_6.pdf lido_dinner_day_6.pdf mdr_dinner_day_6.pdf
  22. Currently to upgrade from the included HIA package internet (Surf) to the Premium cost us $50 per person for a 14 day cruise. Have been hitting 55~78 mpbs download speed.
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