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Bailey & Sophie

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Everything posted by Bailey & Sophie

  1. I understand it's the way of the future but I'll pass on it as long as possible. I just don't want to be forced to carry something around all the time.
  2. Isn't this the first time EVER that there has been no drama from the chef? I did read that he won't be returning to BD. He has opened (or will be opening) a restaurant in LA.
  3. Don't pre-made omelets get a little chewey when left out for a while? I can't think it would be very appetizing.
  4. Yeah...those containers of scrambled eggs. I just want to schoosh all the extra water out of them. Big pass for me. There's so much other stuff to eat that I can go a few days without eggs for breakfast. I don't eat them at home so I'm not missing out on much. Actually, the worst "scrambled" eggs we ever had was on HAL. Even my husband who can eat just about anything could not choke them down.
  5. Wow. I am not familiar with ANY of these authors. So many books...so little time. If I can get John off the computer I'll post the authors I read. He plays some intellectual stimulating (i.e. stupid) war game.
  6. Would this work with a pitcher of margaritas? Asking for a friend.
  7. I keep a flow chart of my favs. Let me know what authors you like. Let's go from there. We've had lots of input on this but with new books always coming out it's like a revolving door! We can help!
  8. Read some of Benny's reviews. He made good use of his UDP. He was always snacking.
  9. I have a bar on my stove/oven door. Don't your towels scrape the floor when the door is open? Mine do. I have a LOT more laundry now.
  10. Note to self...isolate on first sea day.
  11. Pull the dish racks out all the way while the dishes are still hot. They will dry pretty quickly in the air. My Rubbermaid doesn't dry this way but the plates, bowls, flatware, etc should dry pretty fast. (We don't use the dry cycle.)
  12. A couple of years ago we had a layover in LA. I started to chat with a couple of guys...it was the Commodores on a tour. Had a great time talking.
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