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Posts posted by golfb4cruzing

  1. I've got enough Duluth Trading clothing with wicking features and safari hat with venting which should help with heat. Hiking boots will be warm but bearable. Here on the shores of Lake Erie, we now are down to 40s at night and struggle for 60 in the daytime. Which means blood is heading towards molasses weight. A concern I have is fluid loss, being diabetic and staying stable. But we will have plenty of G2, glucose tabs and small battery operated hand held fans. Sounds like overkill but beats a coma.

  2. Thanks everyone. Sounds like the struggle will be real with the heat and humidity. We always bring large brimmed hats and plenty of spray. The wife is in Oncology field and we have some 95 protection. We will have backpacks for many waters as well. Only 9 days before leaving!

  3. Thanks for the responses. I did see the other posting after I had submitted mine. My apologies for the oversight, I was seeing if it was ship specific. I also called Princess but they do not publish in advance but said to check the dailies when we board. Fair enough.

  4. Two part question.

    Anyone know the current movies showing on the Big Screen? Do they switch each ? This is our first trip that covers two months starting this Oct 29. I got an email yesterday from Princess about entertainment onboard but the section for the Deck movies was generic.


    Thanks for your help.

  5. I never care as to what someone is wearing. I'm there for a nice dinner and stare into my brides', of 40 years, eyes. We are done packing for next trip and no suit is coming. In the last year and a half, I have lost 80 lbs and buying new clothes makes little sense. So dress slacks, collared shirt and tie will have to do. I could wear an old suit but it would get more stares than shirt and tie.

  6. Undereducated, you will be my poster child of uneducated you don't know me nor I you. Today the difference is the stuff is much stronger and unless used for real medical reasons such as seizures then it's drug use which is a problem. So let's be clear when your getting heart surgery you want to pass out weed so the doctors and nurses can get high before they operate?? And please don't educate me on how it's good for the economy with taxes. We have more drug treatment centers going up by alarming rates in this country. Off my soapbox!



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    Instead they show up under the influence of alcohol, which there are cases. As a victim of surgical error, and 8 years now of chronic pain, there are clear cases of beneficial attributes. Let's see how long Ohio drags their feet now that it's been somewhat approved. I didn't get into the tax dollars involved but they are huge. Of course that will be abused the same way the Lottery for School is. I think less unemployment would help keep people busy and less treatment would be needed. Why is nothing shown on alcoholism rates in the country?

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