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Posts posted by Colin_Cameron

  1. 10 hours ago, sfred said:

    Here are two public domain photos pf places on our unseen list, the first of a port and the second of an adjacent cruise-by.

    Well that second one looks familiar. I was planning on posting this photo at some point. Which, if I'm right, is of the same stretch of water.


    • Like 1
  2. There used to be a Back-to-Back discount many years ago. I think they called it a consecutive cruise discount, or something like that. 


    We we decided to add a transatlantic crossing onto the end of a longer cruise. The new, discounted, price for both cruises turned out to be less than the cost of the first one. Having already paid in full, we not only got the crossing free, we also got a refund cheque for the difference! They effectively paid us to cross on QE2.


    Maybe that’s why it got stopped.😁

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, sfred said:

    Should Inchgreen Dry Dock be a new port, or an alternative view of Greenock's cruise terminal located a few kilometers to the west?  I presume QE2 did not have passengers aboard during the time at Inchgreen.

    No passengers. As @bluemarble said, this was even before her seatrials. I wouldn't count this as another port.


    My only reason for posting this is that these are the photos I was looking for away back in post #546 (2+ years ago). I remembered taking them but what I didn't remember was that I must have taken them with my dad's camera. Thus he still had the photos.

    • Like 2
  4. 26 minutes ago, Fifer said:

    The Glasgow travel agents who chartered the ship probably lost their shirts as it was far from full...

    I heard reports of a loss of £1M. As much due to mismanagement as lack of sales.

  5. I've found some more ports that are not on any of the lists so far. If the Google Forms is still active I'll submit them there.


    In the meantime here's a public domain image of one of them that I've been to several times but don't have any photos of. It was never this sunny when I was there.


    I don't think I'm giving too much away if I say it must have been a tender port.


    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, ScotsLady said:

    I tweeted again and asked them to confirm the hull has been cleaned...

    The question, and any answer, is irrelevant.


    The next time the ship returns to those sensitive areas the hull will be inspected again. The result of that inspection will determine what action needs to be taken, not whether it was cleaned this week, last week, or last month.

    • Like 4
  7. 7 hours ago, Dylancat said:

    The difference here is that Cunard know about the legal requirements for hull cleaning ……….

    I think you’ll find that hull cleaning is not a legal requirement. What is required is an inspection. The result of that inspection will determine whether cleaning is required.

  8. 2 hours ago, Host Hattie said:

    We've had a few heavy frosts this week but no snow, only a few flakes one afternoon. It's nice that there's still some light in the sky when I get home from work these days.

    Some people have all the luck.


    I think it was Tuesday we had about three to four inches, then overnight there was a bit more but with a lot of wind. When we looked out the front windows on Wednesday morning there was still only about four inches. But when we opened the back door, due to the wind, we found four feet of the stuff! I feel like I've been shoveling it ever since.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 4
  9. Hi Roscoe,


    The Hilton was our first thought but I see there's lots of apartments available on Prince's Wharf. 


    I was hoping I might pick your brains about the first part of this trip (3+ weeks around North and South Islands, followed by 4+ weeks in the West Island)? Could you drop me a note to colin (dot) inv (dot) cameron (at) btinternet (dot) com


    Looking forward to finally meeting up. Colin.

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