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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. We did many group cruises over the years and never had a problem with tables moved so that we could all sit together.
  2. We were in SF for the first time in 1970 and it was beautiful .I have two friends living in Berkeley and one who moved from there recently to Oregon.
  3. I remember the large drug store on Ave.J near E. 16 St.Also there was a library on E.15,16 or 17 near the corner of Ave.J.
  4. Tonight I received an e-mail inviting me to join a creative writing for people with Parkinson’s group.I have not written anything since 2000 . Many of my short stories and poems have been published since I began writing in 1964. I have until next Wednesday to either write something new or to submit something that I previously wrote.
  5. I went because it was to have a biopsy .I had a pimple on my left arm that grew and got very bight red.I called for a doctor appointment but by the time I went it practically disappeared.Toby wanted me to go anyway.The doctor is the son of a guy I went to school with and I have been going to him for 20 years.As soon as he saw it he scheduled me for a biopsy.
  6. We have friends living in Breezy Point.I believe the beach club you are referring to was where a movie was filmed with Matt Dillion. I have friends who graduated Madison .I went to Wingate.
  7. When I was a kid there was nothing better that taking the BMT from Prospect Park Station to Brighton Beach and seeing the boardwalk and beach as the train approached the Brighton Beach Station on a sunny summer day.
  8. My friend started teaching there in September 1966.My parents had friends living on E. 16 St and Ave. J.
  9. Celebrity is our all time favorite cruise line.However,our best cruises to Bermuda have been on HAL because it docked in Hamilton. Enjoy whichever you go on.
  10. Re your post above to the other person .Did you go to Midwood Hs ? Just curious since you posted that Midwood is your old neighborhood.A friend of mine taught there from 1966 to 2003. I have another friend who lived at 1302 Ave,K .
  11. I never knew anyone who died in that manner but when I was 12 years old my best friend who was 10 was murdered.I saw what was happening from a block away,ran toward him but arrived to late.I developed what was termed hysterical paralysis.I could not move my arms or legs but there was nothing medically wrong with me .
  12. My area comes up as Very Unhealthy.I have a doctors appointment scheduled for tomorrow morning.Being outside would be walking to my car approximately 20 feet ,going from the underground parking lot to the medical building,another 20 feet and the same going home, However,with my medical issues I may have to cancel.
  13. My part of NY was dark like night at 3PM
  14. Is there a food that you loved as a child but now would ever eat and a food you hated as a child but now love ? I loved lamb chops,pickled tongue ,herring and lox when I was young but would never eat them now.I hated salmon but now love salmon croquettes.
  15. My daughter who teaches in Brooklyn just called to say that the school she teaches in is closed for students but the teachers have to report to work..
  16. Sometime last year I posted a then current picture of myself and my granddog Beuk,a then current picture. Several months ago a person posting in the Floataway Lounge asked if I was male or female and I posted a picture there of a young Lenquixote66. I tried to also post it on this thread but for some reason I am unable to do so ,I have no idea why.
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