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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. I agree with you re Caitlin.I have been following basketball since 1958.She is the best female player that I ever saw and better than a large percentage of male players that I saw and also played with.
  2. β€œLiberty” DeVitto taught himself to play the drums after watching the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show.He and Billy have been friends since 1974
  3. Carolina beat Indiana University by just 4 points earlier in the tournament. They can be beaten .Even the best players occasionally have bad games.
  4. I have another Netflix series to recommend:Ripley.I binge watcher 8 episodes from Season 1.There might not be a Season 2 Great writing and acting .Most reviewers gave the series a 10 out of 10.
  5. That can happen in any game with any team.I played two seasons of organized basketball .My team had several very good players but had some very bad individual performances.
  6. I heard that the late afternoon was in Suffolk County,NY. My wife was playing mahjong last night in one of the clubhouses in our development and several people received phone calls from relatives during the course of the game that there were rumblings where they live,all on the eastern end of LI. I live in Nassau County and everything was fine here last night.
  7. I was listening to the Mets game on radio and one of the broadcasters said there was another earthquake at 5:45 this afternoon.
  8. I hope they win .I am rooting for UConn Men’s team too.I am a long time fan of the Hurley family of Coaches.I was also very happy that Seton Hall won the NIt last bight.
  9. Ovechkiin lives on the same block as my other son in laws mother .She is a fan of his team and believes that he will play into his 40’s.
  10. We live about 1/4 mile from a bridge.If I had not experienced the shaking of the house I would have thought that it was the sound of two large vehicles on the bridge.
  11. I just heard on ABC News that there is a 46 percent chance of aftershocks for the next 7 days. One of my daughters who teaches in a LI HS just texted and said that the school is on lockdown.
  12. I was home alone.My whole house shook.I called Toby.She did not answer her phone.My daughters called me and said they spoke to her.She was shopping and did not feel anything. Our town received an alert as a neighboring town sustained damage. I was in Southern California in 2002 during an earthquake and did not feel anything. I hope everyone is okay
  13. We were there in May 2008.People on CC told me to bring winter clothing which we did.Temperatures were in the 70’s.We did a 7 day land and 7 day cruise.Normal temperatures as we were told by residents were much lower.
  14. Many NBA players were better than they were in college .Jack Twyman is one.My friend Roger Brown was a better player when he was with the Indiana Pacers than any prior level of basketball.
  15. University of South Carolina has been called USC by NY media.I believe that South Carolina could lose no matter who they play in the finals because Indiana nearly beat them last Friday.I am biased but in my opinion the refs made several bad calls in the game. Next Fall all the Indiana fans who rooted against Caitlin will be rooting for her because she will be on the Indiana WNBA team.
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