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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. I never eat hot dogs on a cruise and rarely on land .However,I eat a lot of pizza .
  2. I love Houston.I had good friends living there.The last time I was there was 2007.I toured the underground stores ,went to the Johnson Space Center and to many great restaurants.Enjoy your time there.
  3. My youngest grand dog will be two years old tomorrow. There will be a surprise birthday party for him .Seven people and zero dogs will attend the party.
  4. Many times.I cannot recall how many times I have flown from an airport .
  5. I saw you in Sorrentos many times over the years.You always sit on seats right outside the entrance.
  6. I have not been in a Sorrentos since Dec.2019
  7. I have been in Sorrentos where it was so crowded that there were no seats available.
  8. Other free venues are not mobbed all hours of the day and night.
  9. I have yet to see a Sorrentoโ€™s that was not crowded at any time of the day or night .
  10. Many years ago,before I joined CC I was a regular on another cruise message board.I became friendly with a guy who posted there and we made plans to meet for lunch with our wives.He lived 5 hours away from us but we met and became instant friends with him and his wife. Over the years we drove to where he lived and he drove to our area to meet for lunch .In 2016 they moved to Florida but we still kept in touch by phone and e-mail. This morning I found out that my good friends wife passed away.I was shocked to hear this.She was a very nice person .
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