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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. Thanks,Graham.I am resting in bed now.My daughters called me a little while ago to see how I am doing.There will be a birthday party for me on Sunday at my oldest daughters home .She wanted to cancel it but I told her I will be fine I am looking forward to it.This will be my first party since my family made me a celebration of life party 4 years ago when I was quite ill and frankly did not expect to be on the planet much longer.
  2. My EKG was normal so additional tests were not done.I have an appointment with my Cardiologist for early Monday morning.The diagnosis was basically just the symptoms.Sunday is my birthday and my family is having a party with 79 people who will be celebrating my 79th. birthday . My daughter and husband who live in upstate NY are coming here Saturday morning to spend the day,sleep over and take my wife and I to the party.
  3. You,H ,are one of the nicest people that I have ever posted to on this thread.I did not read any other posts yet today but I wanted to explain this to you.
  4. I e-mail with 12 people who post on CC.One of the 12 happened to read the posts between OB and myself when I posted that I believed that on a site where everyone is so friendly with each other I would think that a person would want to be addressed by a name.I posted on other cruise boards years ago and when I first joined I used my middle name.When I became a regular I told everyone my real first name. The person who read the back and forth for whatever reason told me OB’s name.Perhaps that person had an ulterior motive thinking that I would tell OB,I have no idea.Under no circumstances would I ever post his name on here. When OB posted in jest that maybe I would get a heart attack and other people thought that was funny I decided to tell him that I knew his name. I enjoy reading the majority of his posts and having spent 38 years working with MD’s I have respect for him and I am truly sorry that we had the disagreement. This morning I was very sick.I thought I was having a heart attack.I had chest pain and had trouble breathing.Along with all my other medical issues I also have had heart problems and it was really scary.We were at the local ER for most of the morning.
  5. Does Taylor give free concerts for the residents of the town in which you both reside? The lead singer of a band that is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame who lives in the same town as me gives free concerts for the residents .
  6. The Omni King Edward Hotel .The first time we were there was in 1971 when it was called the King Edward Sheraton Hotell.
  7. I am just inquiring based on your expertise.Hypothetically each person could have developed Covid from different sources ,is that not correct ? My nephew works in an office,his wife in a hospital,his children both work in camps .
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