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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. I remember the Kitchen Sink .There are two ice cream parlors in the area where I live now.One opened more than 100 years ago and on the menu they still have items that were sold in 1920 but of course not at the price. Toby and I went there many times on her birthday.The other one opened about 10 years ago and has on the menu ice cream treats that were popular in the 1950’s but at today’s prices.We have been there several times on my birthday.
  2. Yes,it is .My lawyer told me that I could have sued stating that I signed under duress but I chose not to.I remained on full salary for 8 months after the downsizing .
  3. Maryann,there were several and one is still around ,in Queens.Toby and I went to Jahn’s on 86 street on the first night we went out.I have been there many times too.I had a lot of friends living in Bensonhurst .
  4. I cannot complain about health insurance ..Mine is great ,covers nearly everything including free optical wear.The only negative is that I was downsized after 25 years with the company .They gave me an incentive to not sue them which was free health insurance for life,free legal service for life from the law firm that represented the company and free life insurance.
  5. I have several MRI’s every year of the brain and the spine.Several years ago I was diagnosed with Hydrocephalus and for this I have an MRI every February.Then I have 2-3 of the spine every year .All wonders of getting older. I just got a call from a friend of mine who I have known since HS.We talk by phone every Thursday night and discuss the good old days .It gets our minds off reality.
  6. Thanks,Maryann. My 13 year old granddaughter is in Travel Camp .She just sent me a video from an ice cream parlor where she is eating something called sinful dessert.It is a brownie covered with ice cream and other goodies.It reminds me of Jahn’s.Do you remember that ?
  7. Toby told the doctors Office Manager that she is having Cataract surgery August 4 so she would hope that I could have it before that. The next open date for the Moh’s is August 22 so I took that date. Thanks for your thoughts,Debbie.
  8. Thanks,Marietta.I had 4 biopsies .The other 3 were fine.My Moh’s surgeon is an excellent doctor.When I called his office for the consultation the earliest appointment they had was July 25.When he heard it was me calling he got on the phone and asked if I could come today before he begins seeing patients.My appointment was for 7:45 .We arrived at his office 7:30 .
  9. We have been cruising since 1973 and have yet to have a bad Waitress or Waiter.We always give an envelope to them.On my last cruise I have wonderful service from a Head Waiter and gave him an envelope as well.
  10. I saw it .Even though I never rooted for Tyson when he was on Survivor he is one of the people I am rooting for on this show.
  11. I just returned from a doctors office.I am scheduled for my 6th.Moh’s surgery and possibly second skin graft.
  12. The only juice I drink on sea or land is all natural cranberry.
  13. Breakfasts have been great on every cruise line I have been on.
  14. I am Gluten Free due to having Ulcerative Colitis.On my last Royal cruise a Head Waiter told me that anything on the menu can be made GF.I was never told that previously.
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