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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. In 1994 I was a volunteer for the Make A Wish Foundation.On one Sunday there was a Sports show.We invited pro athletes of every sport to attend . Two players who I shall not name asked for big bucks to attend.Every other person came,donated their time and came with hundreds of sign memorabilia to give to the kids and to those of us working and volunteering.I came home that night with many autographs.
  2. Atlanta lost to the Marlins last night 4-0.The next time I can check the scores which will be tomorrow night I hope to see that they lost tonight and that the Mets won their doubleheader tonight.I said the same thing to a cousin of mine who lives in a suburb of Atlanta and is a huge fan of the team.
  3. The Dentist who has been treating my 14 year old granddaughter for many years had a massive heart attack on Saturday and died on his way to the hospital .He was 63.My granddaughter is devastated. I just read an online obituary and it brought me to tears even though I only met him once.
  4. In 2015 I was on a cruise and got into a conversation with a Lounge singer The following year I was on a cruise on the same ship and I read that the singer was still on the ship.I went to see him on the first night.He saw me enter and said “Hi Lenny from New York”. (I have this written down in my cruise notebook.I would not have remembered it)
  5. Yes,it is.We also have some wonderful neighbors.Our next house neighbor watches our house when we go on cruises or other vacations.A neighbor who lives across the street buys food for us when he goes shopping .I have a very good friend who lives 3 houses away from us who has taken me to doctors when Toby has not been able to.
  6. Posting on here helps me a lot.I also do on line word games and send many e-mails.I e-mail with 12 cc people and many people that I went to school with and people that I worked with It is easier for me to e-mail than call because I cannot hold a phone because my hands shake too much from the Parkinsons .I can use the speaker but sometimes I have trouble because of my hearing limitations.
  7. Toby and I are dependent on our daughter and her husband who live 5 minutes from us.They shop for us ,yesterday they were here to tie up our deck furniture because it was very windy.My daughter calls every day on her way home from work and usually stops off here .She just called me to see how I am doing .I just told her what I did yesterday but I probably told her the exact same thing yesterday.My daughter who lives in Manhattan but works about 30 minutes from us sleeps over here between 1 and 3 days a week.She will be here later.
  8. Our will not put her husband in a nursing home.They live in NJ and have a daughter living nearby who they rely on.Their other daughter lives in MA.
  9. Every day I am remembering less .When I go to a doctor Toby has to be in the room with me because I will forget everything that the doctor says within minutes.
  10. I was diagnosed with early dementia when I was 75.I have to keep a notebook with me at all times because I cannot remember phone conversations. I cannot remember my call phone number.and the number of anyone in my family.I have it written down and it my pocket at all times. Every day I remember less and less.
  11. I am not sure.The wives of two of my friends have Alzheimer’s and they are in nursing homes. Toby and I have been on 10 cruises with a couple that we have known for more than 50 years.Two years ago the husband of the couple was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.This is such a horrible disease.
  12. I have hundreds of autographs by people in sports.I went to two high schools .The school I first attended happened to have a student there who I became friendly with .The school I graduated had a student who I became good friends with.Both made it to the Pro Basketball Hall of Fame and I have many autographs .I played two years of Semi Pro basketball and met a lot of NBA players and have autographs from them.Another guy who I went to school with became a pro baseball player and I have autographs from him.
  13. The brother of a friend of ours has Alzheimer’s.One night last week he walked out of his house barefoot in his pajamas and fell on the sidewalk. His wife has a hearing problem and did not hear him leaving the house. A person saw him on the ground and called 911.They came and asked his name and where he lived and he did not know .They took him to the nearest hospital.Somehow he was able to be identified.
  14. We have never had a problem getting a table for two.
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