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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. Technically speaking there are 5 and not 3 airports that one can fly into NY from Orlando.There is MacArthur and Westchester airports both have daily flights to and from Orlando.
  2. I have a great Netflix Series to recommend.It’s one season ,8 episodes : Fool Me Once with an unbelievable surprise ending.
  3. My favorite restaurant in that area is Carmine’s.I have eaten there many times and the food and service has always been great.
  4. A few minutes after the ball dropped yesterday I got an email from a HS friend asking if I stayed up to watch the ball drop.I asked her if she ever went to Times Square on New Years Eve.She said no for the same reasons that everyone had on this board.When I went I was 19 and my girlfriend was 17.When you are that young the cold air does not affect you.
  5. I agree that it is a different world now but for me it was a once in a lifetime experience .For some reason nearly all of my friends who lived in NY in 1962 moved to Northern California and are still there.
  6. I assume that nobody who posts here will be in Times Square tonight to see 2024 come in .In my humble opinion it is something to be done at least once in your life. I was there on December 31,1962 and it was a fantastic experience .
  7. Let us say hypothetically that a person had terminal cancer and was in Hospice .Said person would know that they had x amount of days to live and could eat the same meal every day.
  8. If you had a terminal illness and knew that you would not be on the planet too much longe my thinking is that you would have a last meal menu in mind .
  9. Me thinks that we have different tastes in everything,not just food.Just my perception.
  10. Glad to hear that Linda is feeling better.I am doing as best as I can because I have a wonderful OT.She comes to my house twice a week and has increased my strength greatly.She sets goals for me that never expected to accomplish.
  11. St.Patrick’s is very beautiful.I have been there many times.In 2018 Toby and I went on a tour of churches and temples of many dominations in Queens,Manhattan and Staten Island.So many places of worship that I had no idea existed such as the Buddhist temple in SI.
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